Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 296 Knowledge Artifact Plus Ghost Cannon, Boundless Mana! (3 More)

Spherical evil spirit, energy life.

As energy life forms, they basically ignore conventional physical attacks and have extremely high reaction speeds.

But correspondingly, their life form determines that this is a process of constantly dissipating themselves, and they need a suitable environment to continue to exist.

At intervals of one day, one must return to the reincarnation pool to re-stabilize the form of the energy body.

Of course, the more powerful it is, the lower this demand will be.

In terms of labor alone, this race is actually very poor, and it basically does nothing but destroy.

It was created at the beginning, presumably to cooperate with the unknown evil god to do some destructive things.

"It should be used as some kind of special weapon."

Since it was destruction, Chen Mo naturally tried to find a way in this regard, and couldn't help but look at the other 7 evil spirits.

Just from the appearance, they twisted and transformed, and at first glance, they were much scarier than this spherical evil spirit.

However, this is a manifestation of their inability to control their bodies, and their consciousness is also very little, which is useless.

It is a defective product.

After some research, Chen Mo recorded the information of the spherical evil spirit in detail, and submitted it to Lilia.

I don't know if she will have more views on this race?

【Spherical evil spirit】

[Current Status]: Extraordinary level 7.

[Advanced Requirements]: Blessing from the will of the world (the rest are currently unknown)

[Origin]: One of the trophies in the battle of the Temple of Heaven, 30 is obtained by Chen Mo, the strong star soul.

It was found on an extremely ancient rocky planet. It should not be the place of origin of the item. It was carried by a strong golden man from the Temple of Heaven camp. It is speculated that the possible source of the stone plate is a planet within the management area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven.

[Description]: The most basic type of energy life is extremely vulnerable when faced with energy attacks, but it has extraordinary advantages and restraints against internal planetary battles or mechanical enemies, and is very suitable for activities inside stars.

[Remarks]: It seems to be a product of some staged war weapon. It is recommended to pay close attention to similar life forms.

"As soon as it is conceived, it will be level 7, very strong."

"Consciousness has not yet reached the level of wisdom. If you are loyal or not, there is nothing to discuss. Acting with a weak consciousness is easy to control.

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

With a thought, he began to let the creep spread, covering the entire Evil Spirit Reincarnation Fan.

Instead of letting this facility serve as a separate race hatching lair and play some role that is worse than nothing, it is better to join in the glorious evolution.

[Ding! Your race has controlled the evil spirit reincarnation pool through parasitic infection. From now on, you can quickly grow the evil spirit reincarnation pool quickly and with less materials! 1

"Then combined with the Giant Fel Heart, I can quickly stockpile the Wraiths and use them as one-time weapons.

"However, a high-energy environment is needed to create them."

Chen Mo watched the tentacles continue to spread and began to change shape, transforming from a disc shape into a giant Leviathan's reincarnation pool, he couldn't help smiling.

Yes, Chen Mo didn't intend to cultivate this race at all, and he didn't intend to treat the evil spirit reincarnation pool as a race lair.

Instead, the watch made a plasma cannon.

Hmm, maybe it could be called the Ghost Cannon?

What is launched is energy life, which will turn around and automatically track the target's self-explosive energy life.

It also ignores armor shields and automatically avoids obvious attacks.

Really. Smart weapons.

Because these energy lives are very low-level, and after a while, they will die by themselves, so it is quite cost-effective to use them as one-time consumption weapons.

Among Chen Mo's many weapons that can destroy stars at any time, it is not powerful, but in terms of flexibility, it is unique.

Although the conditions inside the giant mana heart are not as good as those on the surface of a star, they are still quite terrifying, and they are just used to accommodate a large number of evil spirits created.

When necessary, these "ghost shells" can be fired quickly by slightly modifying the electromagnetic gun.

"Since this is the case, it would be very incorrect to call it the Evil Spirit Reincarnation Pool. We might as well change the name to: Psychic Energy Core, okay!"

With a thought, Chen Mo filled in an extra core name in the equipment column of the Fortress (mothership): 'Psychic Energy Core'

Along with 'Gravity Core' and 'Nesser Core'.

Three cores!

One manipulates gravity, one absorbs energy, and the other converts intense energy into energy life, which is stored for future use.

Just before the Bastion transformed the tentacles and obtained the 'matter-absorbing tentacles', using this can afford the operation of the three cores.

