Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 283 Radiation Infection! Play Ball? I Am A Professional! (2 More)

Holy Terra.

Chen Mo checked the information of the new "tentacle",

While observing the experimental results.

It can be said,

very perfect.

"The speed of infection is visible to the naked eye, much faster than Tiberium ore.

"However, there must be basic materials as support.

"Not if the spores don't grow."

Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little regretful.


He believes this situation will not last for long.

"Wait until the next time you advance to the Star God and make another leap forward, this ability will be even stronger.

"Direct is like radiation, infected at the speed of light."

at the same time,

Chen Mo's watch also vibrated slightly,

At first he thought it was Muyao who contacted him.

Because it's time to ship again.

But surprisingly,

It turned out to be information from the Federation.

【Congratulations! Star Soul powerhouse Chen Mo! As a planet, but also as a mothership, the creativity and power are extremely amazing!】

[Federation Notice: You are creating a brand-new warship manufacturing model, for this reason, you have received special attention from the Federation!】

[Remarks: Your mothership is connected to Terra through a semi-permanent portal, and Terra is connected to the mother star, which makes your Bastion be affected by part of the mother star, and you can use the power of the mother star primary weapon. (Requiem, Dark Sky).

So the more you receive World Law attention 090, the greater the power of these two weapons will be.

You can also try building more pedestals.

For the specific power increase, please consult yourself!]

"Not a bad windfall."

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to consult the federation.

Instead, look at your own agricultural planets.

at this time,

All the planets in Chen Mo are being transformed and upgraded to top-level agricultural planets.

It is different from the general transformation knowledge of the Star Soul world,

Chen Mo is cheaper here,

The main material used is Tiberium ore.

Of course, if there is a corresponding race, it will get twice the result with half the effort!

With the efforts of Queen Ashe, the transformation of the planet's oceans was completed a few days ago.

What is going on now is the transformation of the land on the planet.

This part is the responsibility of the snake people.

The snake people are not like the previous murlocs. Oran has already distributed the corresponding knowledge,

So people can be sent to work immediately.

It has been a while since the enchanting snake girls started working.

At this time Chen Mo looked over,

Every planet is dotted with a strange energy field.

These energies are formed after the Tiberium ore and special consciousness fluctuate and react.

Can have a very magical effect on the planet.

If more than 20 planets are brought together, the scene will be very spectacular.

at this time,

If someone pays close attention to Chen Mo.

And keep an eye on his planet, and discover a terrible thing.

Every moment, the evaluation of these planets is rising.

If you look at them together, your jaw will drop in shock.

Every planet is developing from the original agricultural planet close to the advanced level to the top level!

top top,

Only Garden World is left!

Generally speaking, a top-level agricultural planet can generate about 10 billion in income in a month.

Chen Mo here.

The snake people and murlocs also have the talent to be good at farming.

Therefore, the income will be more at least 50%!

There are other uses for improving the planet's evaluation, and the races on it will become stronger from generation to generation.

Excellent individuals are more likely to emerge.

This is also very meaningful to Chen Mo.

After all, no one would dislike too many geniuses under his command.

Don't underestimate the improvement of the individual quality of civilization,

Even if it is 1%,

Under Chen Mo's human sea tactics and the number of billions of lives, it will also have an extremely terrifying effect.

This is also Chen Mo's unique advantage!

Playing ball, he is specialized!

pick a planet at random,

Chen Mo checked the information in detail.

【Planet 34】

[Type: Advanced Agricultural Planet]

[Revenue: 10.9 billion per month]

[Special products: fishery, wood, wild animals, low-purity magic crystals (24% remaining)]

[Requirements for transformation: 20 pieces of Tiberium ore, snake girl above legendary level, mermaid]

[Remarks: This planet was acquired by force during the newcomer trial. The planet was originally a low-energy planet, and it is currently undergoing continuous transformation. It is expected to reach a top-level agricultural planet! There is a small probability of giving birth to talented individuals]

"I currently have as many as 20 such planets!"

"Terrible payoff."

"And it's so (dabb) cheap to upgrade!"

Chen Mo himself was shocked.

Can't help feeling, it's too cruel!

The rest of the newcomers basically only have their own main planet at this time.

Ordinary star soul masters only have 1-2 extra planets.

The number of planets of veteran star soul powerhouses is quite a lot, and some of them are even more than Chen Mo.

But when it comes to quality,

Chen Mo is confident that he will not lose to any of them!

He has unique knowledge!

Coupled with the exclusive racial infection to control the entire planet, it is very simple to transform it!

In the development of the planet, the advantages are huge.

"And the further back, the greater my advantage."

"Every planet can at least be transformed and upgraded to an advanced agricultural planet, that is, an output of tens of billions!"

"The more planets there are, the more creatures I have under my command, the star world will spread, and the collective will will continue to strengthen, even far surpassing the creatures of the same class.

think of this,

Chen Mo turned his gaze and looked at the super weapon he used to obtain the planet - the Bastion.

At this time, on the Bastion, there are densely packed green leather engineers.

They have once again adjusted the 'matter-absorbing tentacles' based on experiments

What Chen Mo needs next is to transform all the tentacles into this calendar.

Simultaneously hatch more Nether Cores.

"Wait until the 'Requiem Base' is installed, and it should be almost done."

"Enough to easily fight the gods."

Chen Mo is sure.

He has fought against the gods many times, and he also has two gods under his command.

Therefore, there is enough data to support his speculation.

"If the 'Requiem' has been installed at this time, coupled with the terrifying 'swallowing' power, it is enough to wipe out a wave of gods.

"Of course, only if they get together."

This is unlikely.

After all, gods are not fools.

Although Chen Mo's concealment here has been improved,

But the entire Fortress is really too big.

And the more you use the power of the Star Soul World, the more it cannot be hidden.

Regardless even so,

Can't stop Chen Mo from imagining,

That picture must be amazing!

"If all 10 tentacles have been remodeled, 10 Neisser cores will be added, and the 'Dragon Scales' will be expanded to cover 10% of the mothership's surface..."

"The power of that full attack will be able to easily defeat Oran."

"However, the addition of these transformations and evolutions will probably require an additional 100 billion on the basis of the original 100 billion.

"This is after I got the 'swallowing tentacles', otherwise I would not be able to afford it no matter how much money I spend, and energy consumption is not allowed.

Chen Mo glanced at the inventory.

He currently has about 50 billion left.

Even if all the money was used to renovate the Bastion, it would not be enough.

And Chen Mo definitely won't do that.

The 100 billion leap evolution, he must guarantee in advance.

That is to say, according to current time estimates,

After ten days, there will be so much money.

This also has to be that Chen Mo will not have any other additional plans.

In short, don't even think about it these days.

shook his head,

Chen Mo held back his restless heart.

Just at this moment,

Oran also opened his eyes.

The charming eyes trembled slightly.

She just contacted the goddess of luck through some secret arrangements left in the Temple of Heaven.


"There are two messages."

"Which one do you want to hear first?".

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