Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 285 Shocked Tribe Of Geniuses! Just Schedule Work! (2 More)

"It's still the same sentence, Chen Mo will raise the price later, it looks very tempting, but he deliberately sells it so cheap.

"Everyone, don't be fooled!"

"The upstairs can't be someone from the 'Genius Tribe'? I don't want to go into details about what it is."

"You will never lose money if you buy it!"

"Indeed, even if Chen Mo raises the price in the future, I won't be able to buy it. I used to have the lowest price on this planet, but now I get a mid-level one. If I'm lucky, there are advanced agricultural planets, and I've already made a lot of money!

Looking at the information in the chat channel,

Many star soul masters of the 'Genius Tribe' turned black immediately.

"These people are such idiots!"

"Hehe...they feel that the advanced agricultural planet is satisfied now, that's because they have no money."

"People's desires are endless. When he earns money from the advanced agricultural planet, will he not want to be more advanced?"

"Alas...these appointments are destined to be Chen Mo's pocketbook."

"I see that almost one-third of the money they make in the future is "387" or more, and they have to hand it over to Chen Mo obediently!"

"We tried to stop it as much as we could, but it didn't work."

"After all, even if they give Chen Mo a third, the rest is still more profitable than if they don't buy it!"

"Hateful! This is a conspiracy, I didn't expect Chen Mo to be so sinister!"

"Hey! Hearing what you said, I took advantage of it at first, so I couldn't resist buying a set of transformation knowledge! I got Chen Mo's set and followed it!

If you don’t want to use it, you will be taken advantage of by Chen Mo!”

"It's better not to use it if you can, or you will be comfortable seeing Chen Mo's face and doing things in the future?"

Many people have suggested.

They are all geniuses, if you want them to be obedient and wait eagerly for Chen Mo to release advanced knowledge, this will not work.

Would rather earn less!

"It's hard to deal with... Now relying on this, Chen Mo's influence is too great. Those who use this knowledge must support him. The number of intermediate experts we can recruit is greatly reduced!"

"More than that, the wave of his income is going to explode."

"There are only 20 top-level agricultural planets now, and if we delay it for more than ten days, we will stop playing.

"At first, I thought that there was a change in the Temple of Heaven. Although we had no income, so did Chen Mo. Now it seems that the other party is us!"

"Grand... this is too embarrassing, right? They don't need to fight at all, they beat us with all their income"

"Think of it!"

"We must improve our record before Chen Mo's agricultural planet receives the goods!"

Everyone in the genius tribe began to discuss nervously.

I thought it would be easy for a while.

Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse!

Even if Chen Mo didn't go to the Heavenly Temple to plunder, the speed of obtaining resources was extremely abnormal.

He is growing rapidly.

Together, they can only barely win.

If you wait any longer...

"Once Chen Mo gets a chance to attack the Temple of Heaven, I'm afraid this area will be nothing for us.

The genius Star Soul Lord analyzed it carefully.

It's very possible!

Chen Mo is really too strong.

The more you analyze, the more worried everyone becomes.

The words have been released before, won't they be slapped in the face by then?

Will Chen Mo stop attacking Tianshen Temple temporarily because he is so rich?

Obviously impossible!

Looking at this situation, the opponent is ready to make a move at any time.

It may even have been secretly prepared.

Originally, everyone was about the same strength, and the Temple of Heaven had a large territory, with many rewards.

Everyone is not worried about eating alone.

But now Chen Mo has the possibility!

Thinking of these,

Everyone was very upset.

Some people even considered whether to change the place to start it?

Can't afford to offend, can't I still hide?

A high-level heavenly planet.

Luo Bing looked at a large list of Chen Mo's names,

Can not help but shine in the eyes.

She didn't know about it,

but suddenly,

In the 'Chen Mo Support Group', the number of people who applied to join started to skyrocket again.

Although she didn't add any.

But I also know that Chen Mo must be causing trouble again.

"So many planets...all top agricultural planets!"

"A planet, at least 10 billion a month, no, if it is Chen Mo, 12 billion is not impossible.

"It's really powerful."

"It just so happens that I have a thick skin, borrow some mermaids, and transform the planet!"

Luo Bing thought to himself.

At the same time, she knew that she might never be able to catch up with Chen Mo.

The other party has opened up a big gap with her no matter in terms of management or combat.

Fortunately, his main planet has a semi-permanent stargate connection with the other party.

What are the benefits, I have some advantages!

With this knowledge, she also saw that the 'Tribe of Geniuses' tried hard to persuade others not to use Chen Mo's knowledge.

As a genius, if she was in the past,

Of course it won't work either.

She has other ways to upgrade and transform the planet.

Even if it is several times more expensive, at least you can use it with peace of mind, without being subject to Chen Mo.

But in the current situation, do we still need to worry about being controlled by Chen Mo?

The other party can even come to their own planet at any time... 0

If you don't wear clothes now, take a dip in the pool.

The other party came over suddenly,

Not impossible!

"Then I definitely can't agree to the other party coming over."

Luo Bing muttered.

But then again, the two have contacted the planet, but Chen Mo hasn't been there yet!

It's all her past.

Feeling... very shameless!

But it was strange that Lu Shui would not feel embarrassed.

In front of other people, she is a cold goddess, not because she pretends to be noble, but in fact she has this kind of character.

But in Chen Mo's place, due to all kinds of coincidences, she really couldn't maintain her personality.

I don't want any face...

In short... I feel like I'm slowly being the mercy of you?

"Oh...don't worry, let's go to Chen Mo's place and have a look

Holy Terra.

Everything that should evolve has evolved.

Chen Mo also arranged for the work that should be arranged.


It's just a matter of life.

As a Star Soul powerhouse, Chen Mo's manor naturally has its cards.

Work and life balance.

Under the care of Queen Ashe, the whole manor is beautiful.

The garden is full of spring~

Great for living.

The two sisters, Irene, also helped to live in according to the previous plan.

Chen Mo has arranged their rooms,

next door to his bedroom, 3.2

Facilitate communication at work.

Queen Ashe is no exception, she communicates with Chen Mo most frequently.

"By the way, Oran also needs to arrange a room."

Chen Mo ordered again casually.

For a while, many work arrangements flashed through his mind.

At this moment, another battle report came from the front line.

"The gods of the Temple of Heaven and our star soul powerhouse fight, and both sides will win or lose."

"The opponent is very tenacious, and the follow-up support is very strong. It seems that the gods have really united, and the overall strength is much stronger!"

"Information shows that they seem to be preparing to occupy Theater 38 again!"

[Announcement: All Star Soul Lords in the 38-62 theater, please be prepared to face possible attacks! 】

"Master~ Our magic eyes have discovered the peeps with the minions of the Dragon God."

"The man from the old dragon has arrived again."

At this time,

Queen Ashe also spoke. .

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