Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 295 Breeding Evil Spirits! The Road Of Evolution Has No End! (2 More)

Chen Mo immediately made a decision.

But... before that, let's upgrade the reincarnation pool first.

Best built to its highest form.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo began to invest a lot of resources in upgrading the evil spirit reincarnation pool.

Upgrade directly to the highest standard!

In order to thoroughly let the evil god knowledge on the slate be reflected in the real thing.

Following Chen Mo's will, the entire evil spirit reincarnation pool absorbed a large amount of energy, began to consume matter, and continued to expand.

In less than a minute, it swelled up again!

This time, the volume did not increase much, but the internal structure was quite complicated, and a large number of devices for increasing consciousness were also installed in place.

The entire Evil Reincarnation Pool descended in orbit and continued to approach the star.

The terrifying stellar flames exploded and could reach the reincarnation pool!

Relying on the environment full of high temperature and plasma around the star, the evil spirit reincarnation pool slowly activates "830" and begins to breed a new life - evil spirit!

"Continue, this reincarnation pool can transform into a suitable consciousness!"

Chen Mo said.

At the same time, there is a strong indigenous consciousness that is thrown into it.

This method of forcibly transforming consciousness is not the first time Chen Mo has heard of it.

It is better to say that it is a reincarnation pool than a reorganization machine.

Break up the consciousness and remix it to build a suture monster that only needs energy to exist.

"If ordinary Star Soul Masters obtain such a technology, they'll probably go crazy with joy."

Chen Mo couldn't help saying.

In this point, he is very confident, because purifying the planet is something that the life of the planet is happy to do.

If these consciousnesses that were about to be destroyed can still be used as waste now, I'm afraid it's not crazy.

The constructed evil spirit can be used again as a terrifying weapon that is not afraid of ordinary attacks.

"If you're lucky, you can also reorganize evil spirits with various abilities according to the different input consciousness, which is much stronger than ordinary races..."

"The first evil spirit is coming soon!"

Chen Mo glanced at his remaining reserves:

"There are only a few tons of the most precious manganese ore left, and the red Tiberium ore is only in the single digits..."

"As for other high-energy minerals, due to the appearance of the Neisser core, there is no shortage of hair.

"What is lacking now are all kinds of metals, as well as rare minerals, manganese ore needs the most!"

Continue to view the information of the evil spirit reincarnation pool.

【Evil Ghost Reincarnation Pool】

[Type: Energy Race Cultivation Site]

【Status: Top】

[Currently, 8-10 evil spirits can be bred every day (depending on the energy of the star and the probability of breeding), which requires constant sacrifice of manganese ore, a small amount of red Tiberium ore, and intelligent life (the stronger the consciousness, the better)]

[Remarks: This energy race breeding site may breed evil spirits with space and data attributes, but the probability is extremely low]

Chen Mo found that the number of evil spirits he can breed has increased to 8-10 per day.

But this doesn't mean much to Chen Mo.

He just verified the whole process.

And...why is the birth of special evil spirits still random, with an extremely low probability?

Chen Mo confirmed that there is no problem with his operation, and the only explanation is that this knowledge only goes so far.

"It seems that the evil god who created this knowledge didn't think of a further way, or there is a way, but I probably have no chance to obtain it..."

Chen Mo thought carefully.

Lilia, a scholar of the Great Library, has confirmed that the evil god who recorded the information on the slate has disappeared in the long river of history, and there is no problem and it is very safe to use his knowledge.

But this also means that if you want to obtain follow-up knowledge, you can only rely on luck.

And this is obviously impossible.

"Either I will research the follow-up and improve the method of breeding, or I will consume a lot of resources and just try my luck.

"It seems that cultivating other races is also a hard job."

Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

Even the Heretic God had to try his luck.

If you think about it this way, wouldn't it be more difficult for most people in the Star Soul world to cultivate races, the further they go to the back, the more difficult it is to improve?

"It's no wonder that the world of Star Soul has been frantically collecting all kinds of knowledge. Not to mention the establishment of a large library, there are also various strategies for the development of diverse races and civilizations."

"I think that besides the reason for monopolizing the end of the road, the subsequent upgrade is too difficult, which is also a reason."

Chen Mo immediately understood that, just like this evil spirit reincarnation pool, after upgrading to a certain level, the type of individual evil spirits that can be cultivated, as well as the level of strength, are already constant.

In this case, as the master of the star soul, it will be more difficult to go further.

"But my race doesn't have this problem."

"I can continue to devour evolution, control more and more races, and deduce the road without end."

"However, when we reach the stage of god-level civilization, I am afraid that there will be no one to devour and evolve in front of us. Just like this evil god, he just has no reference, so the evil spirit reincarnation pool, which is constantly improving and modifying, is only a corner The repair, in essence, did not improve too much... 0°

Shaking his head, Chen Mo no longer thinks about these things. You must know that the Star Soul world is only a god-level civilization, which is equivalent to Chen Mo alone. It is really too far to grow to this level.

"Go on, cultivate a few more, and try your luck."

Seeing that the breeding speed was very fast, Chen Mo simply gave another order.

For a moment, the entire evil spirit reincarnation pool was filled with scorching light, and the terrifying high-temperature plasma was continuously drawn up from the surface of the sun to maintain a suitable environment for boiling the reincarnation pool.


One by one, the indigenous lives were directly crushed by Da Jiba with the help of the power of the star realm, and then thrown into it.

Regarding energy life, in fact, there are many discoveries in the world of Star Soul, and there are even big members of parliament in the world of Star Soul, who have a huge army of space necrons under their command.

Digital life, energy life, void creatures...even including some angels.

They all have a form that is separated from matter and only relies on energy to maintain consciousness.

Generally speaking, although this is rare, it can be regarded as a very large life system.

As for infecting and controlling the entire Evil Spirit Reincarnation Pool and gaining new opportunities for evolution, it is not yet the time.

Chen Mo estimated that at least one round of evil spirits had to be conceived before making a decision.

Now his technical overlord, as well as the psychic masters of the snake clan, have personally assisted him in the operation, so as to carefully observe the operation of the entire reincarnation pool.

Lilia said that she would also come to observe, but she hasn't shown up yet.

What is it that got caught up again?

Chen Mo is also used to this scientific research madness.

Soon after 1.3.

The boiling evil spirit reincarnation pool gradually cooled down, and the glimmering plasma light in it also gradually dimmed, leaving only a few light blue figures.

There is no entity, just like a moving light.

Of course, this is Chen Mo's perspective.

The angles of his observation are too rich. When ordinary creatures look at it, there is nothing there, nothing at all.

For those with a higher level of civilization, it can be detected that there is a strong disturbance of consciousness in a certain area.

8 evil spirits!

"7 ordinary evil spirits, several spherical evil spirits!"

Chen Mo looked at the more unique one --- the star evil spirit!

His figure is small, huddled and huddled together, exuding blue light, reminding Chen Mo of a plasma cannon.

This kind of evil spirit has a definite shape and converges towards the middle instead of radiating outwards, and keeps diverging, which proves that the opponent can maintain a certain degree of self-control. .

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