Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 291 Infiltration Squad! Hurry Up! If You Don't Hit Me, Help Me! (2 More)

Chen Mo transported the past parasite legion,

They were all directly scattered and mixed in the army of ordinary parasites.

At the same time, they have no exo-atmospheric activities.

This is because if you go out, you may be discovered by the Dragon God.


It was inevitable that the rest of the Star Soul Masters would make a fuss.

At this moment, Chen Mo's attention is very high.

Many people stare at him every day.

If you let them know that Chen Mo has started to popularize sharp claws that can directly tear the defense of gods, they will definitely be shocked.

Up to now, Chen Mo has no sense of the number of parasite corps.

As long as there are enough substances, he can continue to batch crystal production.

The Bastion inserts its tentacles into the interior of the planet, gurgling to absorb the material, and at the other end, an army of parasites can swarm out.

In this regard, the other star soul masters are simply incomparable.

Even the Star Soul Lord, who is famous for his numbers, owns more than a dozen planets, and even has a honeycomb planet, which does nothing but use it for violent soldiers, that is, to support a population of hundreds of billions.

And Chen Mo is no longer an order of magnitude.

What's more, this low-quality civilized individual is completely incomparable with Chen Mo's.

Even the lowest level of parasites here is full of parasitic spores, and one of them is enough to set off a terrifying army of parasites.

So in theory, for a planet, facing the invasion of Chen Mo, a spore the size of a grain of dust is as dangerous as a 20-kilometer-long Leviathan.

As long as one of the two breaks through the defense, the planet can be declared to have fallen.

It is conceivable how explosive this threat is.

This is the type of civilization never imagined.

Almost impossible to defend against.

To fight against it, you can either completely win and crush, or you will be completely defeated. There is no third possibility.

However, as long as you are a star soul master, you will know how difficult it is to completely win the crushing.

After all, this is a world with ideal power!

The power of the individual is beyond imagination.

Even if it is a god, it is impossible to be completely free from omissions.

To be seized by the parasite army, even if it is a small victory, it means that you will lose.

The enemies that can only be defeated by a complete victory are beyond the imagination of the Star Soul Masters.

The Temple of Heaven doesn't even understand!

However, Chen Mo made it happen.

And this will also apply to legends, gods, and even more powerful existences.

Just continue to move forward along the deduced evolutionary path.

nothing is wrong

It took half a day,

and nearly 10 billion resources,

Chen Mo hatched the necessary powerful parasite army.

Most of them are dragons.

This kind of individual is not big,

But it's nimble, and it's able to move through the atmosphere quickly.

Chen Mo is mainly used to harass and fight against the elite troops under the command of the gods.

These troops themselves are not very threatening, but if they are allowed to form without interference, they will assemble some powerful magic weapons.

Chen Mo has seized a lot of this kind of equipment, so Chen Mo has enough understanding of the fighting methods of the Temple of Heaven.

In addition to dragons,

Chen Mo also dispatched quite a few infiltration teams.

Their appearance is mainly snake-human, or a hybrid of snake-human.

Although the Queen of the Snake-Human Race took refuge in herself,

But the snake-human race spread to the entire Temple of Heaven very early, and coupled with their talent for mining Tiberium ore, they drifted to many civilizations.

In the early years, the Jin people also vigorously sold the snake people.

This led to the return of all the elite of the Snake People, and took refuge in Chen Mo.

But there are still bloodlines scattered here and there.

This point is just taken advantage of by Chen Mo.

Use the snake people to mix in,

Then parasitic infect more races,

Of course, this does not threaten the gods, but the powerful gods are also maintained by the civilization that supports him. When the civilization dies, "even the planet is infected and controlled by Chen Mo.

They are nothing more than dogs that can only wander in the universe.

From this point alone, the aborigines like the snake people are much more efficient than his parasite army.

It doesn't take much effort to penetrate into the Temple of Heaven.

Intelligence and planets can all be controlled secretly without knowing it.

Of course, it is possible to be exposed.

After all, Alan, the queen of the snake-human race, had just ascended to the gods when she noticed Chen Mo's parasitic infection.

The rest of the gods may also be aware of it.

But it doesn't matter.

He had nothing to lose anyway.

Do it every day, once the infection spreads unknowingly, the Temple of Heaven has no better way than burning down the entire planet.

Unless the gods do it themselves and use his 'ideal' power to directly purify the entire planet.

And this is much more difficult.


A steady stream of parasites were sent to the 38th theater.

Part of it, Chen Mo thought about it, decided to send it directly through the 38th theater, and entered the control area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven.

Let's fight head-on.

Good reminder about the Temple of Heaven.

Make them move 480 points faster.

If they don't come again, Theater 38 will become a lair for incubating countless army of parasites!

Because Chen Mo is eager to make money, and really doesn't want to wait for Tai Wu.

By the way, outside of the 38 theater, open up a battlefield first.

So when the time comes to fight,

The opponent must pass through that area first.

Chen Mo doesn't have much money now.

Just wait for this wave of 'assistance' from the Temple of Heaven to start cooking!

"If the news from Lady Luck is correct, I should be able to get a chance to evolve.

"The payoff will be great."

Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it.


He didn't count on the goddess of luck too much, after all, he still didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

But it doesn't matter,

When the strength goes up, it is the last word.

At that time, any conspiracy will be useless.

Chen Mo has already planned, no matter whether the information of Lady Luck is reliable or not, he will send out a parasite army to plunder the area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

Push all the way!

The legion sent today may feel a lot to the Temple of Heaven.

However, they will find out later that the number of this legion will only increase!

until they despair. .

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