Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 303 God Said, This Is A Great Weapon, Invincible! (3 More)

At this time, there is already a jubilation here.

Many green skins jumped up and down, everyone was very surprised.

Because everyone expected that strange evil spirits would not be bred so soon. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the whole ghost cannon to work at full capacity, and there was a harvest!

Chen Mo turned his eyes and looked at the middle of the ghost cannon. The terrifying high-energy environment made the place extremely boiling, like the sun above, full of plasma state substances.

And among them, there are 8 evil spirits floating in a daze.

Well, 7 of them are common, all stored for use as ghost shells, and only one is special.

At the same time, a green-skinned engineer also felt the sight of the great will, and immediately submitted the test information of the special evil spirit.

Chen Mo took it over, and then modified it himself, and archived it.

【Space Evil Spirit】

[Ability: Within 1 million kilometers, regardless of space, can be teleported at will, and combined with the physical body in the teleportation area]

[Status: Level 8, special energy life

【Position: Cannon fodder, consumables】

[Advanced requirement: blessing from the will of the world (the rest is currently unknown)]

[Remarks: According to the knowledge left on the slate by an unknown extinct evil god, the energy life that was randomly bred, the specific principle of randomness is unknown, and it is expected to be related to the void monster (similarity). 】

"Evil spirits with space attributes... this ability..."

Chen Mo was surprised.

Only two words outrageous came to mind.

He also thought that 590 was space travel or something, but he was only half right.

It is a more special ability that can directly interfere with the distorted space.

It is a step further than his previous gravitational core.

That is to use the strong gravitational force to make the space more stable.

And this one is teleported to the target area, directly connected to itself, distorting the entire area.

The space is distorted, what substance can not be deformed?

This kind of attack should be regarded as the most powerful attack type!

What a surprise!

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

Even if this ability is a god, it must be hurt, right?

Of course, the premise is that there are a large number of green skins present, and it is definitely not enough to rely on the suicide attack of this evil spirit.

Ordinary people would cherish this kind of evil spirit and prepare to use it as a trump card.

But here in Chen Mo, there are not so many particulars, if there is one, there will be two, until infinity!

So Chen Mo didn't let this evil spirit be cannon fodder, but gave him to the green skins as a precious research creature.

Next, is to make it strong.

It can't be dissipated by accident, but he doesn't worry about putting it in the star.

Chen Mo immediately designated the other party as 'God's Chosen'.

Conduct a certain range of test promotion in the astral world.

At the same time, the creeps surged up, creating a separate giant mana heart for this space evil spirit.

In the future, this will be the safest shelter for space evil spirits.

At the same time, it is also its strongest prison.

The giant mana heart is installed on the Bastion and used as the only space weapon.

With each attack, the space evil spirit launches a part of its body, which combines with the space distortion in the target area.

"Hmm...Energetic life is amazing, and it can also divide its own body. Using this feature, as long as my space evil spirit is strong enough, wouldn't it be possible to have a very powerful space weapon that can be launched continuously?"

"Others bio-generate electricity, but I cut flesh and fire it as a weapon."

"But it's not a big problem. Anyway, evil spirits are different from ordinary creatures, and they don't feel pain..."

Chen Mo carefully analyzed this possibility.

And the space evil spirit designated by him as the "God's Chosen" has already been wrapped in the formed giant mana heart.

The whole heart was beating violently, and the surrounding creepers were supplying powerful energy, and some engineers rushed to insert the Tiberium core upwards.

For a moment, the entire heart beat more violently, and the temperature of the entire surroundings rose by at least a thousand degrees.


The next moment, the heart exploded, and a terrifying ray shot out, directly shooting a green skin present.

The opponent was turned into ashes on the spot (dadg).

"The temperature is just right."

Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

The space evil spirit inside also exudes the idea that it is not cold anymore.

After a moment of contemplation, Chen Mo named this new space weapon that combines the magic heart and the space evil spirit: Space Core.

Of course, unlike the other cores, there is only one core for the time being, and it is a set within a set, and it is relatively weak.

However, Chen Mo believes that as the space evil spirits in it continue to grow, the space core will become stronger and stronger.

Until one shot, it can launch a body that distorts an entire planet, and even press it into a piece of paper.

"Huh... If you think about it this way, it looks more like a void monster."

"Could it be that the dying evil god was inspired by these monsters to create the knowledge of the Evil Spirit Reincarnation Pool?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking carefully.

He is not good at this aspect of textual research.

It's also completely unnecessary.

Chen Mo sent some of the information he collected to Lilia that did not need to be kept secret.

Big Libraries Scholars are experts at this.

I believe that if there is any gain in the future, he will get it.

He believes in his luck!

Speaking of luck, Chen Mo's thought made a move, and he brought in a big fighter.

"The fighting abilities of the boys of the Greenskin Legion, is there any progress?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Great divine will, under your guidance, we have obtained quite a lot of extraordinary abilities!"

"Inscribed with the mantra of the great sacred will, and brushed with red, which represents loyalty, can make battleships and chariots have an additional 30% efficiency."

"Not only that, the powerful roar can also strengthen our momentum and cause ideal oppression to the enemy. At the same time, the power of our weapons will also become stronger!"

"By the blessing of the great divine will, no one is safe from our harm!"


Da Jiba only saw it from his perspective.

However, Chen Mo knew that behind this was the result of the combined effect of the magical talent of the race he created and the divine will.

"In the future, the 'Ghost Cannon' will also be maintained by you. Use it well, and the power of this weapon will become more and more powerful!"

"Tomorrow on the battlefield, this weapon should be careful to easily destroy the legion of gods in the Temple of Heaven.

"It even caused heavy damage to the gods!"

"I will keep my eyes on the mighty warrior who delivered this blow!"

Chen Mo directly defined it.

The power of idealism is so perverted.

It's because he didn't become a star god, otherwise, he would definitely be stronger!

At that time, the green skins will grow up with him, to what extent it will be hard to imagine...

Hearing Chen Mo's hint, Yinji trembled with excitement.

"Thanks for the gift of the great divine will!"

"Great weapon!"

He can't wait for tomorrow's battle!

After exiting the Holy Terra, turning around and stepping into the portal, there is already a mountain roaring and a tsunami in front of Dajiba.

The endless legion filled the sky and the earth. .

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