Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 301 God's Chosen! The Bridgehead Of The Temple Of Heaven Battle! (1 More)

Terra in the evening was quiet and peaceful.

However, in a star area hundreds of light-years away, on a meteorite, there is a greenskin army deployed nervously. As they move, spores are constantly scattered, and mushrooms and creeps grow.

This time, they also brought a brand new weapon, a strange ghost cannon that can pass through the wisdom of the astral.

Chen Mo turned his gaze, and glanced at the countless green skins that were being prepared.

The Greenskin Legion at this time was completely different from the Infected Corps.

They have wild shapes, each of which is more than 3 meters high. All kinds of machinery, surgical transformation, and armor mixed with flesh and blood are extremely popular.

As long as you are an aborigine, seeing this race for the first time will definitely make your heart skip a beat.

If you add the creeps that spread wherever they walk, and the thousands of tentacles that grow out of it, then a word will definitely pop up: evil god's minions!

Looking at this ferocious and weird green skin army, Chen Mo felt emotional.

Back then, who would have thought that these were just thin, slightly gifted goblin natives?

Up to now, they have been completely combined with mushrooms and become Chen Mo's main combat unit.

Each one is extremely powerful.

Gathering together, it can generate a very strong force field of 'I am thinking', and can even ignore some laws, resulting in the effect of wishing things come true.

The portal opened, and two big green skins stepped through the portal. Amidst the roar of the armor, the two came to the holy Terra carefully.

They are taller and taller, more than five meters in size, each of them looks like a small titan, plus they look simple, but extremely thick armor, a fierce breath

Come on.

Of these two, one is a brother, and the other is thick.

Today, they are the captains of the Greenskins, the most powerful and cunning warriors.

It's the God's Choice!

"Great divine will!"

The two knelt on one knee, holding the map in their hands, and looked up at Chen Mo respectfully.

Chen Mo looked at the two fighters and nodded with satisfaction.

The strength of these two is increasing explosively every day.

I believe that it won't be long before they will become god-level warlords.

Possesses the terrifying ability to destroy an army by one person.

Of course, it is impossible to accurately measure their combat effectiveness just by looking at their strength itself.

Because their strongest point is not in hard power, but in: all the green skins firmly believe that they are very strong, as long as the great divine will sends them two, they can be invincible.

One of the two cornerstone laws of the world-consciousness interferes with reality.

The role played here is extremely obvious.

After all, they have the force field of my thinking, and Chen Mo gave them many opportunities to perform and also endorsed them, making them the most famous in front of the whole family.

If they are lucky, the two of them should become the strongest among the green skins forever, and become an extremely powerful existence.

Of course, there are many green skins who are gradually becoming famous.

These two are just Chen Mo's favorite.

If there is a better one, the 'I'm Thinking' force field, I will choose it for myself.

In this process, the most important thing is luck.

As long as the number of green skins is enough.

Chen Mo just needs to be patient.

As a result, Chen Mo carefully checked the battle star map submitted by the two Mao Mao brothers.

Compared with before, now his army has rushed into the Temple of Heaven and occupied a star system outside the 38th theater.

Many of them were defended by the Jin people and the Rat Clan of the God of Plague.

But there is no doubt that it was completely destroyed.

A battle without the presence of gods will not stir up waves at all. Chen Mo only pays attention to the final result.

Mao Ge said respectfully:

"Great divine will, we follow your supreme wisdom and have opened up a new battlefield, and using the resources of the Temple of Heaven, a steady stream of good brothers are joining the battle

"Currently, we have occupied a star system and rapidly deployed flesh and blood lairs in it. At the same time, the tide of evolution has sounded, allowing more than hundreds of millions of natives to join in the glorious evolution!"

"Next, we will sweep across the area of ​​the adjacent Tianshen Temple. According to the memory extracted from the golden man's brain, there should be a living planet!"

It has to be said that the river system occupied by the Temple of Heaven is really rich.

Just after opening, Chen Mo has already occupied a planet and brought 100 million intelligent creatures under control.

And that's just colonizing planets!

All the creatures above were transformed into members of the infected legion, connected to the divine will network, and contributed to Chen Mo's strength.

Compared with the gods, the consciousness of these natives is really weak, and they are just a dim light in the star realm.

But quality is not the point, quantity is the key.

After any race is infected by Chen Mo, its flesh and blood will evolve rapidly.

It can be said that if anyone wants to ascend with flesh and blood, achieve eternity, and be loyal to Chen Mo, this is definitely the best way.

Well, although those wild looks of the Infected Legion are indeed unflattering.

But there are still many people who want to give it a try, the temptation of eternity and strength, who can beat it all?

This may be one of the reasons why the evil god is hated and feared.

Especially those desperate members of the Temple of Heaven.

In fact, through the snake people scattered in the Tianshen Temple, Chen Mo has already made his name known.

Many people know that there is one slave owner who has always been under the extermination order, and will recruit his subordinates.

But the premise is that you need to give up your current body and beliefs.

However, using this information, there are also elite teams from the Temple of Heaven, who have mixed into it.

Chen Mo never refuses anyone.

After being infected by him, it's not just as simple as hallucinogenic drugs, controlling and transforming the body, and covering it with mushrooms.

Through the material foundation, gradually infecting and controlling consciousness is the most deadly!

Whether it is a loyal warrior or a determined brave man, as long as he is loyal to Chen Mo, he will prostrate on the ground and shout the divine will.

Therefore, the speed at which Chen Mo harvests consciousness is very efficient.

Feeling the slightly increased consciousness, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

"In other words, the advanced bases outside the 38th theater have been consolidated?"

"Yes, great divine will!"

The two green-skinned gods nodded respectfully. .

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