Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 304 Dinner? I Just Want To Bleed Like A River! (1 More)

"I have been guided by the great divine will!"

"In this battle, we will not only win, but also welcome new partners to join us."

"Let's welcome a brand new weapon——Space Core! And—Ghost Cannon!"

Dajiba raises his hands high on this planet with creeping creep~.

The brand new weapon behind him, the Ghost Cannon, rotates slightly-.

For a time, the entire planet resounded with cheers.

Chen Mo looked at this scene, nodded secretly, and then looked away.

This is the benefit of all mushrooms.

Under his command, even the ghost cannon is essentially a life weapon.

These things are similar in nature, and can even be connected with green skins, so it is very simple to operate.

With the blessing of green skins, these weapons of his will continue to grow and become stronger.

Just like those two war lords.

Exciting scenes, everything is ready!

Just when Chen Mo was about to say a few words, his watch suddenly vibrated slightly.

Muyao request visit!

Looks like it's time for delivery.

With a move in his heart, Chen Mo agreed to visit.

The next moment, the portal on Terra shone with light, and Mu Yao walked out from it.

When Chen Mo saw the girl, he smiled and said, "Today seems a bit late, before you came to pick up the goods during the day."


Mu Yao couldn't help but smiled, "I'm super busy during the day, besides processing your energy blocks, there are many people who come to me, especially the people from the Gray Steel Consortium, who are stingy and want to Buy energy blocks from us for a long time, and talk for a long time."

Mu Yao rubbed her face, "You know this consortium, right? I heard that they came here for the sake of your fame.

"Old acquaintance."

"Don't be polite to them, as much as you want."

Chen Mo nodded.

It has to be said that this is a consortium with considerable influence in the Star Soul world, their voices can be heard everywhere, and coins are scattered everywhere. Their money and resources seem to never run out of schedules?

There are more than half of the elite operators under his hands, and their strength is also very strong.

Having said that, at the beginning Chen Mo had the opportunity to work as a laborer at their place..

"Chen Mo, you are amazing~"

Mu Yao looked around and sighed.

In other words, I have to open my mouth every time I come here... It's really an amazing place.

The planet here gave her the feeling that it was alive and changing every day.

The aura of the Star Soul World became stronger and stronger.

"This is a credit to the new knowledge of planetary transformation I acquired, which requires the use of Tiberium ore, snakes and mermaids."

Chen Mo said, "If you need a planet, I can provide it to you for free."

For Mu Yao, there is still a lot of trust between the two, so Chen Mo doesn't have so much nonsense.

The other party will give it to him if he wants it. At present, his "Planet Upgrade" construction team has already reached full proficiency.


Mu Yao smiled until her eyes narrowed, "But my main planet doesn't work, you can try the rest.

"Because I adopted the method I learned from Liu Runa."

In case Chen Mo misunderstood, Yao added another sentence.

Once the upgrade route is determined, it is very difficult to change, and if it is changed, the previous investment will be in vain.

So in general, everyone defaults and will only take one route.

"By the way, Liu Ru, have you added her as a friend?"

Speaking of Liu Ru, Mu Yao thought of this incident again.

Liu Rushi is her good best friend, and she came to Chen Mo's place together last time, so it can be regarded as meeting.

Her idea is that Liu Ru, as a veteran star soul powerhouse, also participated in the battle of the Temple of Heaven. If the two can communicate with each other, it should be of some help to Chen Mo's current battle!

"Well... added."

Chen Mo nodded.

He couldn't say that he added it, but because he was busy with obtaining evolution opportunities and selling all kinds of spoils for money, did he forget to chat with Liu Ru?

But the other party didn't contact me...

It seems that it is also to prepare for the battle of the Temple of Heaven, everyone is very busy.

Of course, even if it was a real chat, it would be an awkward chat. After all, there is really nothing to talk about. The two of them are not in the same war zone, and there is not much place to communicate.

Do you want to inquire about the so-called veteran Star Soul powerhouse Li Po from her?

It's not necessary at all.

But continue to fight, wait until the 29th theater and the 38th theater are connected, then maybe we can meet again.

When various high-energy minerals passed through the portal and were transported to Muyao's processing plant, Muyao also waved goodbye.

"Goodbye~ come on!"

Mu Yao encouraged Chen Mo.

It can be regarded as a boost to myself, the two are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and her current prosperity is all due to good luck, being selected by Chen Mo.

Thinking of this, Mu Yao contacted Liu Ru while walking through the portal.

Because she is too busy with work, dealing with various companies, she feels that people are going to explode! So she basically doesn't surf the Internet very much.

…0 for flowers………

Fortunately, she also has a channel to know the news.

"Hey! Xiao Ruru! I asked Chen Mo to add you. "Is it helpful?"

She asked Liu Ru.

Liu Ru: …………

Looking at Mu Yao who was still yawning with a sleepy face, she didn't know what to say.

This... Could it be that the legendary fool has foolish blessings?

How famous is Chen Mo? It is said that she has recruited an entire harem. What can she teach others?

"I suggest you look at this 'Tianjin Temple Theater Channel'

Liu Ru couldn't hold back a little, and said seriously.

"Although Chen Mo is facing difficulties now,... let me put it this way, even if he suffers a blow this time, he will be able to recover soon.

"It's a good thing for a young genius to suffer a little."


Liu Ru said again.

She is a relatively low-key person, while Chen Mo is too high-key and arrogant.

She has no objection to this, but she always feels that if she is targeted by the other star soul masters because of this, the loss outweighs the gain.

Fortunately, this should not be a big problem for Chen Mo, just some losses.

That veteran Star Soul powerhouse, Li Po, didn't dare to really do anything to Chen Mo.



Listening to Liu Ru's words, Mu Yao looked puzzled, and quickly turned on the theater channel.

The chat channel at this time is already full of demons dancing wildly.

Because everyone knows that tomorrow is the moment of battle.

The Temple of Heaven will launch an attack on the front lines of the Star Soul World from multiple directions.

The most interesting ones are the 29 theaters, 38 theaters, and 1-10 theaters.

Among them, 1-10 and 29, that is a strong collision.

But among them, the one with the highest attention is the 38 theater.

Because here, there is no veteran star soul expert, the strongest is a rookie king.

And according to the consciousness of the Federation, it can resist, and the suggestion is that there is no need to send additional manpower!

At first, everyone was very surprised.

But after Li Po burst out that there were two gods attacking, everyone changed from surprise to shock.

"Hey~ Seeds can fall in the front row~"

"Hey~ Sit and wait for the table~"

"Do you have empathy? Do you have a sense of morality? Where is your help, your justice? By the way, I am the goddess at the table~"

"Ahhh! I just want to see blood flow into rivers!"

In the chat channel, everyone can't sleep, those who are waiting to eat melons, those who eat banquets, and those who just want to bleed into rivers, there is one!.

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