Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 294: Fantastic Luo Bing Visits! Evil Spirit Reincarnation Pool! (1 More)

Holy Terra.

At this time, there is peace and quiet here.

The whole planet has become more and more beautiful because of the new planet transformation technology.

It changes every day here.

It looks exactly like the barren planet at the beginning~ two planets!

Even the ordinary garden world is no longer as good as Chen Mo's planet.

At this time, there were a few mermaids in the sea, laughing and joking, and on the shore, there was a snake girl chatting leisurely on the beach.

They all have an extraordinary temperament. Although they are dressed in cool and beautiful clothes, they are in groups, looking like the staff of the manor.

However.... After careful inspection, it can be found that each of them is a strong man close to the demigod level!

But here, everyone doesn't think there is anything special,

Because everyone is like this!

The ninth step is Chinese cabbage!

In other words, it is just the basic standard for entering the sacred planet Terra.

Strength, here, is not so important.

No one is going to show this off.

And everyone knows that Holy Terra, there are many continents besides the great divine will!

Not to mention the divine will, even those legendary bosses may be difficult for them to get in touch with in their entire lives.

For example, the extremely glamorous Queen of the Snake Clan has a population of more than 10 billion.

Just imagine, not to mention foreigners, but people from our own tribe, it is already an honor to be able to say a word.

But in Holy Terra, there are many such bosses!

The mermaid queen, the legendary sisters, and the super powerful war boss often come and go through the portal.

On Holy Terra, there are too many opportunities to get close to bosses!

Everyone knows that their own strength is not enough to be seen at all, so don't be arrogant, keep a low profile and be polite!

Because you will never know whether the person walking across from you is a legendary figure, or a space warrior who has been watched by the divine will.

The sphere of influence of the divine will spans several star regions and controls more than two digit planets, which is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In their eyes, the divine will is the whole world!

What's more, the knowledge each of them has mastered and come into contact with is even more astonishing.

Under the command of the divine will, if they want to get ahead, they must either come to Holy Terra for further studies, learn knowledge, and be dispatched to the planet in the future, or participate in the evolutionary war, so that more creatures can join in the glorious evolution.

Everyone has a chance.

Under the sight of the great divine will, there are no blind spots, as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to get the gaze of the great divine will.

This point is clear to everyone.

So every day, everyone is full of energy.

Loyalty to a great will is unparalleled.

As long as the divine will exists, they can shine forever in the astral world, and their consciousness is eternal!

At this moment, the portal lit up, and ripples appeared on it.

Mermaids and snake people looked up at the huge portal.

Such a reaction is...huh?

Seeing the human beings coming in, many people whispered, this is something that many of them have never seen before.

With great difficulty, Luo Bing made up his mind and stepped through the portal. The next moment, he saw dozens of pairs of eyes staring at him.

She couldn't help being taken aback again.

Is this the new snake people who joined Chen Mo?

She looked at the beautiful snake girl and couldn't help being surprised, she was so strong!

Each of them is an existence of level 9!

If you go one step further, you can prepare to ascend to the gods.

Logically speaking, the snake people are not so talented, but here... By the way, those mermaids are also stronger than when she came last time

Wait! The overall environment of this planet...For a while, Luo Bing had more and more questions in his mind, question mark face.jpg.

Is this Chen Mo who is getting stronger every day?

No wonder there are so many top planets all of a sudden!

It seems that his speculation is true, Chen Mo has mastered the method to quickly improve the planet.

Luo Bing couldn't help admiring him.

If it was in the past, she would have to compare it secretly.

But now...the talents of these beautiful people in front of me are almost catching up with the angels, she is really nothing comparable, let alone in the distance, there are a lot of mermaids like this!

At least 2,000 people... Luo Bing glanced at it, and his heart became more and more shocked.

"Dear lady, are you here to find the great divine will? This way please."

There is a mermaid in charge of the portal, who recognized Luo Bing and came to speak politely.

Luo Bing nodded, feeling even more tired.

Is there any mistake, looking at the gate makes her feel a little bit excited!

Such strength, such talent!

If she read correctly, the mermaid was holding Tiberium ore just now, right?

