Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 311 The Star God's Opportunity! More Delivered To Your Door! (2 More)

A total of more than 50 gods were used in the Temple of Heaven.

Attack the world of Star Soul from as many as hundreds of war zones.

It can be said that most of the combat power was dispatched!

Even, in many areas, they have achieved very good results.

The Star Soul World retreated steadily.

For a while, many people exclaimed, the Temple of Heaven was dispatched in full force, calling for support quickly!

The Star Soul Lord on the retreating front burst into tears.

Their own life is not in danger, but the loss is enough to make people's hearts bleed.

Instead, it was the 38th theater, which was peaceful.

For a while, all the newcomers did not suffer any damage.

But they didn't dare to eat melons, and they all nervously followed the movements of Chen Mo's army.

Once they can't stand it, they will run away immediately!

Everyone regards this as a huge battle.

At this time, no one knew that Chen Mo was getting a key evolutionary opportunity.

Even, no one knows, which area inside the Temple of Heaven has Chen Mo's other legion of more than one billion teleported to?

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, using the special information provided by the goddess of fortune, Chen Mo is launching an invasion of the first large-scale life planet.

This is the first time that Chen Mo has been fighting with Tianshen Temple for so long, and for the first time, in a real sense, he has invaded the rich life planet of Tianshen Temple.

The snake-human race still cooperates with the inside and the outside.

And this is a complete army suppression when the opponent is unprepared!

There are tens of billions of creatures on this planet.

These are all transported from the edge galaxies.

This group called the "Gulu Clan" transported most of their ordinary people to this mother planet.

First, strengthen the consciousness of the planet.

Second, avoid the flames of war from the edge galaxies.

Unexpectedly, there was already a ghost inside them, and there was more than one!

These races without powerful gods have become votes to verify credit!


"Everything, either join evolution, or turn into fuel!"

A green skin commander shouted.

This order reverberated in the nerve connection, and then extended to the entire consciousness network, all the soldiers in the legion were excited.

From outer space, this scene will make people feel frightened.

On the planet of the Temple of Heaven, there are pieces of creep spreading, and the creep is spreading rapidly, at an extremely fast speed!

There are also a large number of green skins landing, erecting weapons on the creep blanket, and more deadly mana hearts and neather cores.

With the energy provided by these devices, the expansion speed of the creep continued to soar, and even set off a terrifying wave of hundreds of meters high.

Filled with hallucinogenic spores in the air, plus countless twisted hyphae clustered together, mixed with tentacles, they crazily rushed to the distance.


Once it reaches the ground, an infected area will be expanded.

Then the fight is almost over.

The 100-meter-high infection creep sweeps across the entire planet. Creatures, whether they are extraordinary or ordinary, are entangled by hyphae, secrete hallucinogens, control infection, symbiosis, replace some body organs and nervous systems, and finally Access the Awareness Network.

Become a shining consciousness in the astral world.

"More awareness.... The power of spirituality is rapidly increasing..."

Chen Mo felt the rapidly growing power in his body, and couldn't help feeling that he had to do something, so he simply changed his sitting position and asked the angel to pour him a cup of tea~

"I will be able to use more types of knowledge in the Star Soul World to leverage stronger power in the Star Soul World!"

Chen Mo feels that continuing to harvest like this and becoming a Star God may be within sight.

At that time, I am afraid that some federal attention will be indispensable, and there will even be attention from the Star Soul World Law.

The harvest will be great!

At that time, Chen Mo will be the overwhelming number one in the entire theater, whether it is personal strength or army strength!

In the entire Tianshen Temple theater, no one is qualified to show off in front of him.

Star gods, even in the star soul world where the strong are like clouds, there are very few existences, and each has its own name.

But the more he got to this point, the less anxious Chen Mo became.

"Let the legion take over a little slower, and digest the achievements of this planet."

"Hehe... If you're lucky, there might be reinforcements to deliver the goods to your door."

Chen Mo said.

He let Oran control the progress of the battle on both sides without too much deviation.

What if the God of Plague ran back in fright at the 38th theater, it would not be so beautiful~

He doesn't mind if the other party goes to the mother planet of the Gulu clan.

The more the better!

In the 9th and 40th theaters, everyone in the genius tribe was very anxious at this time.

The reason is that the enemies they encountered were too powerful!

Among them are the gods of the Temple of Heaven, who are still good at overall control and commanding troops.

As a result, they are often partially defeated and exhausted.

But this is not the main reason why they were anxious and quarreled in the group.

After all, their performance was already pretty good.

However, this good performance, put together with Chen Mo's next door, is not enough at all.

The war zone controlled by the opponent can't be said to be without waves, it is also without war.

In short, the other party actually withstood the attack of the Temple of Heaven, and the destroyed planet was not in the battle zone, and even the battle zone was chosen by them, which is outrageous!

Is the Tenjin Temple playing us?

For a while, many people had this question in their hearts.

Otherwise, when attacking them, the tide is like the tide, and when attacking Chen Mo, it is slow, the front line has not moved for a long time, and it is suspected that they are all fishing on the front line.

In short, many members of the genius tribe no longer dare to speak nonsense on the theater channel.

Compared with Chen Mo?

dare not.

Hurry up and grab more territory?


In short, they are very depressed now, and the morale of the entire genius tribe chat group is low!

"This is a video I asked someone to get from the 38 theater, brothers, please watch it." 163

"Look at Maoyan, this video of yours is not a secret, Chen Mo's terrifying army has long been exposed!"

"Hey! This has no shape, and directly turns a warship into a coffin, what kind of attack!"

"Oh my god, just looking at the appearance of such a legion is enough to scare the natives to death."

"I saw no less than ten kinds of weapons, some of which were even self-destructing, chaotic, but overall orderly, what the hell kind of army is this?"

"Everyone, don't panic! We still have a chance, and the Temple of Heaven is not vegetarian!"

"Huh? Look everyone, the Temple of Heaven has retreated!"

"Hahaha! It must have gone to support the 38th theater, we are so lucky!"

"Isn't Chen Mo... huh? Hahahaha!"

"Sweet! This wave, this wave is called "Shooting the Head!"

"What are you trying to do! Hurry up and attack, chase after us, take advantage of Chen Mo attracting firepower for us, let's grab the meat!"

"Quick! Everyone's legion, gather at the coordinates, and try to hold the battleship of the Temple of Heaven while avoiding losses!"

For a while, the people in the Tiantuan Tribe were all excited.

All of them have red eyes, as if they had hit Tiberium ore. Such a good opportunity to attack is really rare. Not defeating an enemy is a record!

And they can take the opportunity to break into the Temple of Heaven, and Chen Mo is under siege.

"One ebbs and another ebbs and flows, this is going to be released!"

For a while, the genius tribe chat group became lively again.

Everyone cheered up. .

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