As for the consciousness body transformed into phantom cannonballs by investing in the 'Psychic Energy Core', after the start of the battle, it is enough to catch them on the spot. The most indispensable thing on the battlefield is cannon fodder.

Coupled with the knowledge artifact "Magic Energy Judgment" that Chen Mo obtained not long ago, this weapon is a one-time artifact for building pure energy.

Chen Mo just took advantage of this feature to reduce the power of the constructed energy body to simulate the pure energy environment of the high-temperature plasma of a star to activate the "phantom energy core"

Use weapons as energy sources!

It's a bit like the one used to start the hydrogen bomb and the nuclear bomb.

At that time, when the Magic Power Judgment is activated, countless ghost cannons will be activated at the same time, cutting planets in close combat, and tracking automatically from a distance!

Thinking of the terrifying scene where the Fortress turned into a Firebase, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I don't know who was sent by the Temple of Heaven?

Many people are worried about the upcoming counterattack of the Temple of Heaven, especially the 38th theater with Chen Mo as the highest combat power.

Worried that they won't be able to fight, many newcomers are ready to retreat at any time.

If they knew Chen Mo's terrifying firepower, they would be envious to death.

It's fine to make a man-made god, but this god also used the artifact of knowledge!

Now there are even more ghost cannons.

It is a pity that this ability consumes extremely terrifying energy, and requires advanced knowledge of idealism, magic power ruling.

It is also impossible for Chen Mo to sell it.

In addition to the expectation of the ghost cannon, Chen Mo is also very interested in one of the characteristics of these manufactured cannon fodder ghosts.

That is extremely strong high-energy environmental adaptability.

They can freely enter and exit neutron stars, as well as the interior of stars.

This is an area that only powerful star gods have the ability to explore.

What an amazing race!

"Go, join the Greenskin Legion in Theater 38, and they will arrange a suitable job for you."

Chen Mo ordered casually.

There just happened to be a star over there, perfect for an ambush.

And being with the green skins is even more of an opportunity.

It depends on whether they can be recognized.

After the eight original evil spirits were adjusted by Chen Mo, the green leather engineer on the side led them towards the portal with the help of the power of the astral world.

The portal cannot directly lead to the war zone, but has to bypass the core, which is the main portal of Holy Terra.

After transiting here, you can go to the main planet occupied by Chen Mo.

If flying, even the most powerful evil spirits would have to dissipate in the long distance.

After finishing the order, Chen Mo turned his gaze and looked at the Fortress again.

With one more core, the high-energy response of the Bastion is a little stronger.

The psionic core is constantly producing energy life, and the invisibility ability will indeed be worse.

But after having a dark sky, this shortcoming is nothing.

The entire Bastion is getting stronger and stronger, and it looks more and more powerful, like an evil god!

"until tomorrow………"

"I can create enough evil spirits to make psionic cannons fight a whole battle.

"When the time comes, the green skins will be the third flexible legion force besides the 067 organism."

"The more methods I have, the more ways I can deal with all kinds of gods in the Temple of Heaven!"

At this moment, Chen Mo is in a good mood.

Now, his infinitely evolving mushroom race, plus 3 major races, man-made evil gods and artifacts, and even energy life forms have begun to take shape.

Chen Mo believes that as time goes by, he will become stronger and stronger until he becomes a star god, and finally, he will win the top 100 seats!

As for sweeping the Temple of Heaven, it is not too far away.

Looking away, Chen Mo, accompanied by Oran, turned around and walked towards the manor.

Under the construction of the mermaid and the snake girl, this manor has become more and more beautiful, and every place is beautiful.

Luo Bing also arrived at the door at this time.

"Is this the top manor in the garden world?"

Her voice shook.

At this moment, she is embarrassed to say that her planet is called a high-level paradise.

Compared with here, it is simply outrageous.

The teleportation gate farther away is constantly shining.

The busyness made her click her tongue.

For a moment, she even felt that she had returned to her home planet—the Star Soul World!

The atmosphere of the Star Soul World here is extremely strong, and the busyness is comparable to some teleportation plazas in the Star Soul World.

Suddenly, a portal opened.


Why only one green skin came over.

The opponent doesn't seem to be very strong.

God...this is too extravagant.

Open the portal directly, just a green leather rush?

If there is something, ordinary green skins must be teleported here and there... Wait!

What's behind the greenskin??

Luo Bing's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at the empty area behind the green skin.

PS: Ask for flowers~~.

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