Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 297 Pilgrimage! Are There Benefits In The Support Group? Luo Bing Cried In Shock!

what exactly is it??

Consciousness fluctuates, she noticed it!

It's very faint, even chaotic, but... this should be the reason for the portal to open.

But before Luo Bing took a closer look, another portal opened again.

The green-skinned engineer, with the invisible strange creature behind him, quickly entered it, and the ripples calmed down, as if it hadn't appeared.

From the beginning to the end, the green leather engineer did not speak, and there was no operator in sight beside the portal.

All this gave Luo Bing a strong feeling, and when she looked around carefully, the feeling became stronger, and then two words came to her mind: efficient!

Yes, everything seems to be operating precisely, even the opening and closing of the portal seems to be fully automatic?

No one cares about such an important area?

Or is it that, like that invisible creature, there is another system that cannot be seen, and it is running?

Thinking of this, Luo Bing looked at the entire Holy Terra again, and suddenly became more and more envious.

Chen Mo built this, it's amazing!

Bustling, busy, efficient!

This means strong combat effectiveness, advanced knowledge utilization, and a lot of wealth...

"It's really high-end..."

Luo Bing subconsciously gave out admiration, and there was some envy in his voice.

The next moment, the portal opened again, and a large amount of material was transported over.

As well as Chen Mo's order to ask Oran to find the snake people, all of them have also arrived.

These snake people are the best in the whole clan. At this moment, they all started this journey with a pilgrimage planet in mind.

"A pilgrimage?"

Luo Bing is keen to hear a word that is mentioned the most and is the most exciting.

This loyalty...

She almost drooled when she heard that, it was obvious that Chen Mo had completely controlled the snake people, and his loyalty was unimaginable.

The vocabulary of pilgrimage has come out.

Generally speaking, only an overlord who has ruled a river system and has been in business for many years can have such a status.

It seems that it was not as simple as everyone thought that the queen of the snake-human clan took refuge in the past. Chen Mo has an unknown strength!

What's even more astonishing is that each of these snake girls is so powerful. Listening to them, can they go further?

Cultivate races on a large scale and ascend to the gods!

Even, cultivate the planetary governor!


Luo Bing took a deep breath, and it was as she had guessed before, this time it was a real hammer

Not to mention being able to completely transform the planet, Chen Mo has also mastered the knowledge of training a dragon.

He doesn't even need to hire expensive Star Soul World personnel, but directly trains his own subordinates, which is enough to perfectly manage the property in hand!

Not only making money first-class, but saving money is also top-notch!

I admire it! In other words... Chen Mo is not only the number one rookie, even among the Star Soul Masters, he is also an extremely outstanding existence.

Luo Bing suspected that the next battle, Chen was addicted.

Yes, just the combat power of the Snake-human race that they have relied on as a whole seems to be very powerful now, and they can be put into use immediately!

If this is the case, it is not a problem at all to counter part of the attack on the Temple of Heaven.

I'm afraid that if the gods really come, they can fight, and even fight you back and forth, without falling into a disadvantage.

After all, in addition to the mighty snake-human queen, Chen Mo's own strength is also very strong, not to mention other things, just with so many portals and massive material delivery, it can also be seen that part of the combat power.

And the mysterious invisible creature just now, could it be Chen Mo's secret weapon?

"Chen Mo's strength, every day is like this high-speed changing Terra...々"

"I am indeed the same as yesterday and today."

Luo Bing couldn't help curling his lips.

Combining what he saw and heard today, combined with his observations all the time, the thoughts in Luo Bing's mind became more and more firm.

What happened to the knowledge of building planets with Chen Mo upgrades?

Isn't it just being controlled by the opponent to upgrade the path?

do my best!

Since you can't compete... then join.

No, it’s too alien to talk about competition now. It’s cooperation, um, it’s not right, cooperation alone is definitely not enough, cooperation is also divided into levels, and cooperation is required.

To be clear, Chen Mo will take this express train.

Just as Luo Bing was thinking wildly, she heard movement behind her.

"Ms. Luo Bing, the great divine will has come."

Immediately, Luo Bing was taken aback, and immediately turned around.

And the snake girl is already prostrate on the ground.

"Great divine will."

"Ms. Luo Bing has already brought."

"Well, thanks for your hard work, you can go down now."

Chen Mo said.

For a moment, the snake girl looked ecstatic, twisted her waist slightly and retreated.

Afterwards, Chen Mo looked at Luo Bing, slightly surprised in his heart. Compared with the last time he met, his strength had also increased a bit, but it was smaller than he expected.

"Tell me, what's the matter for you? You can't come to me just because you are a fan, right?"

Chen Mo spoke directly.

Chen Mo doesn't like these things at all.


She blushed and panicked. It's impossible for you to say that she doesn't know anything about this.

But... She really didn't do it on purpose!

God knows why it came to this point.

Anyway, everyone knows about the trouble now, and she can't admit it if she doesn't want to.

"Now that I am in this society, I am also being roasted on the fire. Many people think that I am the head of the harem."

"Secretly, I will do attract women."

