Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 280 Gain A Lot Of Knowledge! Communication Lady Luck! (1 More)

"Among these knowledge, some about mana and runes can be ignored."

"Three about planetary awareness can be kept."

"These few who use Tiberium ore are not bad."

"These things that transform the agricultural planet can be used later!"

Chen Mo counted slowly.

If these gains are spread, it will definitely arouse envy, jealousy and hatred.

After all, even if it is the Lord of the Star Soul, it is very difficult to obtain so much knowledge at once.

As for newcomers, it is thankful that one can be rewarded by the Federation.

At the star god stage, generally, there is not too much lack of knowledge.

One is that they have gone their own way.

The second is to have money, and with that level of strength, the federation will relax some of their knowledge control.

A wider variety of knowledge can be acquired.

Just at this moment, part of the knowledge that Chen Mo reported to Dashuku for certification had already passed the review.

There are 10 in total.

There is only one high-level knowledge, but there are five intermediate-level knowledges. Even low-level knowledge is related to Tiberium ore.

This kind of knowledge is valuable.

thought about it,

Chen Mo hung up all the knowledge he could sell.

This is different from the federal award, "May 20"

This is knowledge tagged 'Discoverer: Chen Mo'.

Although not as good as the 'creator'.

But it is enough, this label is enough for Chen Mo to obtain the right to sell knowledge.

And without downgrading.

Gains are of course also taxable.

However, Chen Mo, as the rookie king, will be exempted from tax within 2 years for all transactions!

Auction all directly!

Although there is the reference price of the Federation, I believe that as the first batch of this kind of knowledge, there will be a premium.

How much to earn, let the market decide!

It has to be said that relying on the vast market of Star Soul World, it is very convenient for Chen Mo to obtain resources.

As long as the item at hand is valuable, you can immediately exchange it for the corresponding resource!

A proper operation can even make more profits.

Except for knowledge, the federal record rewards are of little value to Chen Mo.

Most of them are ores.

This kind of thing Chen Mo produces more than 20 planets every day,

This kind of production capacity can be maintained for about 7-10 days.

Afterwards, once excavated, they will all be veritable agricultural planets.

In addition to ores, the home planet of the snake-human race also contributed a large number of special products of the Temple of Heaven.

After all, the snake race is a new race that can trade in the entire Temple of Heaven area.

Among these special products, apart from the so-called "arts" such as porcelain and wood products, there are also many ancient cultural relics, and there is even a very old metal hard drive.

The history can be traced back to 100 million years ago.

It records information about a humanoid race that has just stepped out of space.

These things can be regarded as the history of this area,

To Chen Mo, the value is not high.

But many scholars in the big library may be very interested in this thing.

Especially some creations related to ancient civilizations.

Using some wondrous knowledge, you might be able to follow along and find the treasures of an entire civilization.

This is called archaeology.

Of course, the risks involved are also very high. After all, if there were gods in the civilization of 100 million years ago, it would probably be very difficult to mess with.

Chen Mo won't find it by himself.

It is more cost-effective to cooperate with Dashuku.

Speaking of which, Chen Mo has cooperated with Dashuku before.

I gave a stone tablet that recorded information about a certain evil god, and gave it to Lilia, a scholar of the Great Library.

I don't know what's going on with the research now?

Chen Mo plans to find some time to ask.

Seeing the red form of Tiberium ore wrapped in creep.

Chen Mo knows that the most critical moment has come to obtain the chance of evolution.

Directly use the power of the star soul to increase the probability!

This time Lady Luck cost him a lot of money,

But Chen Mo believes,

All this will be returned sooner or later.

"Another hour and we'll be done!"

Chen Mo said with certainty.

under his confidence,

The entire Tiberium ore burst into a violent red light.

But this light, weird, can't break through the siege of bacteria.

If it is usual, the surrounding area is already crystallized at this time.

The mutated infection will spread to at least 100,000 kilometers away.

However, using the knowledge acquired from the 'source', Chen Mo already has a strong ability to control the Tiberium ore.

As long as this wave of infection control is successful,

The 'swallowing' ability of the mushrooms will be greatly enhanced.

Even directly in line with Tiberium ore.

"The direct conversion of matter into the first step towards an infinite source of energy.

"The ability to control infection can also initially work on the energy body."

"It seems that if I have been developing along the road of genetic ascension, I will be quite different from the gods. At least in terms of energy, I will have an overwhelming advantage!

