Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 302 A Battle That Attracts Attention! Build An Angel Reincarnation Pool! (2 More)

"Very good, immediately send 100 million legions to attack the next planet of life.

"However...don't knock them all down for the time being, the main thing is to maintain pressure."

Chen Mo gave the latest order.

According to the intelligence inquired by Oran, the Divine Spirit Legion on the side of the Temple of Heaven should be arriving soon.

This action will definitely make the opponent speed up.

Because no one wants to destroy one more planet of their own.

Except for burning the planets that Chen Mo landed on into glass balls, it is impossible for the Temple of Heaven to take them back safely.

"Obey, great divine will!"

The two war lords nodded respectfully, and then retreated.

Tomorrow is definitely a battle worth looking forward to!

"Master~ Lady Luck is very cooperative this time, and the information obtained from Ms. Luo Bing is basically the same."

Oran walked in, and continued to add softly:

"The goddess of luck and the two gods who came this time are not in the same faction, and the possibility of them connecting together is very low.

"Perhaps the other party also wants to see my true strength."

Chen Mo said.

This time the battle is really interesting, he wants to try the sincerity of the goddess of luck, and the goddess of luck will see his strength.

The God of Plague and another middle god who participated in the battle wanted to show their strength to the Star Soul World.

The numerous Heavenly Temples and Star Soul Masters who watched the battle also had their own purposes.

I don't know what information Li Po has?

With a thought, Chen Mo opened the watch.

At this time, the chat channel in this war zone has exploded.

"Is Chen Mo there?"

The first sentence that came into view made Chen Mo stunned.

Is this going to eat my own melon on the spot?

"The war is approaching, and it is a continuation of the last war. Before that, Chen Mo defeated the Temple of Heaven. To be honest, I also want this kind of victory to continue."

I saw Li Po talking inside, everyone was very quiet and didn't interrupt.

As a veteran star soul powerhouse, this is the most basic respect!

"After all... everyone is the plow of the Star Soul world, opening up the world for the world"!"

"Chen Mo went from one victory to another. I saw it and was very happy. But this time, Star Soul World has sent two god-level powerhouses!"

"They are: the powerful generals under the command of the God of Wisdom, the God of Plague and the God of the Sun."

"Especially the Sun God, this is a heavyweight. He once severely injured a star soul powerhouse of our side a year ago. I was nearby at that time. It can be said that even if I saw it, I would not dare to say it." , able to take down the opponent without injury.

The opponent's main battle race, the sun titan, is also an extremely powerful superhuman race. "

Li Po eloquently said a lot.

But he wasn't lying.

This time, according to the information he got, the enemy is menacing!

It seems that the inner area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven is also preparing for something?

No matter what, he still feels a little pressure, this time Chen Mo will definitely not be able to stand it!

"Damn it, Sun God? I know him. Last year I was at a loss in his hands. This time it happens to be a new and old grudge, let's forget it together!"

"Haha, that's why Chen Mo invited you."

"The rookie king should be spying on the screen too, sorry to ask for help?"

"Boss Li Po's rescuers are all ready, so am I. I can rescue them for free. I'm a little interested in some things in the hands of the God of Plague~"

"The time of the battle is known, but where?"

"Boss Li Po will reveal it."

"Kneel and beg Li Po to reveal!"

"Upstairs, if you have the guts to omit the word Lu, Tu Ji will only talk to you."

"Ahem... Let's get down to business. Apart from Chen Mo's side, the pressure on our war zone is not small. Don't be unable to defend by then, and become the last one!"

With some information revealed by Li Po again, the entire chat area is boiling.

Everyone is carefully studying how to defend against the counterattack of the Temple of Heaven.

Because of different opinions, they started arguing one after another.

There is only one thing that everyone agrees on, that is, it is correct for the Temple of Heaven to send powerful gods to attack the 38th theater. This move has indeed discovered the weakness of the Star Soul World.

That area is full of newcomers, even the powerful newcomer Wang Chen Mo is not favored by everyone.

Chen Mo watched for a while, but there was no more information. He turned his eyes and looked at Luo Bing.

The other party's angel reincarnation pool has already started construction, and the bright white light has enveloped the entire area. There are many angels flying around, singing strange notes.

Chen Mo doesn't understand the necessity of such ritual steps, but looking at Luo Bing's serious expression, bathed in the angels, it seems a bit holy?

This kind of reincarnation pool, generally speaking, newcomers in the early stage will only build one, and for a long time in the future, they will usually only upgrade continuously, or use evolution potions to upgrade the important combat power that has been cultivated.

If the behavior of Luo Bing at this moment is spread, it will definitely cause shock.

Even the previous rookie kings would not be so extravagant.

Only Chen Mo can consume these precious resources at will without affecting normal development.

It can even be said that Chen Mo will not pay too much attention to this resource consumption nowadays, and consumes these in order to obtain a possible evolution opportunity.

"々`It should be very hopeful, even if it is not possible now, it will be very cost-effective to incorporate it into the system where mushrooms can grow rapidly like the evil spirit reincarnation pool

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

That's the benefit of having unique upgrade lore.

Resources alone are not enough to allow others to cooperate like this.

I believe that relying on his reputation as a super genius, coupled with his terrifying record, he can continue to promote this set of "planet transformation" knowledge.

More and more newcomers will join his system.

Moreover, there are so many, he can choose carefully...

As for the star soul experts, they have already selected the knowledge system, and Chen Mo has no chance.

But being able to win newcomers is already extremely terrifying.

Every time it is included in his system, it belongs to the same boat as him, and it is naturally a camp. (North King's)

And he is the apex of the whole system, the boss.

Of course, many other power groups will definitely have opinions if they eat alone like this.

Didn't you see the tribe of geniuses screaming, coming to poach the wall?

Even, some big bosses and big consortiums will value some people, try to give knowledge and train them.

It can be said that Chen Mo's current behavior is quite dangerous.

So he also has a sense of propriety, and he will never forcefully promote this planetary upgrade system to others.

Either put it on the shelves and take the initiative to buy it.

Either take the initiative to join the group that Luo Bing pulled, and wait for a while to observe.

"In the final analysis, his strength is still too weak to be qualified to be on the table.

Chen Mo couldn't help but whisper.

"The great divine will, out... a special individual has appeared!"

At this time, a snake girl came in in surprise.


So fast?

Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised, and turned his gaze to the ghost gun on the Bastion. .

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