"And I have spoken out for you many times. As your only friend in the rookie zone, the rumors are outrageous. If you don't believe me, you can look them up online.

"Anyway, now that the matter has spread, I...I also admit it. As an ally, I will take full responsibility and give you some angels, how about it?"

"In addition, I have thought about it before, this 'backup group' might be able to play some alliance role, if you feel that it affects your reputation, then I will disband immediately.

"My advice is to keep it, you don't care about fame anyway, do you?"

This is the best solution that Luo Bing can come up with.

"The most important thing is that among the people I recruited, many of them are talented, and some of them really admire you, not to say that they came here to rub your strength.

Brain powder, you know?

Some races of girls are quite interesting, among them there are even some energy life forms, as well as very rare and powerful races, whose specialty is growth and infection control.

Luo Bing said in detail.

She didn't want to appear as if the support group she had formed was useless.


Chen Mo originally wanted to talk about disbanding, but this variety of races immediately made him interested.

After infecting and controlling the evil spirit reincarnation pool, Chen Mo became interested in various methods of cultivating races.

"Then let's keep it for now, besides, you should have other things to do here, right?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I want to borrow some mermaids and transform my planet!"

"I also want the corresponding transformation knowledge, but I need a series of knowledge up to the top level. You can set a price."

Luo Bing bit his lip and said.

As a genius, she certainly wouldn't have used Chen Mo's knowledge in the past.

This means that future upgrades will be subject to Ye Fei.

But the current situation... Both parties have established a permanent portal, and the other party can come to her planet at any time.

Coupled with Chen Mo's achievements, Luo Bing felt that she was no longer at the same level as herself, and she had no value at all to be coerced and squeezed.

Incorporating yourself into Chen Mo's planetary upgrade system is the best solution.

"We are half allies, so let's just ask for a price, and you have helped me a lot."

Chen Mo shook his head.

"What's more, you can't afford the price."

Luo Bing was just about to be moved when he heard this sentence.


"You are a smart person, and we have established an initial trust, so I will tell you clearly.

"Actually, you now have two options."

Chen Mo is also not a person who likes to hide and hide. It is impossible for people to sit on an equal footing with him in the system he built.

First, we will continue to get along in this capacity, similar to an alliance, and everything will be based on the previously discussed share ratio.

As for what kind of results you can achieve in the end, it has nothing to do with me.

Naturally, it is impossible for me to sell you the top-level planetary transformation knowledge that I maintain my advantage, and you can buy intermediate-level knowledge at most. "

"Second, you join my system. In the future, I will take care of planetary upgrades, construction, and production arrangements. I can guarantee you that the personnel will be provided to you for free if you upgrade the planet to a garden world or a top-level agricultural planet." .

But correspondingly, you can be regarded as my person. In the future, I will be the leader. I also need one for your angel reincarnation pool. I will provide the materials and you will help me make it.

Luo Bing:

Although she had been prepared for a long time, when she really faced Chen Mo's second choice, she still felt a little empty in her heart.

After all, he is a top talent, so he was included in Chen Mo?

Is she shameless?

She is not reconciled.

"I...I choose the second option."

Luo Bing wanted to refuse in his heart, but when he said it out of his mouth, he couldn't help it, Chen Mo gave too much.

As long as the promise is made, it will be a system in the future, but this also means that she will have a large number of resources in the account, and the planet will directly upgrade and take off!

"Wise choice."

Seeing that Luo Bing agreed, Chen Mo couldn't help but nodded.

"You chose to sign a subsidiary covenant with 'Holy Terra'. According to the agreement (click to view the details), the other party occupies a dominant position."

"Do you want to sign a contract?" (Demahao)


Luo Bing looked at the contract certified by Star Soul World, without any further hesitation.

The next moment, the portal opened, and a large number of mermaids began to move.

At the same time, once the covenant was submitted, the Federation also responded.

Her watch starts to be notified:

"Prompt 1: Congratulations! Your planet has begun to be transformed, and the level is being improved!"

"Reminder 2: Congratulations! You have concluded a close agreement with Chen Mo, the star-soul powerhouse, and you are being watched by the Federation!"

"Hint 3: There are a lot of mermaids and snake girls on your planet, and you may be noticed by the powerhouses of the Temple of Heaven!"

"Hint 4: You may be attacked by the Dragon God!"

"Tip 5: Please note that with the help of the star gate, the breath of the star soul world has spread to your planet, and you may be noticed by void creatures."

"Tip 6: As an ally of the recipient of the Conquest Certificate, your inquiry authority in the Federation will be slightly improved!"

"Hint 7: You form an alliance with the star soul powerhouse, and the conditions for you to gain the attention of the Federation will increase the difficulty.

"Tip 8:...."

Luo Bing was dumbfounded by a series of dense jingling sounds.

No...why are there so many prompts?

She knows about the Dragon God and the Temple of Heaven, and they are old enemies, but what the hell is this void creature??

God, there is also a proof of conquest? Then I am forced to join the team??

Crying! The difficulty of my trial has increased?!

Chen Mo is a star soul powerhouse!

What's going on with Holy Terra?

Luo Bing looked at a series of prompts and was dumbfounded. .

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