Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 309 Cancer Of The Universe, Sweeping! Four Gods? ! (3 More)

"Go get ready."

When the time was almost up, Chen Mo gave the order.

At this time, according to his observation, the theater channel has already boiled over.

In many places, traces of the Temple of Heaven have been found.

What's more, veteran star-soul powerhouses like Genius Tribe and Li Po couldn't hold back anymore and took the initiative to attack!

But judging from the reaction, they seem to be playing hard.

The enemy is very strong this time!


Through this, together with the information disclosed by Li Po and Lady Luck, Chen Mo can clearly know which direction the Temple of Heaven will attack.

He even knows roughly how many people there are.

Once he defeats this wave of gods in the Temple of Heaven, he can grow straight.

Even, if you are lucky enough to get a new opportunity for evolution, or the ability of mushrooms to infect one step further, and leap towards nothingness and conceptualization, then it will be cool at that time.

If that's the case, his infection level may be raised to level 8, that is, under the gods, everyone can be infected quickly!

Even... can't resist!

Sweeping the entire Temple of Heaven is no problem.

And to harvest so many creatures, Chen Mo's divine will will become even more terrifying, and it will be very easy to advance to Star God.

When Olan and the others stepped into the portal, Chen Mo turned his gaze to the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

At this time, after a night of infection control, the holy and beautiful Angel Reincarnation Pool has completely changed its appearance. It is covered with creepers. From time to time, because the energy is too intense, pustules burst and juice splashes everywhere.

It looks very evil.

Those who didn't know it thought it was the creation of a certain god and was infected by god.

Well, in fact, the mushroom creep and the angel reincarnation pool have been integrated at this moment. They have both idealistic and materialistic parts.

Most of the basic substances are replaced by mushrooms.

"Start breeding angels!"

Chen Mo ordered.

For a moment, the entire angel reincarnation pool started to operate, and the surrounding creepers spread rapidly, connecting to the supply system of the entire planet.

All kinds of nutrients, substances, and high-energy minerals can be injected into it through the creep.

Chen Mo optimized the process as much as possible, and adopted the technology researched by the technology overlord, excluding human operation, angel chant to import energy, etc., directly and fully automatic.

His idea is that it's better to be like laying eggs, gurgling~

an angel,

two angels,

Thousands of angels!

Then the pretty angel cut it open and saw, good guy, it's full of mushrooms....

How about the star systems outside the 38th theater? I have gathered all the angels who can fight, and they can participate in the battle at any time. "

Chen Mo was observing this new form of angel reincarnation pool, his watch vibrated slightly, Luo Bing asked.

"Well, it's not a big problem, I'm also preparing to give birth to angels here, do you have a suitable weapon, can you send some to me.

Chen Mo said.

Speaking of the angel reincarnation pool, he has brought it over for a day, but he hasn't used it yet.


Hearing Chen Mo's words, Luo Bing was dumbfounded.

The entire theater channel is boiling, and the Tianshen Temple has arrived!

Are you still watching Breeding Angels!

Crazy! Breeding angel battles now?

Is it too late?

"My angel legion is ready at any time... hey?"

Luo Bing also wants to emphasize again that he has a very high-quality combat power that Chen Mo ignores.

But before she could finish her sentence, she saw ripples from the portal, and a beautiful jade foot stepped over.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Bing's eyes stopped on the opponent's beautiful body.

Can't help being slightly stunned.

The one who came over was Oran, the queen of the human-snake-human race, and an invincible god of the same level. Her charm was naturally extremely strong.

Caught off guard, even the Lord of the Star Soul will heal God.

Not to mention the newcomer Luo Bing.

"Ms. Luo Bing, let's take this route to the combat area."

Oran spoke politely.

The master's partner, although the strength is mediocre, is worthy of respect.

"Eh... huh? Good! You can do whatever you want!"

Luo Bing came back to his senses suddenly, and then found out that there were 4 gods, and he was stunned again.

Almost lost my temper.

But she didn't care about that much anymore, but stared at the four gods in front of her.

Omg...two more!

She almost screamed.

Two beauties with similar looks but different temperaments, true goddesses.

"Phew... Where did Chen Mo find so many subordinates of the gods?"

…0 for flowers………

Luo Bing looked at the back of the god who was going away, and couldn't help feeling a little sour.

Such a master can't be cultivated all at once, right?

At the very least, it turned out to be close to the level of a god.

It's outrageous... No wonder Chen Mo doesn't panic, he has 4 gods under him, even if the opponent has a middle god, his strength is not much different!

At least it is much more optimistic than what the War Zone Channel said.

"In this battle, some will fight!"

Luo Bing couldn't help being excited.

If Chen Mo dares to take the initiative to attack, he must have more cards!

Involuntarily, she became a little excited.

"Don't worry, the good show is yet to come."

She opened the watch, and entered a line of words in the "Chen Mo support group".


38 Theater, outside, a star system controlled by the Temple of Heaven.

at this time,

There are already overwhelming creeps, spores, and large-mass legions whose gravity is even enough to affect the operation of many satellites!

Wherever the entire legion passed, mushrooms and creeps continued to spread.

Meteorites and small satellites were all wrapped and swallowed, and a layer of creep quickly grew on the surface.

The creeper continued to explode, and infected bodies swarmed out of the eggs one by one.

Even, the speed is too fast, from space, it looks like a wriggling monster full of spouts, constantly spewing out a large number of small monsters.

"What a body!"

"For the Divine Will!"

"Grow weapons soon, it's time to let the enemy feel the warmth of 100 million degrees Celsius!"

The greenskins roared, even though their skin was still dry, it didn't stop them from quickly boarding the battleship, ready for a huge battle!

Wherever it passes, it will be annihilated!

Even stones, the legion will not let go.

All matter, consciousness, and flesh and blood can be used to harvest every inch of value in this star system.

The only pity is that it is close to a war zone, so there are not many residents. They are all colonial planets, and there are not many ordinary creatures on it except for the army of the Temple of Heaven.

And these, on the contrary, are what Chen Mo wants to harvest the most.

But this is not a big problem, intelligent creatures will not kill themselves by wiping their necks.

None of the preceding planets, means subsequent planets, more.

Difficult first and then easy, can also be proved. .

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