Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 288 Magic Power Judgment! Supreme, Concept Weapon! Mighty Bastion! (1 More)

"Can such an energy weapon be fatal to a god?"

Chen Mo used his knowledge to condense a huge 'Magic Judgment' in his hands, and the energy was almost materialized.

This phenomenon, if using technological means, requires additional equipment.

But under idealism, all you need is a strong enough will and the corresponding magic knowledge.

"Very strong...weak gods, such as me, will definitely be fatally hit if they are not prepared."

"If you are prepared, you can withstand serious injuries, and even if you have equipment at hand, minor injuries are not impossible."

"Does the master want to use this to deal with the gods?"

Oran hesitated, but still asked.

There are not many ways to deal with the gods. Through the communication with Ashe just now, she also got a lot of news about the master.

The master is very powerful.

With the current force, it is not a big problem to conquer the gods.

But it is still a bit difficult to achieve a spike.

After listening, Chen Mo nodded,

He did not refute Oran, but asked:

"If the power is tens of thousands of times greater than this, how strong can it be?"

talking room,

Throughout the Bastion, 10 tentacles gathered together, and a huge ball of light began to form in the middle.

An incomparably huge giant sword grows rapidly.


It's just that the lightsaber grows, and an asteroid blocking the way ahead is directly divided into two.

Half open!

Slashing and exploding planets is like chopping melons and vegetables.

If you unleash this power with all your might...

Hearing what 093 Chen Mo said, Oran was still a little puzzled, but when he saw the bursting lightsaber, he was dumbfounded.

There wasn't even a look of shock on her face.

This... This is beyond her cognition.

"Too...too strong."

"The master's weapon can still use knowledge!"

"A growth-type mothership, paired with growth-type knowledge, simply feels like there is no upper limit to its power!"

"Maybe one day, I will achieve the highest!"

As he spoke, Olan's eyes lit up.

The skin is also slightly red.

Under the extreme excitement, she will be like this.

As a god, she already felt that there was nothing that could make herself so excited.

But... the master is just an action, a word, a small display,

She was immediately excited to the extreme.

I have never seen such a powerful weapon in my life, no, it should be said that it is a combination of a super weapon and a super knowledge.

The future is bright!

She couldn't help fantasizing about a giant sword for each tentacle, or changing the shape to build a flying energy dragon?

At that time, don't talk about killing the gods in seconds.

Trapping the gods together can also blow up all the dregs!

After calming down a bit, Oran respectfully said to Chen Mo: "Master~ If this weapon can be condensed frequently and used, it will be easy to kill the gods, and even high-level gods can be killed."

The strongest combat power in the Temple of Heaven is also (daad) high-level!

"Can you kill high-level gods?"

Chen Mo looked at the giant sword across the starry sky in the distance, and nodded in satisfaction.

This knowledge really exploded.

Of course, having such power is mainly due to the increase given by Chen Mo, which is really terrifying.

Energy, directly devour asteroids to obtain!

The collective will, Chen Mo through the star soul, is the planetary will of more than 20 planets.

Not to mention his exclusive race, the infection control ability is already extremely strong, the infection has controlled billions of creatures, and it is also spreading and growing inside the planet.

Every day that passed, the number of Chen Mo's exclusive races skyrocketed.

Chen Mo believes that even if he is not doing any looting at this moment, as long as the mushrooms continue to grow, it is enough to pull the power of the Bastion to a higher level.

At that time, it will not even be able to kill high-level gods, but kill them at will!


Gods are not bugs, crawling slowly on the ground, waiting for you to kill them.

But it just so happens that Chen Mo has the proof of conquest, which can be used as a means to temporarily control the gods.

The demise of the gods.

For the rest, there is no threat.

The army of parasites is overwhelming, easily able to infect and control an entire planet.

As for the terrible loss caused by the gods looking through it?

As long as you don't fight on your own territory, the last thing Chen Mo fears is loss!

