Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 284: Lady Luck Has An Appointment! Top Farming Planet! (1 More)

Is it bad news, good news?

"Listen to the good news first."

Chen Mo said.

"Congratulations, Master, I successfully contacted Lady Luck~.

"And the other person is interested - hear me out."

As Oran said, his eyes and mouth laughed.


Chen Mo glared at her.

It's also sold out.

"Another piece of news: Lady Luck happened to be looking for me too, and she took the initiative to seek cooperation with us."

"And said, I will talk to you personally."

"If it's convenient for you, make an appointment for a time and place.

"As a matter of sincerity, she can reveal to you the movements of some of the gods in the Temple of Heaven in advance."


Chen Mo was taken aback.

He thought it would be bad news,

Could it be better news?

It was a pleasant surprise.

"Good job."

"Continue to communicate with her and see if we can get more information."

"As for talking to me, there's no time right now."

Although Chen Mo was happy, he felt that things were not that simple.

Let the other party dry first.

If the other party thinks that they can get preferential treatment if they rely on themselves, then they think too much.

Absolute control is indispensable.

not to mention,

With the strength of the goddess of luck, Chen Mo may not be able to guarantee the absolute loyalty of the other party.

This thing is full of weirdness.

I always feel that...the other party seems to be conspiring.

Of course, if it is really successful, then Chen Mo can gain huge benefits just by having this additional source of information.

"Master~ There is a transformed planet, it has been completed, and it has been promoted to a top-level agricultural planet."

At this time, the voice of the little fox also sounded.

at the same time,

Chen Mo also received a lot of news from the Federation.

According to the old rules, such a planet can choose to report.

So, while chatting with Oran about the goddess of luck, Chen Mo directly uploaded the planetary information prepared in advance to the federation.

【Congratulations to your planet among the top agricultural planets!】

[The top agricultural planets in the ranking list can add an introduction, which will help more people see your planet, as an authoritative evaluation, which will help your planet produce items to increase the value. 】

upload is complete,

There are more federation message prompts appearing.

The content of the message is very simple,

Quite a joy.

While all the newcomers are still trying to find ways to toss their main planet, Chen Mo has silently raised the agricultural planet to the top level!

such a gap,

Words are not enough to describe it.

But things still stop,


It has been promoted to the ranks of top planets one after another.

Ever since,

Chen Mo uploads information continuously.

Planets were entered one by one, and a strange scene appeared on the top planet list.

Several planets in a row, all owned by the same person~

at first,

Not many people pay attention to this,

But soon, with more and more of the same name, and lined up a whole page,

The list is the master of the soul, wiped his eyes,

thought I was dazzled,

But soon, they were dumbfounded.


In the theater channel, someone directly released a screenshot,

It was exactly the same as what they saw.

【Planet 34】

[Property: Top Agricultural Planet]

【Owner: Chen Mo】

【Planet 12】

[Property: Top Agricultural Planet]

【Owner: Chen Mo】

This kind of news directly occupied several pages.

Someone ordered, no more, no less, exactly 20.

Not only that, the ratings of several planets are extremely similar.

It's like... mass transformation and upgrading?

For a moment, the entire theater channel exploded.

The people here are all paying attention to Chen Mo

His every move was immediately noticed.

A bunch of planets are listed on the list, and they charge together, it can be said that it scares people silly!


"I shouldn't have uploaded so fast!"

"This is a big loss!"

After Chen Mo uploaded the planet information in one breath, he suddenly remembered that this is definitely a huge advertisement.

It's a hot spot.

Didn’t someone question his ‘knowledge of planetary transformation’ before?

this will make

Just let these people know what it means to play professionally!

And he can also mention the price of knowledge.

At this moment, it is too late.

At that moment just now, the number of copies of his knowledge sold soared from a little over a hundred to over a thousand.

"Because I was uploading planetary data continuously just now, and there was more than ten minutes in between. This directly caused some planetary masters who reacted quickly to scan the goods directly, and bought the whole set of my knowledge. There is still a lot of room for price increases."

Chen Mo looked at the more than a thousand copies sold on the trading platform, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It feels like losing billions!

If you double the price of the knowledge on the trading platform before submitting the information and being listed on the list, and then sell the top-level knowledge at a price of more than one billion.....

...0 for flowers...

Because I was talking about the goddess of luck, I was careless for a while.

The indirect loss is calculated based on a set of knowledge of one million, which is also one hundred million.

"After all, more than 900 people were prostituted for nothing."

Chen Mo 'Heartbroken'.

He who has been whoring for nothing all the year round, this wave also got his shoes wet.

He suspected that if he raised the price first, and then slowly posted it planet by planet, and then found a few people to cooperate, he could hype the price of the knowledge of "Tiberium Ore Transforming Planets" to an extremely high level.

If someone is superior,

Might as well make a fortune.

Now words,

He believed that the war zone channel must be shocked, but the most shocking time has passed,

It is impossible to use the method of slowly uploading planet novelties and pulling them to their expectations.



"My knowledge can be regarded as completely famous."

"No one will doubt the effect."

"Combined with this wave of ranking operations, I believe it will sell well for a long time to come.


"Can be used as a long-term benefit."

"It's a big deal. I'll get more planets from the Temple of Heaven, starting from low-level agricultural planets, and then demonstrate again."

"Just to verify the news provided by Lady Luck."

Thinking this way, after Chen Mo raised the price of trading platform knowledge, he no longer cared about this matter.

The War Zone Channel, as Chen Mo guessed.

Even more outrageous.

Because someone recorded the whole process of Chen Mo being on the list.

All of a sudden, there's a top planet on the list.

After a few seconds, it was the second one.


That is ten seconds, to one per minute.

This terrifying speed of listing lasted for more than ten minutes!

During this period, many people frantically bought Chen Mo's knowledge.

"I'll wipe it! I can't stand a top agricultural planet, and I made the list directly!"

"Me too, and the ranking was directly knocked out of the 20th place!"

"My day... people are dumbfounded!"

"The latest position to slaughter the list, I have learned a lot~"

"How can this be on the list and still be able to play in a team?"

Fuck....I've never seen this scene in my life. "

"The knowledge of Mr. Chen Mo is true! Hurry up, brothers!"

"Which idiot said the one with the most knowledge up to the intermediate level?"

"Buy with confidence! In the future, Mr. Chen Mo will definitely release the 'advanced transformation' knowledge knife!"

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