Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 292: The Sisters Are Ready! Top Infection Control! The End Of The Technology Tree! (1 More)

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Chen Mo turned his gaze to the mermaid sisters Irene and Ellie.

After encouraging the two sisters not long ago, they worked harder.

Right now, I am working hard to cultivate and digest the idealism knowledge I got from my mother.

Chen Mo is still looking forward to the promotion of the two sisters.

Chen Mo looked at Alan at the side, and asked: "The current situation of the two sisters, is it safe to advance to the realm of the gods?"

hear this.

Oran immediately concentrated on it, and observed it carefully without disturbing the two sisters.

Then she looked slightly surprised, "Master, there seems to be a strange connection between the consciousnesses of these two mermaid powerhouses. The strengths of the two complement each other. The difficulty for them to ascend to the gods is much lower than that of one person. It feels like we're approaching that tipping point.

Ascension to God is possible at any time.

What is needed now is just an opportunity to prepare relevant promotion resources.

After listening to the answers from professionals, Chen Mo was very happy.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters were more powerful than he thought.

They told themselves just now that it will take four or five days, but now it seems that it is useless!

that's humble!

Of course, sister Hua's mother, Ashe, is even more powerful. If she hadn't been promoted to the gods and obtained more knowledge from the source, paving the way for the rest of the mermaid clan, the two sisters would not have been so fast in their own groping.

Chen Mo couldn't help but said with a smile: "It seems that it won't be long before there will be two more gods on my planet."

Alan smiled and said, "Master~ you are extremely powerful now, and it seems that you will have the power of a god in a short time.

Chen Mo nodded.

According to idealism, his current strength is at the mid-level demigod, and if he goes one step further, he can become a god.

However, unlike the native gods, he relied on the powerful knowledge of the Star Soul world, so he didn't have so many troubles to make a breakthrough, and he didn't need to rely on anything, so he could directly cross that difficult step and become a Star God!

In other words, the difficulty of his strength improvement is more reflected in the breakthroughs of Oran, Irene and other subordinates themselves, and how to continuously devour evolution and harvest more consciousness.

After finishing these, he will naturally become stronger and stronger!

Anyone else wouldn't dare to think about it so early. After all, the Star God is a real high-level person, and has gradually broken away from the category of the backbone.

So that step is not so easy to achieve!

However, Chen Mo is very confident that as long as he is willing, he can receive a lot of opportunities for consciousness and evolution from the three forces of Tianshen Temple, Source, and Dragon God.

Precious knowledge consumes resources and can be obtained from the Star Soul World.

At the same time, Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it.

"If I advance to Star God, I should be able to get the attention of the world's laws. At that time, I will gather 3 attentions of the world's laws. I can use the knowledge of blessings and the power of the star-soul world to use some of my items for A unique enhancement, just like a biological mastermind..."

"At the same time, the more world laws pay attention to, the more power I can use from the Star Soul world, and my Requiem Song and Dark Sky Curtain will also be more powerful. It can be said that they have grown synchronously.

In this case... I don't know if the Requiem I am building now will be affected, or can it be adjusted in advance according to the follow-up power? The construction is of a higher standard to accommodate the possible powerful power?"

Facing this question from Chen Mo, the federal correspondent was stunned.

Hey! Boss, your question is too advanced, right??

And how could he know such a tall question!

However, he was very responsible and hurriedly asked through the authority, and immediately got the answer, but he had no right to check the answer, but directly passed it to Chen Mo in the form of a message.

"My lord, if you feel confident, you can upgrade Requiem in advance to adapt to a more advanced form, but if you don't get the attention of the law of the world

It would be a waste of resources, and the data shows that the probability of advancing to the attention of the world law is usually less than 0.1%.

Tip: When gaining attention, weapons such as Requiem that have been built can easily get a small amount of blessing..."

Seeing the confirmation from the Federation, Chen Mo smiled.

As his strength improved, the responses he could get from inquiries became more and more detailed and in-depth.

There are even some tips.

It is equivalent to a small free enhancement, not much, but it is for nothing.

It just so happened that his Requiem was almost finished.

He is very satisfied with this answer!

It seems that the Federation is still very concerned about geniuses, and the resources it gives are not only in knowledge, but also in intelligence!

Perhaps there are more invisible benefits, but Chen Mo didn't discover them.


At this moment, a wonderful voice sounded in Chen Mo's ear.

[It is detected that the host has obtained more clues about the laws of the Star Soul world. According to the system deduction, using the power of the Star Soul world, combined with core genes such as 'growth' and 'swallowing', under certain conditions, it can obtain evolution opportunities: make' The parasitic ability has been greatly improved, and the prediction has reached the extreme! The probability of success in evolution is 10%]

[Specific conditions: when gaining the attention of Star Soul World, or using Requiem for planet-level purification]


Raised to the extreme?

"Wouldn't it be like what I deduced before, the evolutionary technology tree of infection control can be directly filled, and it can directly parasitize into gene fragments?"

"々`In that case, as long as there are life forms on the infected planet, the infected spores will not die out!"

"Embed and hide your own genes into the other party's body, realizing the most terrifying parasitism on the material level without distinction between each other!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but look ecstatic.

If you have this ability, then you can cooperate with the traitors of the snake-human race and come to a wave of terrifying evil gods to invade, it will be no problem at all!

Before he was infected with the invading snake-human race, he was discovered by the god-level Oran.

If it had the top-level parasitic ability at that time, it would be absolutely impossible to be discovered.

Even within the Star Soul World...

Thinking of this, Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and he didn't continue to think about it.

He didn't expect that one of the top 3 abilities that he had been obsessed with - infection control - would evolve to the end so quickly.

Of course, this is only the end of the physical plane.

Chen Mo believes that there is still a way forward, the road of evolution, and it will not stop here.

For example, like the consciousness of evil gods, it can infect and control other people.

His parasitic spores can be infected at a higher conceptual level through energy, knowledge, consciousness, etc. (by Zhao Liao)!

But these, at least, are things after becoming a star soul powerhouse.

It's still too early to think.

But at that point, let alone the Heavenly God Temple, even if he went to the Great Expedition, in the battle of thousands of clans in the starry sky, he would be able to run rampant and kill all parties.

"That's really good news."

"Although the probability of obtaining an evolutionary opportunity is very low, there should be opportunities to improve in the future."

"Furthermore, the conditions for this opportunity to evolve are actually related to the power of the Star Soul World. Could it be that the weapon Requiem... can't be paid for by me?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking carefully.

This weapon is not simple, once fired, all the creatures on the entire planet will be dissipated.

Chen Mo is like taking the whole planet to draw a lottery.

If you look at it this way, the reward is not bad, but it is a bit useless!

At this moment, Chen Mo is in a good mood.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the knowledge he had obtained from the federal rewards, as well as the knowledge Ashe had sorted out from the source.

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