Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 289: The Secret Of The Temple Of Heaven! Sisters Wait For Breakfast! (2 More)

Early the next morning.

As usual, Chen Mo checked the trading platform first.

His goods are still selling fast,

About 1,000 copies of the revised "planet transformation" knowledge were also sold.

For things like knowledge, there are many threshold restrictions.

Being able to sell so many made Chen Mo not a little surprised.

Obviously his ad yesterday had an effect.

After all, who would not be envious of 20 consecutive planets queuing up to the leaderboard?

"In this way, my name has also spread among more than 2,000 civilizations.~"

"Hehe... If you really want to talk about it, the spread of this spread has surpassed quite a few indigenous gods, right?"

Chen Mo has reason to believe that after he becomes a god, the knowledge he has sold will be useful.

Even now, these people who use this knowledge can be regarded as friendly people with him.

After all, no one can offend their own sources of knowledge.

As long as this upgrade method is used.

If you want to go further, the best way is to find the source of knowledge.

Of course, Chen Mo's influence has increased so rapidly,

It is conceivable that the creators of knowledge such as 'transfer knowledge' and 'star soul mastery'.

How terrifying their influence should be.

As long as the Star Soul World doesn't perish, they probably won't perish at all.

Countless star gods have left their imprints.

For an extremely powerful existence, this imprint itself is the proof of existence.

"After I become a star god, I may be able to understand the specific magical effect of spreading knowledge."

"This may also be related to the 'Supreme' weapon."

"It's all about ownership and definition of 'knowledge' after all."

The more he came into contact with these high-end knowledge, the more Chen Mo felt that perhaps Star Soul World's continuous encouragement of newcomers to create their own paths was indeed the same as his previous guess.

The same road, a kind of exclusive civilization, can only have one supreme.

After all, if you have the right to define concepts, others cannot define them.

Even if others discover the knowledge you invented, they will be noticed by you immediately.

A single thought can cause the opponent to die instantly.

Or seeing too much indescribable and mysterious knowledge that cannot be seen directly, and thus lost control on the spot.

In short, there is only one cause.

Fortunately, Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about this at all.

The path he walked is unique. No one has ever walked the path of genetic ascension. Everything along the way was pioneered by him.

On the contrary, it is a latecomer, as long as he uses the knowledge he created, he will be aware of it in an instant.

Monopoly of knowledge, monopoly concept.

This is the most powerful existence, the strongest Wu Lu.

According to Oran on acquiring knowledge at the source:

The Supreme is very powerful and cannot die by itself.

Unless all traces of it are erased.

Chen Mo had never heard of this statement in the Star Soul world.

But he thinks it should be true,

It's just that he has not yet entered the star god stage and has no authority to obtain this knowledge.

"Master~ Speaking of the supreme weapon, I suspect that the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven once existed.

"Or there are similar creations."

"Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are so many gods of various colors in this place, and their aesthetics run counter to the mainstream of the universe.

Oran guessed cautiously.

"A powerful existence is for sure, I am more inclined to think it is some kind of creation.

Chen Mo nodded and agreed.

Because if it was a certain ancient god, or even a stronger Supreme God, then he would have recovered and returned by this time.

It is impossible for the members of the Star Soul World to not notice it.

Most likely some kind of artifact?

Possesses certain 'supreme' powers.

"Master~ Your breakfast is ready.

At this moment, two sisters, Irene, walked in.

Although the two sisters are not Chen Mo's personal maids,

But they are very keen to serve Chen Mo.

After all, he is a demigod, full of energy,

Even with multiple roles, but in the matter of pleasing the master,

They are still able to maintain twelve points of enthusiasm.

While eating breakfast, Chen Mo,

Gentle sea breeze, very comfortable!

He looked out of the window, and at this moment, there were a lot fewer snake girls on the beach formed by the piled up gold sand.

See Chen Mo observing Snake Lady.

Oran, who was eating with him, immediately said:

"Master~ Most of the snake girls have been trained, and they will be assigned to 20 planets [and then start to assist the governor of the planet.

"They themselves are also extremely good. Although they are only assisting the governor now, if there are more opportunities in the future, they will be able to play a greater role immediately."

...0 for flowers...

She spoke more euphemistically and modestly.

But Oran is confident that the snake girls trained under his command are all geniuses and excellent!

Even if they take over a planet now and manage it [they are also competent.

"If there are no accidents, the first batch of harvest will be in place in another seven or eight days."

"Besides, if timber and animal farming are used, the speed is much faster, and shipments can be made one after another starting tomorrow.

Chen Mo looked forward to it.

Today, the strength under his command is already very strong.

Enough to start sweeping the Temple of Heaven,

Loot a lot of resources.

However, income from mining, knowledge, and agriculture still needs to be taken care of.


These are unshakable every day, and some are recorded.

especially agriculture,

Chen Mo thinks it is very promising.

After all, the demand for minerals will be full. If you buy knowledge once, you will not buy it again, but you can buy food several times a day.

This is an item that needs to explode every day.

Once it reaches a large scale, it will definitely be a huge advantage.

Chen Mo looked at Ashe again, and asked, "How are you preparing for the equipment going to the source?"

Compared with the fixed income of the Temple of Heaven.

The source is more uncertain.

And after all, it involves the ancient gods.

It takes good preparation.

"Master~ I already made a rough plan yesterday, and I can start to act after discussing with the scholar of the big library you introduced today.

"I will also prepare the necessary equipment in the near future."

"When the time comes, submit the purchase uniformly."

Ashe said with a smile.

"Well, get ready."

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

He basically didn't bother to ask details about these trivial matters.

Just come up with a general plan.

Naturally, there are a large number of subordinates to help him figure out the specific plan.

After asking about daily work,

Chen Mo turned his attention to his parasite army.

For the coming battle,


In order to maximize the harvest of possible god groups,

Chen Mo needs to mobilize the position of the parasite army and hatch some targeted parasites at the same time.


A large number of towering giant egg factories began to appear on the huge Fortress. .

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