This is a unique advantage.

In terms of materialism and idealism, it will be very powerful. "

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

At this time, although he has not advanced to Star God, he can roughly see the direction of evolution and development.

Leverage matter through the power of genes, and then interfere with the invisible and matterless consciousness.

It's just the opposite of the gods.

But under his hands, there are many gods.


He asked Oran, the snake-human queen who had been waiting by the side, to come forward.

I haven't looked at it carefully before,

now it looks like

Oran, the snake girl, exudes a restless aura all over her body.

The charm is amazing.

Even just looking at it is a kind of enjoyment.

Having an in-depth exchange with Oran,

Chen Mo summarized the necessary information.

【Name: Oran】

[Status: The first stage of the gods, special 'consciousness' resonance body]

【Position: Governor of Snake Planet, Queen】

[Remarks: A life body with an extremely powerful will, with the blessing of the knowledge of the 'source', quickly reached the step of a god. Of course, if nothing is done to intervene, she may be an extremely suitable choice for the return of the ancient gods. 】

"Master~ I can preside over the construction of the battleship of the Temple of Heaven and participate in the infiltration work."

"Perhaps it would be a good choice to contact Lady Luck in private.

See Chen Mo and pay attention to himself again,

Oran knew that her chance to perform had come.

So I mentioned the battle against the Temple of Heaven again.

This can not only reflect the value of their snake-human race, but also fulfill a wish that the tribe has always had,

That is a battle with the Jinren!

Before, she tried her best to suppress this kind of thought, but now, after taking refuge in the world of Star Soul Stone, this has become a must, and she can't wait to do it right away... 0

All gold people should die!

This idea is not only her, Chen Mo, who is the divine will, can also feel it.

Chen Mo said: "It is impossible for me to make peace with any Heavenly God Temple forces, either submit to me or die.

"So is it meaningful to communicate with Lady Luck?"

Oran respectfully said:

"Great as a master, of course there is no need for any compromise, but Lady Luck is the god I know the most.

The opponent's influence within the Temple of Heaven is second only to the God of Wisdom, and she has enough chips in her hand to sell.

"I have contacted her, whether it is successful or not, it is equivalent to giving the other party a thought."

"It's great if it's useful, and if the opponent decides to fight to the end, we have nothing to lose."

The gentle voice slowly analyzed.

"Her chips have no leverage against me..."

Before Chen Mo finished speaking, he was suddenly taken aback.


Didn't you say before that you have to find a way to bring the gods together, a wave?

If that lady of luck will help, it will definitely work!

And the whole Temple of Heaven, according to Oran,

Gods who can do this,

No more than 10 people.

In other words, if Chen Mo insists on calculating the Temple of Heaven,

With the cooperation of Lady Luck, it works very well.

"Worth a try."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo nodded, affirming Lan's suggestion.

After all, general schemes, calculating gods, are useless.

Just like the last time he wanted to mess with the female dragon, the other party couldn't come at all.

"If it's really possible, I personally don't have to attack Lady Luck."

Chen Mo said.

He can only make the conditions here at most.

After all, the goal of Star Soul World is to destroy the entire Temple of Heaven and occupy this area.

Chen Mo can choose where to attack, but he will definitely not be stupid enough to help the forces of the Temple of Heaven.

For these reasons,

Chen Mo feels 3.8 to Goddess of Luck, it is difficult for him to get any cooperation.

It's just a few words if you are exhausted.

Can't the other party want to rely on themselves?

It's impossible to think about it.

In short, Chen Mo has no hope for this matter.

But if it does come true,

That's definitely a steal.

Chen Mo can directly obtain a large number of evolution opportunities,

It is not impossible to directly touch the threshold of the Star God!

In terms of record, it will also directly increase explosively.

It is conservatively estimated that it can also enter the top 10 in the Battle of the Temple of Heaven.

After all so far,

No star soul master has ever killed a god.

Destroy the opponent's high-end power at once,

It can almost be said that it can be regarded as disintegrating the entire power of the Temple of Heaven.

"It's really a success~"

Chen Mo couldn't help shaking his head, casually asked Lan to try.

Subsequently, Chen Mo paid attention to the progress of infection control Tiberium ore.

at this time,

Success is within reach.

Chen Mo's heart moved,

directly selected an asteroid,

The Bastion began to move,

Stretch out huge tentacles. .

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