Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 310 Multi-Line Combat! God Of Plague! (1 More)

With such a large-scale mobilization of legions, there are even a large number of nuclear weapons and high-energy weapons launched.

The entire dark universe suddenly lit up with spots of light.

Every time it flickers, it means that pieces of creatures disappear, and countless flesh and blood are evaporated.

This scene shocked the entire 38 theater.

All the newcomers were dumbfounded.

"What the hell?"

"The Temple of Heaven encountered strong resistance outside!"

"Which star soul boss brought someone to attack?"

"Are you blind? Can't see that iconic high-powered weapon? This is Mr. Chen Mo!"

"Hiss! What a terrifying amount, it's a hundred times more exaggerated than before."

"No wonder Mr. Chen Mo doesn't panic at all!"

"Fuck~ I detected a strong energy reaction, it seems like there is a god!"

"Exciting, it seems that what Boss Li Po said is true, there is a god-level powerhouse coming from the Temple of Heaven!" How to deal with it?"

"Ahh! I really want to get closer and observe!"

"Don't worry, there will always be big bosses who are not afraid of death and dare to face the majesty of the gods. Let's wait and watch the live broadcast.

The entire theater channel also boiled up.

Many people paid attention to Chen Mo's side. Once the battle started, it seemed that he was not in the 38 theater, but outside!

This is completely different from the situation that Li Po exaggerated before!

All of a sudden, everyone became interested.

"Haha, Chen Wen has extra means!"

"It's amazing...they don't retreat but advance. We are all playing defensive counterattacks. This rookie king is good. He just rushed out and killed indiscriminately. This is so domineering!"

"Sigh... Fortunately, we are not Chen Mo's mortal enemies. Otherwise, with such a wave of push, we would have to run away without hesitation."

"Run? We are not gods, attack at the speed of light, how do you run, when you see it, everyone has been evaporated, leaving only a shadow on the wall."

"I calculated that the current number of Chen Mo's legion is at least over one billion. This number is too scary. Is his entire race a soldier? Doesn't it need logistics and production?"

"You are stupid, how many races have they conquered? The population of the Snake Race alone is more than that.

"You're stupid, all the snakes don't have the fighting power, this is not something a slave can do!"

For a while, the War Zone Channel debated this issue.

Everyone is very curious, how did Chen Mo's army achieve such a huge size.

How to guarantee logistics, command, morale, etc.?

Legion of billions of levels, or space!

too exaggerated.

The more you think about it, the more shocked everyone is.

Even the Star Soul Lords remained silent.

Because they found that even they were not Chen Mo's opponent.

The other party has demonstrated high-end combat power before, but they didn't expect the quality to be as good as theirs, and the emperor is also so terrifying.

If they really match up... Many people's faces turned pale when they thought of this.

Chen Mo is enough to crush them all!

"Hey~ It's more than that~ Many legions of Chen Mo boss are still dispatched, those just now are just a part~"


"Everyone please watch the video, there are pictures and the truth."


War Zone 38, but the front line, was able to get first-hand information, and many girls from the "Chen Mo Support Group" sent messages one after another.

All of a sudden, praise, coquettish, bragging words and videos filled the entire theater channel.

But they also have the capital to do so.

Because the content of these videos is really shocking!

"Damn—! There are still so many legions that haven't been dispatched!"

"It's in action! Look carefully, it's just that they didn't go to support the front line, but went to the other side and started attacking!"

"I'm going, what a huge mothership!!"

"Teleported!! They teleported, but the target is not the front line, but Wu... the inner area of ​​the Temple of Heaven??"

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Chen Mo What kind of operation is this??

Didn't you agree that everyone would defend together? Why don't you just intercept the enemy's troops directly, and now you are in an offensive posture.

Those who don't know will definitely think that Chen Mo is the one who launched the offensive.

Still multi-line combat!

The tide is turning!

For a while, many people felt a little bit in their hearts, realizing this.

Maybe Chen Mo didn't pay attention to the other party at all?

"The Star Soul powerhouse Luo Xin admires the boss Chen Mo~"

"Chen Mo awesome~"

"I, Wu Sheng, are also convinced."

"Brother Chen Mo, are you friends? Want to ask some questions!"

All of a sudden, many star soul powerhouses were shocked, not to mention the final battle situation, just Chen Mo's display of so many legions deserves their respect!

"I have to say that the sacred Terra established by Chen Mo is simply perverted. It is outrageously strong. Especially with this amount, the Temple of Heaven will probably cry to death. Fortunately, they have gods. Otherwise, there would be no need to fight this battle. ..."

"I remember that Mr. Chen Mo also has gods, 2, although not as good as Tianshen Temple, but it is not a big problem to drag each other.

"I'm afraid the middle gods won't be able to hold back, let's see, but now that Chen Mo is making a fuss, his main force should be on the side of the star-level mothership!"

"Did you pay attention to the video just now? I didn't see the front of the mothership, but it's so scary. It looks like a living thing. Could it be... a god-level war planet?"

"Every day, Chen Mo is getting stronger."

"Sigh... our speculations don't feel very meaningful."

"Brothers! The star soul boss Li Po has already achieved a record! The Temple of Heaven has been beaten and retreated!"

"The Genius Tribe has also resisted the Tianshen Temple Company, and gods have also appeared over there, everyone, go and see!"

"Someone is broadcasting live!"

"It's amazing, it really is that the biting dog doesn't bark, and as soon as it started, it gave us a big one."

Fuck...for a while, I don't know whether you are praising or scolding. "

For a while, the entire theater channel became more and more boiling.

Many people turned their heads to pay attention to Li Po's battle situation and went to 4.8.

Although Chen Mo has a lot of momentum here,

But Li Po was the first to confirm the record!

[Ding! A large number of plague viruses have been detected. According to the system deduction, capture its source, and you may get the opportunity to evolve! It can be strengthened: 'toxin' or 'parasitic' genes. The probability of the former is 95%, and the probability of the latter is 80%. 】


"Another chance for a major evolution!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly.

Although he was not on the battlefield at this time, his breathing quickened all of a sudden.

The Plague God Man has not arrived yet, but his attack has arrived.

However, Chen Mo didn't let his god fighting power go out, and the green skins and ghost cannons didn't move either.

Waiting for the other party to show up directly!

This evolution is extremely important to him, and it will be a sublimation on the road of genetic ascension. .

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