Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 286: Kneeling And Begging For The Boss's Connection! Star Soul Powerhouse? ! (1 More)

The Federal Register states the situation directly.

All the Star Soul Masters who participated in the battle of the Temple of Heaven received the message.

for a while,

The entire war zone shook.

In short

Looking at a large mark, the area that may be attacked by the Temple of Heaven.

The Star Soul Lord who was in it was immediately stunned.

In the 38 theater, it even exploded directly.

Because, this is just a rookie area.

Apart from Chen Mo, I am afraid that no one has the power to fight.

But the problem is that they were not signaled to retreat.

Someone asked, is this insurance?

Federation said: No problem.

what does that mean?

Is Chen Mo already very strong, very safe?

"Damn it! Is this an official leak?"

"Big Brother Chen Mo is already invincible? 666!"

"Upstairs, are you being sarcastic? It's obvious that Mr. Chen Mo is far from this level, but compared to you, he is close to invincible~"

"Do you have eyes? Which word of Lao Tzu is ironic, how do I want to praise Chen Mo, do you care?"

"The world announcement didn't say it clearly, but the 38 theater seems to be not at a high level of danger."

"There are two possibilities. First, when the time comes, the Federation will have a strong star soul to help us newcomers."

"Secondly, there are Star Soul powerhouses there, so the Federation treats them the same as other theaters."

"What the hell? That makes sense. Boss Chen Mo is no longer a rookie. If he is a strong man, he does have a certain responsibility to protect us rookies."

"Big Brother Chen Mo is mighty! Invincible!"

"Whoever dares to say Chen Mo can't do it, just drag him out and make a decision!"

"Speaking of the first possibility, it's not impossible, please don't be so excited at 30."

"I hope Chen Mo will come out, show his full strength, and let me recognize it!"

"The one upstairs hasn't woken up yet? They want your approval?"

"Stay aside!"

"Didn't you find out? As long as there are star-soul powerhouses in the war zone, it is not the highest level of danger, and the Federation has not suggested evacuation, and the 38th war zone where Chen Mo is located is very close to the front line.

Is this... an official hint?"

"Hint? This is an explicit indication!"

"I don't care, Mr. Chen Mo is the god in my heart, the most powerful rookie king! Hang and beat Tianshen Temple!"

"I don't want to refute anything above, it's's too ridiculous to be a star soul powerhouse now, doesn't that mean that Chen Mo still has a lot of hidden strength?


"Is this... a human can do it?"

"I even wonder if Chen Mo is a fictional character, too strong, too strong to be perfect, unreal."

"I have a bold guess. Is it possible that Chen Mo was actually played by someone from the federation, who intentionally brought rhythm to affect the game situation and motivate us to keep getting stronger?"

"I have to say that the imagination upstairs is really good."

"Open your mind~"

"Niu, this idea is true, and the knife stabbed the ass to open the eyes.

"Isn't this fucking unreasonable? I just left Novice Village and became a boss? The co-author was really frying fish, and even... can't rule out whether he is also frying fish now?"

"I don't believe it, unless Mr. Chen Mo shows it to me."

"It's so big, can you bear it?"

"Hey! Absolutely impossible!"

"There is no civilization with this speed of development in the world, except for Chen Mo directly hacking!"

"Yes, I think it's impossible too!"

"Star Soul Powerhouse Chen Mo? Dreaming!"

Countless Star Soul Lords started arguing.

They were all very puzzled.

I wonder if Chen Mo is really that strong?

Or is it all a misunderstanding?

The problem is that they are all chattering and arguing for a long time.

The matter has become such a big mess, and there has been no official refutation of the rumors.


This is not the obligation of the Federation, but it can explain some problems.

At this time, the Lord of Star Soul guessed:

"You said.....Could it be that Mr. Chen Mo was promoted to the star soul powerhouse in the wave of big victories not long ago?"

"It can be guessed that the boss Chen Mo can win the favor of the snake-human queen, and is even willing to serve her left and right with the body of a god, so the strength of the boss Chen Mo should not be underestimated.

"Fuck, after such an analysis, many mysteries are immediately explained!"

"The speculation is reasonable!"

"I'll go, after hearing what you said, it's true!"

"Otherwise, why would other gods rely on you? Just relying on the talent of the exclusive race may not be enough!"

"It is far below the power of the gods. Even with the support of talents, it is difficult to completely control the gods. Mr. Chen Mo is either extremely powerful, or has some kind of artifact rewarded by the Federation as a reliance."

"An artifact? Is it the approval of the Speaker?"

A star soul expert also interrupted.

This new Chen Mo is so hot, every time I open the War Zone channel, I can see people discussing it.

It's hard not to notice this!