"By the way, what do you mean by supreme?"

Chen Mo asked again.

The snake-human queen said that his weapon would be comparable to the highest in the future, some kind of extremely powerful weapon?

Oran immediately responded:

"Supremacy is a kind of information I obtained from the 'source'. She turns an extremely powerful weapon that monopolizes certain rules or concepts into a "supreme artifact"

"The supreme god is also the same reason, it is the culmination of a certain path."

"I also inquired about this kind of thing inside the Temple of Heaven, and they all said it was nonsense, and it is impossible to monopolize the apex of a certain road."

"At least there has never been such a powerful god or creation in the Temple of Heaven."

"It's not bullshit."

"The creation star-soul world you mentioned exists."

Chen Mo replied directly.

Isn't this the MP?

Monopolize a certain road and share part of the authority of the world's laws.

Almost identical to the definition of 'Supreme'.

"It seems that the 'source' itself is very powerful, and even knows a lot of such high-level information.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo looked forward to the 'archaeological journey' even more.

But he also thought of a question,

Since weapons can also achieve the highest, can his Bastion go one step further and monopolize a certain concept?

Like a god, monopolizing a certain kind of knowledge,

This is what monopolizes the concept.

Hope it can be done!

But this must require a lot of resources, and an extremely large collective consciousness as support.

The Temple of Heaven is a good place to quickly collect these resources.

After communicating with Oran, Chen Mo checked the latest statistics of the Fortress.

At this time the Fortress,

The appearance is even more strange and terrifying.

Because the area and quantity of the 'Dragon Scales' have been expanded,

The head area, which originally looked like two eyes, now has more than a dozen eyes, distributed chaotically in front of the head.

It looks like a dozen dark pupils, deep and dark.

As for the tentacle, it is still undergoing the transformation of "substance absorption".


[Origin]: Chen Mo, one of the products of the path of genetic ascension, the living mothership of Terra star civilization.

[Equipment]: 10 giant tentacles (high-energy weapons, material extraction devices), giant magic heart, gravitational core, Nesser core, portal (connecting to the main planet), giant electromagnetic gun, dark eye (under perfection), dark Canopy, Requiem (under construction)

[Description]: The gigantic planet-level creation has been initially activated. With the blessing of the planet's will, it has almost unlimited space for transformation and evolution. According to current data, it can achieve the highest level and monopolize a certain concept.

[Next upgrade]: It is expected to require stronger 'growth' and 'swallowing' capabilities, 10 tons of Tiberium ore, 1 ton of elliptic ore, 100 tons of top-level magic crystals, and a total of 10 million tons of various metal minerals.

[Remarks]: With the help of Nesser's core and material extraction device, the energy supply of the Bastion is extremely terrifying, so it can cast the strongest 'Magic Judgment', but before launching, it is necessary to collect enough material to charge (mass greater than 100 million 10,000 tons, approximately equal to the mass of an asteroid).

"The need to continue upgrading and transforming requires my exclusive race to be stronger, and the resource demand has also increased by 10 times."

"Resources can be robbed, but to have a stronger ability to 'grow', you can only evolve by leaps and bounds.

Chen Mo shook his head and decided not to think about it for the time being.

He already has enough force at hand.

Looting the Temple of Heaven is enough!

And if the resources are multiplied by ten times, that is close to one trillion.


The money he currently has in hand is still too far away from that.

Chen Mo looked at the giant Bastion that had been resurrected and could wield a huge lightsaber, his eyes flickered.

He can't be satisfied with just upgrading and reforming.


It's time to examine the fruits of evolution during this time.

"Since the gods are coming to attack, I can't be idle."

"Let's start the war in advance outside the 38 theater!"

"While occupying more planets! Looting resources, while attracting the attention of the gods, inducing them to fight outside the 38 theaters, so as not to damage my planet.

"As for the plan for the Temple of Heaven...I'm looking forward to their gathering together!".

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