Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 312 The Decisive Battle Begins! The Pinnacle Creates Hypocritical Spectators? It's Over

"Go, go, go!"


"Hold on, or they will go to Chen Mo's side to have fun!"

"Damn it, this battleship is awesome. It looks like a rune battleship. The power of the main gun can even shake the gods. I wonder if Chen Mo can stand it?"

The entire tribe of geniuses attacked one after another. Although they didn't gain much, they just picked up some ordinary enemies to kill.

But when they think of Chen Mo, everyone is happy.

After all, the results are good or bad, that is the comparison!

Now it seems that Chen Mo should be in a stalemate, and the passing of this group of enemies will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

"Haha, this is no straw, is this a 100-ton big hammer?"

"If this blow continues, Chen Mo will be stunned."

For a time, everyone was excited.

"Damn it, it appeared!"

"A large number of Temple troops have appeared outside the 38 theater!"

"A good show is coming!"

"Get ready, Boss Li Po also said, support Chen Mo at any time!"

"In this wave, the front of the Star Soul World depends on us!"

However... ten minutes passed.

twenty minutes.

Someone has finished counting the loot in boredom.

On Chen Mo's side, the battle line still hasn't moved, they are still fighting.

As the time goes.

Everyone gradually felt that something was wrong.

It's almost time to end this f***ing fishing!

"what happened?"

"Damn it! How do you feel that Chen Mo is getting stronger and stronger?"

"Something's wrong, it feels like the Temple of Heaven is playing fuel tactics? Isn't this stupid?"

"Does anyone know someone from Theater 38, hurry up and take a look.

"Old Huang, where is your informant?"

For a while, everyone was anxious.

Especially with the fans of the so-called 'Chen Mo Supporting Group' frantically sending all kinds of victory videos.

Everyone panicked even more.

This was thought to be a defensive battle, Chen Mo won directly, and nothing happened to them, right?

Then they have worked so hard to create alliances and build momentum, and they have prepared so many troops and resources, what are they doing?

All in vain!

Many people are even at a loss!

All of a sudden, inside the Genius Tribe, people panicked.

"What's the hurry, I'm asking someone here!"

"Don't panic, the Heavenly God Temple is not a fool, don't you realize that their gods haven't made a move yet?"

"I guess it's almost there!"

"That's the power to make a final decision!"

"Here we come! According to Li Po's information, we are here!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

For a while, everyone was excited and immediately turned on the theater channel.

Sure enough, inside, Li Po announced that he was making great strides based on the information, and at the same time said that in the 38th theater, the battle was already unfavorable to Chen Mo.

"The 2 great gods are in place and are about to launch an attack!"

"Our Second War Zone took the opportunity to continue the offensive!"

Li Po was very excited.

To be honest, he was a little scared just now, he was slapped in the face.

Looking at it now, he still didn't practice well enough, and he really thought that Chen Mo could withstand so many attacks by himself.

"Alas..․The pinnacle creates hypocritical spectators."

Seeing so many people playing Chen Mo, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Among these people, how many can be left behind to become devout believers in Chen Mo's trough?

If there is no accident, today, you can see this scene.

He's curious! ..

However, without waiting for Li Po to be happy, the gods of the Temple of Heaven who were in contact with him sent a news of the day.

A piece of news that he couldn't believe.

"how so!"

For a moment, he cried out in surprise.

"My lord, I don't know what's going on, the Temple of Heaven has begun to retreat!"

"Shall we pursue it?"

At this time, his subordinates also rushed in, very happy!

Now is the time to pursue victory!

However, Li Po didn't seem to hear it.

The whole person froze.

Is Chen Mo so fierce?

Attract all the gods to return to aid??

What the hell is going on, directly entering the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, is this fatal?

Do you despise your own fleet too much?!

"Fuck? What's going on!"

"Tianjin Temple is so cowardly, you're retreating now? Don't run away if you have the guts, and fight this uncle for 300 rounds!"

"It's strange, why the whole line retreated."

"Look, Chen Mo hasn't retreated yet, and the battle in theater 38 is fierce!"

"Why are you hesitating, hurry up and help!"

For a time, the entire Tianshen Temple theater felt very strange.

Chen Mo is in the spotlight again.

Because, for some unknown reason, the Temple of Heaven actually retreated across the board, only staying to fight with him.

In other words, he held back the people from the Temple of Heaven, and the other party couldn't leave if they wanted to?

Just when everyone was curious,

An announcement has come.

【Federal Notice——!】

[Congratulations to Chen Mo, the star soul powerhouse, for gaining the attention of the Federation!]

[Chen Mo successfully repelled the heavy troops gathered in the Temple of Heaven (playing 98% of the role!), and the home planet of the "Gulu Tribe" he occupied inside the Temple of Heaven greatly shocked the enemy and contained a large amount of force of the enemy!】

【The enemy has thrown a mouse attack, and all troops have retreated so far. All personnel in the theater are requested to launch an attack immediately!】

【The final battle is coming!】

"々`What the hell?"

"Tianjin Temple's attack across the board was foiled by Chen Mo alone?"

"No... I read it right, right?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, this should be the first specific mention of an individual in the announcement, right?"

For a moment, seeing this announcement, everyone was dumbfounded.

The first time, no one responded.

"Fuck! Crazier than the evil god's twisted world!"

"One-on-one against the Temple of Heaven? Crazy!"

"Haha, awesome, but I want to know more, who made the remaining 2% effect, it can be as powerful as Chen Mo2%, and it can be regarded as the second most powerful figure in the entire theater

"Hmm... is it possible that all of us combined contribute only 2%?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Indeed, I was beaten to the ground by the Temple of Heaven, and I was ready to pack up and leave. Temple of Heaven (Wang Zhao Zhao) will only have more desire to attack.

"Indeed, my contribution is negative, -1%."

"I can only say that Chen Mo is awesome~"

"Hmph~ Do you know that our Chen Mo is very powerful? The big one is yet to come!"

Girls with 'Chen Mo support group' proudly announce.

At this moment, she was so excited that she couldn't close her legs, and she wanted to contact Chen Mo frantically.

It's a pity that his performance was mediocre, and he couldn't catch Chen Mo's eyes at all.

But even so, the group organized by Luo Bing exploded.

Everyone is cheering.

Luo Bing stared blankly at the shameless words of these people, and his face turned red.

But she also said sincerely: "Chen Mo is amazing!"

At the same time, she became more curious about the development of battles in distant galaxies.

How did Chen Mo do it?

It seems that the enemy has not retreated outside the .38 war zone. Could it be that... Luo Bing thought of a possibility, and couldn't help breathing fast. .

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