Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 290 Sister Flowers Studying Hard! The Place Where The 'Source' Was Buried! (1 More

On the dark and surging Bastion,

The howls rose and fell.

A large number of giant insect eggs are being bred,

"My exclusive race is now greatly enhanced.

"There are two main factors that affect the growth and development of mushrooms: one is the material source, and the other is the energy source. Now I have directly and completely solved one of these two."

"So the growth rate is about 5 times higher than before."

"Even hatching a monster like Leviathan is at a speed visible to the naked eye."

"It used to take one day, but now it only takes four more to disappear."

"As for the flying dragon and Hydralisk..."

Chen Mo looked at a large bag that suddenly bulged on the creep on the ground.

Visible to the naked eye, this pustule-like thing, from the size of a fist, swelled to a height of five or six meters like a balloon.

When it finally reached about ten meters, it exploded with a bang.

A Hydralisk emerged from it.

The bone shell on its body hardened rapidly, and after a few seconds, "five nine zero", it could start to move.


These few seconds are for connecting with the conscious body.

The operator is in the astral world.

From the hatching of the Hydralisk to the final action, the time before and after does not exceed 5 minutes.

This time is short!

Even when the large army was fighting, it was too late for the commander above to react.

Chen Mo was pleasantly surprised.

Before he knew it, his exclusive race was already so powerful.

Of course, the real combat power must not have swelled too much.

But for Chen Mo, the increase in 'growth' speed is basically no different from combat power.

"In this way, I don't have to make too many biological weapons in the first place."

"After all, every parasite, even a Hydralisk, weighs more than a dozen tons. If it's a Leviathan, it's even more so in units of 10,000 tons."

Chen Mo thought carefully.

The less mass to fold, the less energy is consumed.

He could let the Bastion turn over first.

Then braced against the dark sky to resist.

Later, through the portal, some small parasites were continuously transmitted.

As for the large parasites, they rely on the surroundings of the battlefield to hatch.

After all, Chen Mo has already solved the energy problem. As long as there is enough material, he can continuously incubate the existing parasites.

Of course, to realize Chen Mo, a batch of very powerful parasites must be hatched.

They all have full alloy bones and sharp dragon claws.

Some Leviathans, Chen Mo will not give it the ability to absorb energy.

This is different from growing flesh and blood that costs almost no money, and Chen Mo needs to spend a lot of money.

But it has to be.

After all, the enemies to face next are not ordinary flesh and blood.

There may even be numerous gods in it.

Some gods have even completely broken away from the concept of the body and exist as a conscious energy body, so they not only need invincible physical attack power but also means that can harm the energy body.

Among these methods, the most against the sky is energy extraction and infection control.

It is necessary to configure!

In case there are really a lot of gods who don't have eyes, Chen Mo won't be in a rush.

What's more, there has been movement from the Dragon God.

I can be regarded as the key object of the other party's attention.

If she didn't move, not to mention that Dragon God himself has no face, even Chen Mo feels that he is not capable of provoking enough!

In short

The more gods come to find fault, the better!

At the same time, he needs enough parasite legions growing 'artifacts'!

Just when Chen Mo was analyzing how many parasite legions to make.

Here, the first batch of hatching has ended.

seen from the sky,

Countless black spots flew up from the surging creep, covering the sky and covering the ground.

It looks... like there are monsters straight out of the planet's surface.

If they were just ordinary creatures, they would be scared to death just by seeing this scene.


Even if he is courageous, or cuts off the nerve of fear, his gaze will be quickly detected by the Bastion.

Following this line of sight, the parasitic infection came directly.

At this time, the Bastion has initially possessed the attributes of a god.

Although it is far inferior to the Star Soul World, it cannot be looked directly at!

"Master~ The first batch of parasites have hatched, and the speed is about 520% ​​faster than before, but this requires a lot of material consumption."

"There are so many ~ I almost can't fit it."

Erin said in surprise.

This kind of speed is only achieved by talents, right?

She witnessed this change with her own eyes, and her eyes were flickering at this moment.

He looked at Chen Mo with great admiration.

What this ability to 'grow' at a high speed means, as a demigod, she is very clear!

This is a power that even gods cannot achieve.

A brand-new power emperor that does not rely on idealism or belief at all, and grows simply through building flesh and blood.

"Master~ Is this the power of genetic ascension?"

she asked curiously.


Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

About the same as he estimated.

As for consumables?

As long as it is not a high-energy mineral, there are as many ordinary substances as you want.

After carefully inquiring about Irene's cultivation situation,

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile even wider.

I believe it won't be long before he will have a pair of sisters at the level of gods.

This was a very special surprise.

After all, they are twins of fate,

Wouldn't there be something strange about being promoted to the gods together?

After all, even in the world of Star Soul, there has never been a similar case.

Just telling the big library about this phenomenon, I believe the scholar Lilia will be very interested and ask to come over and take a look.

"Master~ I will definitely work hard!"

"Strive to be ready to ascend to God in 5 days, no, 4 days."

Seeing Chen Mo looking at himself with a smile on his face,

Immediately Erin blushed, encouraged and felt compelled to say something!

All in all, can't be bothered to disappoint.

"I...I have been working very hard to learn the posture taught by my mother!"

She said nervously again.


The smiling Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment.

what to study

"It's knowledge!"

Erin stuttered.

She wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in. Obviously, because she was nervous just now, she made a mistake!

"Very good, don't worry, study hard."

"I believe that your 'prediction' ability will improve by then."

"Ellie too, your 'perception' ability will grow further."

Chen Mo said to the two sisters.

As for why there is such an idealistic ability,

Chen Mo thought it was some kind of genetic mutation.

Or the reason for the combination of genes and spiritual forces.

But it is a pity that he has never had the opportunity to evolve to obtain this ability.

Maybe it's because I'm not strong enough to be compatible?

Or, the two 2.3 sisters are not strong enough?

Anyway, Chen Mo is very interested in raising the two sisters.


"We will definitely work hard!"

"Master's mission must be completed!"

Erin nodded.

While chatting here, light suddenly burst out on the Fortress.

The semi-permanent portal opens,

The parasite that just hatched began to go to the 38th theater.

And Chen Mo gave another order to continue hatching a batch of Leviathans and Gene Devourers.

At the same time, he mobilized a large number of green leather engineers.

This time, it is to prepare for going to the place where the source is buried.

100 Legendary Leviathans.

100,000 gene devourers.

All equipped with 'artifacts'.

If this scene spreads, the entire Temple of Heaven will be frightened.

I'm afraid I have to change the battle plan in a hurry.

What they are facing is not a little newcomer.

It is the great terror that continues to devour and spread!.

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