"Hey... Anyway, I'm so envious, Chen Mo should be a star soul powerhouse!"

"Damn it... is it a boss? How does it feel to fry fish in Xinshou Village? I really want to experience it."

"Big Brother Chen Mo!"

"Chen Mo giant!"

"The best equipment in my hand is the mana cannon I bought from Mr. Chen Mo, let alone a magic weapon, I can't even gather the materials for a better starship!"

"Here we go again, don't be miserable!"

"That's right, everyone is the same."

"It means that those of us with starships can be compared to Chen Mo, we are just as poor!"

"Boss Chen Mo himself is sure that there are artifacts looted from the Dragon God, and it is even possible that the mother planet of the snake-human race also has semi-artifacts."

"If I still have it, wouldn't I be super god?"

"Don't talk about these things, let's be serious: whoever has a way, I want to kneel and lick Mr. Chen Mo, sincerely!"

"I don't dare to think about forming an alliance. It's okay to be a younger brother, or a raw material supplier, or do odd jobs!"

"Sorry, Chen Mo's civilization seems to be omnipotent and does not require the younger brother's complementary abilities."

"Then don't we have a chance?"

"Hehe... You guys have no chance. I am different. As the 10th in the last rookie list, I still have a great chance. After all, my race is very good at making weapons."

"I see that Mr. Chen Mo sells a lot of things, but weapons and starships are still relatively few. I have a chance."

"If there are unspoken rules, I can accept them."

"Ugh... What the hell are you dreaming upstairs, Chen Mo big brother can secretly rule you, an old woman?"

"Old? My mother is 21 years old, with a height of 19 and a bust of 36. What capital do you have to compare with me?"

The War Zone channel is buzzing.

An announcement, leading to speculation that Chen Mo might be the strong one!

Similarly, in the small circle of the 'Genius Tribe' and various Star Soul Masters, there was shock.

Even the Star Soul powerhouses started talking about Chen Mo in private.

"Damn, these newcomers are crazy!"

"Chen he really that strong?"

"Judging from their tone, it seems that the next moment, we are not as good as Chen Mo."

"More than that, just looking at what they said, I feel that the Shendu in the Temple of Heaven are like ants, and they will be hung up and beaten by Chen Mo in the next moment."

"We can't be too optimistic. Even if Chen Mo's strength is only a half of the rumored strength, he is very abnormal. This proves that his development speed has not slowed down, and there are no insurmountable obstacles.

It will only be a matter of time before we catch up!"

"Harvesting the Temple of Heaven will immediately develop rapidly and transform into strength. This speed is too scary!"

"As long as you give Chen Mo a chance, maybe it will blow up like a balloon."

Of course, not all are optimistic.

A star soul expert knows well that the more talented he is, the better he is.

On the contrary, the most powerful ones are the geniuses of the second echelon, the most talented, but lack of hard work, and easy to be self-righteous.

Might fall apart!

Veteran star soul 510 powerhouse: "It's useless to think so much. You are all star soul powerhouses. Chen Mo is just a rookie. He knows what the Great Crusade is. Has he seen the burning star gate? He has seen countless A dead zone burned into a glass ball?"

"Which one of you is not experienced in many battles, don't you know how difficult it is to advance?"

"Chen Mo wants to catch up with us, unless he eats the entire Tianjin Temple on the spot!"

"Otherwise, absolutely impossible!"

"Exactly! We haven't seen anything before, and this 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven' is just a small node in the journey."

"Chen Mo, huh! It's just a starlight on a business trip. There are hundreds of millions of stars like this in the Star Soul World.

"Hey~ Brothers, to tell you the truth, I have already found many traces of gods in the Temple of Heaven."

"And had contact with one of them."

"I might have to do something first."

"Fuck? A traitor has emerged from the Temple of Heaven?"

"It's awesome, you can make a big deal without saying a word!"

"Hey~ Low-key, low-key, things haven't happened after all, don't publicize.

"The god said yes, to take refuge in me."

"But before that, he will also prove his strength and give me a piece of information at the same time.

"Soon, he will lead the team to attack the 38 theater!"

"When the time comes, whether Chen Mo can do it or not, everyone will know."

"Chen Mo can't do it, I'll make the square."

"If Chen Mo can do it, hehe..."

As soon as he said this,

Several star soul powerhouses gasped.

"Damn it! You can do it! Chen Mo can't!"

Many people were shocked, and immediately mobilized!

At the same time, they are all happy to see things continue.

Naturally, there will be no losses in theater 38,

When they need it, they will definitely make a move!

But Chen Mo, who has been blown to the sky, can be seen.

It's a mule or a horse, pull it out~

I feel that the movement of the Temple of Heaven is very big,

Chen Mo ran into,

It will shatter directly. .

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