Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 281: Selling Knowledge! The Temple Of Heaven Moves! Tribe Of Geniuses! (2 More) Ask For Subs

Holy Terra, Chen Mo is busy preparing asteroids to experiment with new abilities.

The Theater Channel, on the other hand, seemed to be bombed by an asteroid.

The knowledge thrown out by Chen Mo caused an uproar here.

The knowledge speculated by countless star soul masters,

It really came!

and not one,

But one series, many!

Of course, the superlative category, no.

However, many people immediately thought that there should be no such thing.

According to Chen Mo's planet level, just don't want to sell?

Or in other words, your own and others can't afford the price?

"I'm you really have knowledge for sale?"

"There are as many as six pieces of knowledge in this series of 'Tiberium Ore Transforming Planets'."

"Is this really wholesale?"

"It's crazy, why does Chen Mo have so much knowledge, but he still discovers it, where did he find this kind of knowledge?"

"I've made up my mind. From now on, wherever Chen Mo will attack, I will go to archaeological sites. I must have obtained this knowledge from digging graves!"

"Hey! One series is so expensive? There are three kinds of knowledge, upper, middle and lower. Why do you think you are a 'Requiem'?"

"It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

"If you don't buy it, people will buy it!"

"This is the first of the newcomers to sell knowledge.

"More than that, Chen Mo is also the first among the Star Soul Lords in the entire theater!"

"Chen Mo30 is so strong, now I believe he can quickly advance to the star soul powerhouse!"

"Within a year!"

"One year, do you know what you're talking about, if it's so awesome, it means that the seat of the councilor has been reserved.

"Chairman Chen will be online in one year!"

"Hehe... this matter is too far away, let's talk about it now that the Battle of the Temple of Heaven has performed well."

"Our 'Genius Tribe' has already formed an alliance and will soon send troops directly, Chen Mo will not have a suitable area to attack.

At this time, a master from the 'Genius Tribe' couldn't help but reveal a piece of news.

Chen Mo won't get results, he doesn't know, but they are going to make a big deal soon!

At that time, in this war zone, they will win all the records!

"I'll go, you are moving so fast, it seems that you were really scared by Mr. Chen Mo."

"The lone wolf still fights in unity and chooses differently. Chen Mo has his advantages, and we naturally have our background.

"Don't brag about it upstairs, if your dad is not a star god, you don't even know which planet you are mining on."

"Looking forward to Chen Mo's next battle!"

"Hehe...I don't think Chen Mo's record will be great"

"It's not because of lack of strength, but because there are only so many opponents. The other Star Soul Masters came earlier, and now they are also united. They want people and money. The only problem is whether they can unite as one.

"Unity depends on Chen Mo!"

"Haha, what a sarcasm~"

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about the competition between 'Genius Tribe' and Chen Mo.

There are many people who are optimistic about Chen Mo,

But to say how many Chen Mo can rank in the battle of Tianshen Temple, the most optimistic estimate is only a thousand.

And the person who said this ranking was laughed at.

"Don't forget, it's not just the Temple of Heaven that Chen Mo has to deal with."

"And the Dragon God!"

"The other party will not let it go. If it is in the area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven, the other party may come out of the people in person.

"In this case, the difficulty he faces is at least 2 times higher than that of ordinary star soul masters."

"No matter what you say, Mr. Chen Mo is my idol."

"Are you still chatting? I've already bought the knowledge of Mr. Chen Mo!"

"Hahaha! I'm the next Chen Mo boss~"

"This knowledge is amazing, it can consume Tiberium ore, and then transform the planet into an advanced agricultural planet!"

“Unfortunately top notch!”

"You idiots, don't buy it. After you buy it, once you transform and upgrade the planet, you will have to read Chen Mo's top knowledge!"

"When he sells 10 billion, you all have to continue, unless the planet is only high-level!"

"Yes! Don't buy it!"

"Blood loss after buying!"

"If you don't buy me, you'll lose money now!"

"I'm just trying to make money, star gods, top agricultural planets, that's just the business of the bosses, it's destined to be a minority!"

"Yeah, let's build a high-level planet, and the blood mother will make a lot of money!"

"Damn! I swear I'll never buy anything from Chen Mo again, but what should I do if this smells too good?"

