Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 305 Angel Reincarnation Pool? No, Pretzels, Delicious! (2 More)

" could this be?"

Looking at these chats, Mu Yao feels bad.

Worry about Chen Mo!

But fortunately, it's not that they didn't speak to Chen Mo.

Because Chen Mo's knowledge spreads out, he can naturally unite a group of people.

Due to their interests, this group of people worked harder than anyone else to support Chen Mo.

After all, if Chen Mo falls from power, or has a bad reputation, and they are still counting on Chen Mo's follow-up planetary upgrade knowledge, it will only be worse.

"You little hot chicks are just jealous of Mr. Chen Mo!"

"Hehe...don't be stupid, the federation will watch a genius like Chen Mo suffer a lot of damage and be devastated? If this is the case, I have to suspect that there is something shady."

When everyone unites, they have quite a fighting power.

Fight for it online.

That's not counting, they also spontaneously organized an organization called "Holy Alliance".

Corresponds to Chen Mo's planet "Four Six Seven", the sacred Terra.

"Hey... Chen Mo boss, when will the next batch of planet upgrade knowledge be released?"

"Yeah, the kids can't wait!"

"If possible, I would like to join Chen Mo's upgrade system!"

"Hmm... look at the profile picture, you are a man, right?"

"What's wrong with the man? Look down on me? I have a lot of tricks!"

"If Mr. Chen Mo is really recruiting, I will be the first to join, and I don't even need planet management authority, just wait for the dividend!"

Seeing these comments, many newcomers were also moved.

You said that Mr. Chen Mo is very strong as an opponent, then it is definitely not good, but what if he is one of his own?

It's so cool!

At this time, the people of the Genius Tribe couldn't sit still.

They also voiced:

"Brothers can join the genius tribe. We are all masters here. If you want to upgrade the knowledge of the planet, you only need to pass the assessment within the alliance and get it for free!"

"Hehe... Chen Mo doesn't intend to form an alliance here. You people are really funny. Save yourself, the other party has no time to talk to you."

"When I heard that two god-level powerhouses were coming, I'm afraid they packed overnight and prepared to run away. Those who are still in the 38th theater, hurry up, there is still time.

"Let's not talk about the Sun God, just the God of Plague who controls the plague is extremely terrifying. The Temple of Heaven is clearly prepared, knowing that there are many people in Chen Mo, but no matter how many people there are, are you afraid of the virus?"

"Indeed, the plague is absolutely destructive to Chen Mo's army of creatures!"

"Our genius tribe will completely occupy the area of ​​the Temple of Heaven!"

Joining us is a fair cooperation, joining Chen Mo, that is Dangmo.

For a while, the entire chat channel was flooded with similar remarks.

What most people don't know is that at this time, Chen Mo's strength has been improved to a higher level.

Even, it has already begun to attack the star god realm!

If one becomes a star god, then there are many people who want to be dogs.

Many people who speak today have to cry!

Not to mention, Chen Mo's subordinates have cultivated a god-level cosmic life form!

Man-made evil god --- Bastion!

They would be stunned if they saw the scene where the Bastion activated the magic power judgment and continuously fired the ghost cannon.

This is different from the Requiem that directly cleans the planet.

This is a continuous and endless output of terrifying firepower.

Of course, Mu Yao didn't know this either.

Just watching the chat channel, she felt that Chen Mo seemed unstable.

Some say he's doomed, others say he'll get help.

But...not even the staunchest supporters are saying that Chen Mo will win big!

But obviously... She went to Chen Mo's place before, and she sensed 2 of them just from the god-level aura.

The two primary gods... should not be defeated in a big way.

Even though she thinks so, Mu Yao is unavoidably worried.

Unable to help, she contacted Liu Ru again, wanting to inquire about this matter in detail.

Holy Terra, inside the manor.

"Chen Mo, I'm almost finished building, you can send someone to take over."

Luo Bing sent a message.

In addition to the angel reincarnation pool, there are also some resources produced in the 38th theater, which happened to be delivered together.

Proof of Conquest has a huge storage space, which is very convenient for transporting these large objects across the portal.

Not long after, Oran brought the Angel Reincarnation Pool to Chen Mo.

Unlike Chen Mo's evil spirit reincarnation pool, which grows with mushrooms, the base of the angel reincarnation pool is almost entirely inlaid with high-purity energy crystals.

It looks very advanced.

The glow that continuously bursts out of it seems to have a sense of holiness.

Of course, Chen Mo knows that this is just some kind of aesthetic point of view deeply buried in racial genes.

Perhaps somewhere, there really is a very strong race similar to angels?

Otherwise, where did the person who created the knowledge of the Angel Reincarnation Pool get his inspiration from?

The influence of this kind of "angel sanctity" is very far-reaching. According to the calculations of the Star Soul World, it basically exists in the known universe.

This proves that quite a few races have been influenced by a certain extremely powerful civilization, at least a god-level civilization... 0

Like the Tianshen Temple, there are very few people who regard ugliness as beauty.

"However, this also proves that the consciousness disturbance spreading out from the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven is quite powerful."

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of this question again.

"You can test Lady Luck."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo no longer entangled in such far-reaching things, but set his eyes on the angel reincarnation pool.

Through this cultivation device, Luo Bing can quickly breed angels in large quantities without completely relying on the evolution medicine map.

Of course, this requires the consumption of a large amount of high-energy minerals, and each angel is expensive, after all, it is similar to an energy creature.

Before, Chen Mo was very greedy for creatures like angels. The opponent's prospecting ability, sensing of high-energy matter, as well as flying and fighting abilities are all top-notch!

For this reason, after cooperating with Luo Bing, he asked many angels to be maids.

But there has been no deduction of possible evolutionary opportunities.

Most of Angel's abilities are not suitable for integration into his mushroom gene sequence.

Obviously, this species has gone very far on the road of idealism, and it is not very useful for Chen Mo to light up his own evolutionary technology tree.

Or...haven't reached that level yet?

But no matter which one it is, let's talk about it after getting it thoroughly.

Even if it can't evolve, after the infection is controlled, Chen Mo still has a way to use it.

It's like after the Evil Reincarnation Pool is infected and controlled, it is gradually transformed into a ghost cannon and extends out of the core of the space!

【Angel Reincarnation Pool】

[Ability: Nurturing Angel of Wisdom]

[Positioning: Constructing the building of the belief in the kingdom of God, breeding the race]

[Currently, 10-125.70 angels can be cultivated every day (depending on the type and quantity of high-energy minerals)]

[Remark 1: It is possible to cultivate high-level angels, the probability is related to beliefs and the strength of the user's consciousness, as well as the type of minerals that can be used.

[Remark 2: God's Kingdom proficiency in knowledge, high-level heaven construction, etc. can help strengthen....]

" still need faith."

"I seem to have acquired a low level of knowledge in this category, but it doesn't mean much to me."

Chen Mo took a little look at the manual submitted by Luo Bing.

Very detailed, a large stack, at least there is text information that can be read for several hours.

Chen Mo didn't look closely.

Because there is no need.

After the infection control is underway, we will naturally be able to gain an in-depth understanding.

Then play slowly.

With a thought, the portal opened, and the Angel Reincarnation Pool was swallowed by Leviathan who was waiting at the other end.

Devour evolution is the kingly way!.

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