The other party seems to be able to directly use the energy in it!

what does that mean?

Brand new knowledge!

Rich resources!

For a moment, Luo Bing thought of these two points.

But Luo Bing suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

Although she and Chen Mo are in an alliance, and the other party allows her to go in and out of the Holy Terra, this does not mean that she can inquire about things at will.

Soon, the mermaid took Luo Bing into the huge manor.

The core area of ​​Sacred Terra, inside the manor.

Chen Mo looked at the visit message sent by Luo Bing, and couldn't help but look weird.

Why did she run to him twice in three days?

In other words, isn't it time to seize the time to expand and develop strength?

If Luo Bing knew about Chen Mo's idea, she would just roll her eyes. You thought it was you, a pervert! At the current level, how can it be so easy to improve your strength?

Even in the world of Star Soul, which is known for its rapid improvement in strength, there is always time to visit!

What shocked Chen Mo even more was that, according to Luo Bing, the group that was formed when they mobilized people to clean up the 38 war zone, because all of them were girls, and then... as time went by, this group inexplicably Renamed to Chen Mo Support Team!

There are many girls in it, not to mention those who have already joined, just the number of people who are going to apply to join, there are thousands of them!

Seeing this data, Chen Mo was speechless.

What do you mean, although the girls in Star Soul World are powerful and beautiful, some are even rich women.

...0 for flowers can it compare with his mermaid and snake girl?

Just in terms of attitude, it's a big difference, okay?

"Forget it... wait for Luo Bing to come over, explain in detail, educate her well, and she is also recognized as an angel goddess... This is about to become a fan.

Chen Mo turned his gaze and continued to look at the star orbit.

I have to say that it is really convenient and fast to grow and build mushrooms.

There, a huge and strange altar has taken shape.

A full ten kilometers in diameter.

This is already equivalent to a large-scale space station. It takes at least a day for ordinary people to build it, but here in Chen Mo, it can be built easily!

Even if the area is expanded ten times, the construction period will not be much longer for Chen Mo.

As for the common materials needed to build the altar, it is not worth mentioning to Chen Mo who controls more than 20 living planets.

【Evil Ghost Reincarnation Pool】

[Type: Energy Race Cultivation Site]

【Status: Level 1】

[Currently, 1-3 evil spirits can be cultivated every day (depending on the energy of the star and the probability of breeding), which requires constant sacrifice of manganese ore, a small amount of red Tiberium ore, and intelligent life (the stronger the consciousness, the better)]


[Upgrade: 10,000 pieces of blue Tiberium ore, 12 tons of high-energy crystals, 10 tons of high-density radon metal]

[Remarks: This energy race breeding site may breed energy races with super intelligence, which may have space and data attributes]


"Stronger than the angel and demon races."

"It can be seen from the number of daily cultivation.

"However, it is also possible that the technology is too backward..."

Chen Mo hasn't tested the whole process yet, so he dare not jump to conclusions.

But in either case, he didn't care much.

Because, this race itself is of very low value to Chen Mo.

Well, yes, the value is very low.

All races of Chen Mo are based on the core.

He controls and operates all the mushrooms—infecting parasitic creatures—all incorporated into the neural network he constructed—consciousness merged into the astral world.

Races that cannot be included in his system, no matter how powerful they are, are still trash.

And the race bred by the evil spirit reincarnation pool belongs to the ranks of waste.

The evil spirit's many advantages may seem awesome, but for Chen Mo, and his many abilities, it actually crashed.

However, this does not mean that evil spirits are useless.

On the contrary, Chen Mo couldn't wait to give birth to an evil spirit.

Completely, for an energy life, it would be great if his mushroom could devour and evolve a more powerful ability to obtain part of the energy life through this!

Isn't it possible to enter the infection artificial intelligence?

According to the evolution hint I just received not long ago, the evolution probability of 'large-scale strengthening of parasitic ability' may also increase!

"This should be the mushroom that turns from matter to energy, from reality to emptiness, and to the first of concepts...wait, why should I devour evolution to be life?"

"Start directly from the source, not a wave, a home run!"

Thinking of this, Chen Mo suddenly turned his eyes to Evil Spirit Reincarnation Chi Er!.

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