"Wait! What's going on, my outpost exploded!"

"Ahh! It's the gods! They finally made a move, my starship is finished!"


The theater channel was tense.

Many people just don't have time to swim.


On the side of the Temple of Heaven, there is movement!

"Star Soul Lords, pay attention, the gods of the Heavenly Temple have started to move, and the other party has united, and we can't contain them all. You can decide whether to retreat first according to the situation.

A star soul expert sent a message at this time.

As soon as the news came out,

It also confirmed the conjecture that there was an action in the Temple of Heaven.

"Ahh! I just joined the 'Genius Tribe'! Just wipe out an infiltration team!"

"I'm also in the 'Tribe of Geniuses'. A forward planet we gathered just now was suddenly attacked, and the entire planet was cut in half. Although we repelled each other, we still lost a lot!"

"Holy shit, aren't the tribes of geniuses all masters in this area? The loss is not small?"

Just now, the tribe of geniuses who had vowed to make a big move was slapped in the face by the Temple of Heaven on the spot.

for a while,

While many people secretly rejoiced, they were also apprehensive.

"This time the battle of the Temple of Heaven, I'm afraid it will not be so easy."

"Hehe, take it easy in the rookie form, the star soul is immortal! We have no invincible opponents, and the mere Heavenly God Temple is just a sharpening stone on the road to strength. In this battle, I want to become a star god!"

There is a strong star soul to cheer everyone up.

For a while, the theater channel was filled with voices begging for tape.

"Let's avoid this wave first!"

"That's right, the star-soul powerhouses go first, and powerful alliances like the 'Genius Tribe' can also go. We Star-soul masters, let's wait until the situation is clear."

"Damn it, Chen Mo didn't set up an observation post in the war zone, so there is no loss at all!"

"I want to do the same!"

"If you don't learn from the good ones, you will learn from the bad ones. If you don't set up outposts, it will be difficult for Wulu personnel to transport them!"

"That's right, don't just kill someone when you teleport!"

"This wave of Chen Mo is also difficult!"

"It's difficult and I hope he will step up, after all, he is the rookie king!"

"It's unreasonable for him not to show up. After all, he's been pretending to be forced, and he has to really do it when something happens."

"Whether Mr. Chen Mo can deal with this person depends on this."

"Are you sure the one upstairs isn't flattering you?"

"You don't go up yourself and encourage others? Although the boss Chen Mo is powerful and has god-level combat power at hand, but one or two and a group are completely incomparable!"

There was a lot of discussion on the theater channel.

People of different strengths are all thinking about their own countermeasures.

Among them, the mainstream thinks, let's push the wave first, and watch the Star Soul 170 strong players fight!

Of course, there are also many people who, with aggressive methods, constantly encourage Chen Mo to play.

But the 'Genius Tribe' had a dull atmosphere.

In the group, no one wants to talk much,

Too much loss!

Many geniuses originally wanted to concentrate their strength and imitate Chen Mo, but they were one step ahead of him and directly overturned a planet.

As a result, it just happened to hit the main force of the Tianshen Temple who was attacking.

There are many gods among them.

This wave actually mentioned the iron plate,

If not for the fact that they are all masters and have excellent psychological qualities, they might all be wiped out at this time!

"Brothers, think in the opposite direction.

"At least Chen Mo won't get any benefits, will he?"

"Huh? You're such a genius."

"It's yes if the funeral is held happily."

"But it's true, there is no benefit for us, and Chen Mo can't even think about capturing that area, after all, there are gods stationed there!"

"I always feel that this matter is not simple. Is the Temple of Heaven just sending out gods?"

"I guess they're just trying to get our attention, and there's something extra."

Knowing that Chen Mo can't do it either, everyone relaxes.

After all, everyone is the same, so there is no loss.

They believe that in the face of this situation, Chen Mo can only stand still.

If he dares to strike,

The end will not be much better than them.


What everyone didn't know was that if Chen Mo really heard the news, he wouldn't feel troubled at all.

Only ecstasy.

Gods come together?

Ready to make trouble?

This is not right!

After all, he has a new ability to go online, and he can't wait, and needs some actual combat tests.

Moreover, the number of gods can't determine his combat power at all. .

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