Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 279 Hungry Before Shit? Get The Opportunity To 'Swallow' Evolution! Terrible Harve

Holy Terra.

The entire planet is rippling in a faint golden light.

This light does not affect the sight,

Instead, the entire planet is constantly accumulating energy.

From the surface of the planet to the depths of the sea, it is full of vitality.

According to the assessment standard of Star Soul World, this is already a garden world.

Extremely bright and beautiful.

Can give birth to a relatively high-quality life form.

If you take it out and sell it, the value is amazing~ people.

At this moment in the golden sea, Chen Mo's manor is quite huge.

There are more types of servants.

In addition to mermaids, there are also snake girls.

The city not far from the manor was even more lively.

The number of people skyrocketed.

These are snake women who have come to Terra for training.

After careful selection, their looks and abilities are all top-notch.

Thanks to the special ability of the exclusive race, Chen Mo will quickly train many snake girls in batches.

They will be indoctrinated with basic knowledge of the Star Soul world,

After some training, he becomes a very good labor force and planetary governor.

this result,

It can be regarded as one of the additional benefits of Chen Mo's looting of the Temple of Heaven.

It would be almost impossible for him to create such a race by himself.

So plundered the temple of the gods,

The benefits are many.

If you are short of money or people, you can find the Temple of Heaven!

"Master~ The knowledge of the withered flower has been verified, and there is no problem.

Ashe saw that the master began to pay attention to the status of the entire planet,

He put forward his previous expected results in time.

After attacking the Snake People, this knowledge has been perfectly obtained.

Withered flowers can use the biological characteristics of Tiberium ore to continuously absorb the energy of the entire planet.

Chen Mo predicted before that if similar capabilities were obtained,

Then the 'swallowing' ability of the exclusive race will have an explosive growth.

Maybe don't worry about energy.

Because a huge part of matter can be swallowed directly and converted into energy.

Maybe you can also get the pollution ability of Tiberium ore

think of these,

Chen Mo looked at the hint given by the deduction system earlier:

[Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained the clue of knowledge of the withered flower, and according to the system deduction, using this knowledge, combined with the power of 'star soul', 'parasitic' and 'high energy' genes, can obtain possible evolution opportunities. The probability of evolution is 80%. 】


Looking at evolutionary probabilities,

Chen Mo was shocked.

If he remembered correctly, the probability of evolution at the beginning was 99%.

Now his strength has grown again, and he has obtained a large number of resources.

This probability has dropped to 90% instead.

"Am I being noticed by 'Lady Luck'?"

Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and then he understood the reason.

He used to just fight against the blessings of Lady Luck.

is passive.

Now, the other party is indeed targeting him.

But for Chen Mo, no matter how difficult it is.

He has no shortage of resources at hand, that is, he needs to spend more resources.

And it's almost time...

a thought,

Chen Mo completely took over the Snake Terran home planet.

It is different from the previous occupation control.

This time it completely replaces the planetary will of the snake-human race's home planet.

This high-energy planet can be regarded as completely joining his command.

All consciousness on the planet, merged into the astral!

The purple halo on Chen Mo's hand shone slightly.

The laws of the world also cast attention.


This time he took control of the planet and was recognized.

"Follow me one more time, and you will have a chance to be blessed."

"You can use the power of the Star Soul World to create magical creations."

"An additional 2 billion resources will be spent to gain opportunities for evolution, but it's worth it.

Chen Mo feels the state a little bit,

He didn't hesitate to use the knowledge of 'withered flowers'.

Combine the power of the "Star Soul" to obtain possible evolution opportunities!

What Chen Mo didn't know was that he made several actions inadvertently.

On The War Zone Channel,

There was another commotion.

"Damn it! Everyone, look at the status of Chen Mo's main planet!"

"On the list!"

"Fuck~ This is too strong, isn't it? As expected of Chen Mo boss!"

"Hiss~ The words upstairs were so excited that they said the wrong thing, but I was also so excited that I couldn't close my legs."

Fuck! Garden World!"

"How much money has this been spent?"

"Money? This is not a question of money, it should be a question of planetary transformation knowledge."

"It's not easy to use money, you have to use means."

"Damn, doesn't this mean that Mr. Chen Mo really has the means to transform the planet, so I really want to ask him to transform the agricultural planet for me!"


"Boss Chen Mo's manpower cost is lower, maybe cheaper than other Star Soul bosses!"

"Ahhhh! I really want to kneel and lick Mr. Chen Mo, who can show me the way!"

"As soon as the newcomer made his debut, he went directly to the entire Garden World, which is simply frenzied.

"Damn it, it must be very comfortable to live on. It's not like me. Although it's a high-energy planet, it hasn't been modified a bit until now. After leaving the base, it's like a primitive planet.

"I will cry if I continue.…."

"Can a battle improve so much? I feel so dreamy."

"Yeah, forget about the huge amount of equipment resources before, there is still room to transform and upgrade the planet. It feels like looting four or five planets is not such an exaggeration."

"The ones upstairs don't know how to do it at first glance."

…0 for flowers………

"You look at who is the target of the looting, he is the boss Chen Mo, he is directly defeated without a fight! The planet is not damaged, you look at the basic information of the boss Chen Mo, he is the mother planet and directly attacked!

This profit is directly maximized!

And that is a new race in the Temple of Heaven!

If you can make a snake-human queen kneel and lick you, your income will not be much worse than this.

"Leading people with the ball, let's play together, I admire~~"

"I dare to swear, my income must be worse than that of Mr. Chen Mo!

Because of the snake-human queen's kneeling and licking, I might be so happy right away. "

"Envy Chen Mo boss!"

"I look forward to seeing the leaderboard of Chen Mo's random kills!"

"I think it's coming soon. Although Mr. Chen Mo currently only has 1 million members, according to this rate of progress, it is not a problem for a battle to span hundreds of thousands of members."

"Hundreds of thousands? I don't think so. Mr. Chen Mo is the one who directly enters the ranking list of the main planet. Although he is only the tail of the crane, you must know that this is usually only done by the strong star soul.

"I don't think it's a big problem to reach the top 100,000 in a short period of time."

"Take it easy, I'll bet on the party's name."

"Damn it, people who don't know will think you are bragging about another super star soul powerhouse."

"Stop bragging, Chen Mo won't add you as a friend if you lick him again."

"This is not a novice zone. I'm a rookie kid. This is not a small pond. It's impossible to fry fish. There are prehistoric giant crocodiles here!"

"Hungry before shit?"

"Fuck! Kind of don't be anonymous!"

"I'll just put my words here. If you want to see Chen Mo killing me, go to bed. A group of brats are blowing here non-stop. Are you annoying? Don't pollute my eyes!"

"Boss Chen Mo is estimated to be a level 2.0 civilization, which is stronger than the average Star Soul Master."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to Chen Mo continuing to sell knowledge!"

"When will you accept my younger brother?"

"I don't know, if possible, I really want to interview the planetary governor."

The War Zone channel can be described as brilliant.

You can say anything.

It will take time to use the knowledge of 'withered flowers' and then try to parasitically infect Tiberium ore.

It also requires the consumption of a whole plant of red Tiberium ore.

this generous

Chen Mo didn't even bat an eye.

While waiting for the final result,

Chen Mo turned on his watch.

View the record rewards given by the Federation:

"There are 3 knowledge left."

"If you add the 'source' knowledge compiled by Ashe, there will be 10."

"It's a scary amount."

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

This is part of the federal reward knowledge that he has sold before and is clearly not needed!

Otherwise there will be more loss!.

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