Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 278: The Great Move Of The Temple Of Heaven! Unexpected Information! (1 More)

Temple of Heaven.

The gods gather.

"Slave masters are strong."

"I have fought the star gods among them.

"Beating one or two, I'm perfectly fine. But there are too many of them."

"And I suspect that there are still stronger players who have not made a move."

"We haven't gathered all our strength yet, not because we don't know the real situation."

"It's just to let all living beings think that we have a chance to win."

The Jinren gods are outspoken.

Jinren is the main battle race, but because of this, he is the first to despair.

I feel that if this continues, sooner or later it will be a loser.

It is reasonable to find a way to escape quickly.

But before that, the situation still needs to be stabilized, and resources must be collected to the greatest extent.

As long as his race is ready, it will be very convenient to fight or flee.


Not all gods have the same views as him.

And there are still a lot of them.

Seeing their confident appearance also made him somewhat hesitant.

"Hmph, there is absolutely no need for us to retreat. We have been operating this area for so long, so why don't we just give up?"

"So many planets, so many believers, and a strong planetary will, this is wealth."

"You are the strongest after all, take out some originals."

"Escaping from here is only the beginning. It is the best choice to let the slave owner retreat. As long as the gods unite and follow my plan!"

"I promise the plan will be perfect."

The God of Wisdom spoke lightly.

Sitting on an all-metal throne, everyone can only see his silver-gray metal chin.

The god of wisdom, often mysterious and ancient.

The gods, the older they are, the more they play, the more knowledgeable they are, and the strength is not weak.

"I agree.

"I agree."

"God of wisdom, has true wisdom."


Many gods, such as thunder, storm, and the earth, spoke one after another.

Many gods support the god of wisdom.

Lady Luck cast a glance,

There are 773 gods who support the God of Wisdom plan, and the main battle race accounts for more than 300.

This is already more than half.

The remaining half was watching her.

After all, in addition to wisdom, luck and fate are also things worth relying on.

"Hehe...Ocarus, the God of Wisdom."

Lady Luck smiled contemptuously.

Can this one work?

She was a little skeptical anyway.

After all, the first 'Nesser Core' is in the hands of the God of Wisdom,

But the other party has been slow to say that the full version cannot be copied.

In short, Lady Luck has doubts about his 'wisdom'.

Of course, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, so there is no need to care about such details.

As for the opponent's plan,

Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

She couldn't think of a better idea now.

So she said no more,

Instead, he nodded.

that's it,

The meeting convened by her went to the next step,

That is how to cooperate with the God of Wisdom,

In the core area, build the powerful artifact he said.

Once successful,

According to the God of Wisdom:

It is easy to resist the attack of the slave owners!

As for those prominent star-soul world slave owners, they were also wiped out immediately.

"If you don't kill a group of them, they won't know the pain!"

"Let the group of locusts know that we are not easy to mess with.

The God of Wisdom smiled confidently.

Following his speech,

for a while,

The dignified atmosphere of the meeting was relaxed.

However, before the meeting was over, there were many gods who secretly communicated with each other.

The whole meeting seemed to be smooth.

In fact, undercurrents are surging.

No god would pin their future hopes on others.

Everyone has their own considerations.

What's more, there are still many contradictions between some gods.


Holy Terra.

Chen Mo didn't care about the movement of the Temple of Heaven.

Even if he knew that there was going to be a big move in the Tianshen Temple, he still followed the steps.

What level, what to do.

What's more, even if the gods launched any attacks, they would definitely not be able to threaten him.

He has mastered the knowledge of crossing the planet.

Holy Terra can be moved anywhere at any time,

Decapitation tactics are of no use to him.

Moreover, he is connected to his home planet at any time, and he also has a life-saving artifact such as the Proof of Conquest.

It can be said that the sense of security is directly full.


As for the possible actions of Tianshen Temple, Chen Mo also had a slight guess.

After all, he has already been infected with the 'Nesser Core' parasitically.

Although it is a replica, he has also deduced some details about the God of Wisdom from his continuous analysis.

At the same time, the research on consciousness disturbance in Star Soul World is very in-depth.

There have been some guesses about the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

Chen Mo believes that it may have something to do with Neisser's core.

That prototype may have an extraordinary origin.

Of course, it is also possible for the Temple of Heaven to run away directly after being defeated.

In this regard, Chen Mo is not happy.

It's not because there's no way to brush up the record, but because of the opportunity to evolve.

There are many gods in the Temple of Heaven, but it is the perfect place to find opportunities for evolution.

Chen Mo expects them to have the courage to fight hard and to compete head-on with him a few more times.

Looking forward to the big scene where the gods personally act!

"Master~'Source' still has a very complete body."

"In a very distant dark area, there is not a shred of light there."

"Through the disturbance of my consciousness, I can barely perceive the scene there."

"We need to prepare for an ultra-long-distance transmission, and we may encounter some troubles. I sense some weak disturbances in consciousness."

"There are other resonators, or the surviving servants of God, who may also take action.

at this time,

Queen Ashe was already in good spirits.

Her light and perfect figure was presented in front of Chen Mo.

Although the people around looked this way, there was only light in their eyes.

Any movement of the master will not be peeped.

It made her relax a lot,

It feels good to be alone with the owner~~

"Dark area?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Mo knew where this was.

It should be the dark area between different star regions.

There is a real void.

Very empty, hardly any substance exists.

In the wildest places, there is not even light.

There is only space itself.

This kind of area, ordinary creatures, cannot reach at all.

Even for the gods, it is very strenuous to go to this kind of area.

It is not surprising that the 'arrangement' of the source is located in such a place.

This kind of place, this method, can be said to be foolproof.

But unfortunately, this ancient god met Chen Mo.

He has a unique genetic path to ascension!

It is easy to perfectly subdue the civilization cultivated by her residual consciousness disturbance.

If there is a chance, don't say that the dead ancient gods will spread the creep~

even the whole universe...

Of course, this is not what Chen Mo should consider right now.

He shook his head and his eyes fell on Addie.

In addition to feel,

In addition to a more perfect figure, Ashe's hair also changed color, turning into a gradient luminous color.

Golden, but not dazzling.

At first glance, it doesn't even look like a solid body.

This is also part of her will.

This body may not be pure flesh and blood.

As for temperament, the other mermaids are completely incomparable.

Even compared with the snake-human queen beside her, she is not inferior.

A noble beauty, a charming temptation.

In short, in their respective fields, they seem to have reached the pinnacle.

Just at this time,

Queen Ashe suddenly closed her eyes.

After a while, he opened it and said:

"Master~ Just now, I encountered a weak resonance body in the dream created by the disturbance of consciousness."

"I can't confuse the opponent, but using the power of the master, I penetrated the will of the opponent's planet, and I still learned an interesting piece of information. Many gods have left their home planet.

"Perhaps there will be an action in the Temple of Heaven."

"It should be the goddess of luck or one of the gods of wisdom who summoned the gods."

"Maybe they are ready to do it themselves."

Alan, the queen of the snake-human race, said.

At the same time, Oran was extremely surprised.

What kind of terrible knowledge is this, which can invade the will of the planet from such a long distance!

Could it be the master's trick to subdue her?

Isn't this a stunt?

Even as a servant, there is also the opportunity to learn.

She couldn't help being shocked.

Also look forward to it.

After a while, you must communicate with Ashe and ask for tips on how to obtain gifts!

Oran thought.

After listening to Ashe's information.

Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains so soon.

"It seems that the gods of the Tianshen Temple are not really blind. They should have realized our strength and are ready to fight with all their strength."

"If they don't succeed now, they will probably go their separate ways."

Chen Mo guessed.

The Shendu are different races and different life forms.

It's really normal for everyone to take care of each other.

the universe is so big,

If a god cannot be defeated, it is easy to have the idea of ​​running away.

"The Heavenly God Temple is a mess, and I can stir up the situation by myself, and maybe I can instigate many gods.

"They can never really unite."

The snake-human queen said with certainty.

She knows all about the hatred between different races.

"Master~ After I have acquired most of the knowledge of 'Source', I can directly attack the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven and catch them by surprise!"

Ash said confidently.

She is not weak, and she can also cultivate many gods.

Saying this, of course, is sure!

But Chen Mo shook his head,

"No hurry, take it step by step."

War is never just a means.

His purpose is not to kill the gods.

Instead, it devours the divine body and explores the mysteries of evolution.

An opportunity must be found to bring the gods together.

Chen Mo has a hunch that he won't have too many opportunities.

It must be grasped.

The later the war, the greater the probability that the gods will flee in all directions.

In this case, for other Star Soul Masters, the loss is not big.

But for Chen Mo, it's a big loss!

"Ding! Your goods have been sold out, please ship them in time.

At this moment, the watch vibrated slightly.

So fast?

Chen Mo was overjoyed.

It seems that fame is more important than he thought, he was so popular that the goods sold surprisingly fast.

Under the same conditions,

Everyone buys his goods first!

Many people also want to take this opportunity to get acquainted with Chen Mo.

Since the goods are all sold,

Then Chen Mo's funds are very sufficient.

After deducting the funds needed for evolution, there are still more than 120 billion left.

This money can completely transform the Evolution Fortress again.

The artificial evil god plan has reached the final step.

Just in time to use the latest knowledge 'withering flowers!

His infinite number, the time-traveling air regiments that can be folded at will, are close at hand.

the gods have,

The evil god is also here.

Good things keep going!.

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