Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 322 Suppressing The Gods, Great Harvest! The Fight Continues! (2 More)

"It turns out that this is not your technique.

Chen Mo understood immediately.

It is too difficult to create out of thin air or cut a space from this universe.

But it is much simpler to split a small piece from the already created space.

According to the God of Plague, this broken world was noticed when he accidentally received a wave of fluctuations in his unconscious consciousness while sleeping.

At that time, he was only an extraordinary high-level.

Therefore, they were all terrified, thinking that they had accidentally entered the dreamland of some evil god.

Dreaming is definitely a terrible thing for the strong.

However, he didn't find any harm until he became a god.

Since then, he has been trying to find ways to anchor that fragment of the world and operate it as his secret base.

And the God of Plague determined that there should be no living things in that broken world.

"The mysterious broken world, you just occupy a corner..."

Chen Mo was a little surprised.

The ancient broken world, this sounds awesome!

I didn't expect such an adventure to happen in an ordinary battle.

I just said that the God of Plague has no real background, good guy, I didn't expect that he knew much more interesting things than the God of the Sun.

"The Broken really interesting, the civilizations that can build worlds outside the universe are at least god-level civilizations.

"You said that the space and time are weird and difficult to explore? It doesn't matter, our Star Soul World has a way to stabilize time and space!"

Lilia said, the whole person was excited.

Her soul of exploration is burning blazingly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo couldn't help but twitched his mouth, "Very well, free labor is considered to be available."

Moreover, Lilia has cooperated with him many times and is worthy of trust.

"Is the exploration value high?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Of course! Maybe even the senator will be interested in the discovery, and he can sell it for a sky-high price."

"In this case.………"

Chen Mo pondered for a while and said: "Then I can entrust you with the exploration task. After the God of Plague is familiar with the current state, I will ask him to take you to explore. You will organize the exploration equipment and team, and I will be in charge of the final personnel review.

"If there is any income in the future, it is still the old rule. You and I each have a share of knowledge, and the real thing is mine."

Chen Mo is also a strong man now, he intuitively thinks that this matter is not easy.

Maybe there will be unexpected follow-up gains.

Lilia nodded, and immediately lost the team.

As for the resources stored by the God of Plague, Chen Mo handed over all of them to Ashe.

"These resources are all prepared by the God of Plague for his promotion, but he is still far away. I will hand over the resources to you. You arrange them and give them to the right people for promotion."

"Ordinary high-energy minerals are used to build planets."

"If the Battle of the Temple is still going on in full swing today, we will get a lot of life planets, and among them are valuable planets. Don't be stingy with using resources to transform them, and train more planetary governors as soon as possible."

"At the same time, integrate the knowledge of the Temple of Heaven as soon as possible. These are extremely important wealth."

"This campaign is over, even if we have completed our primitive accumulation, I don't have to worry too much about business matters."

"I will definitely do a good job in construction! Let the master have no worries, and help the master to achieve the greatest success in this battle!"

Ashe said respectfully.

A determined look appeared on his delicate face.

Chen Mo nodded.

With this evolution, and with a large amount of resources carried by the two gods, I believe his strength can grow rapidly again.

Especially those knowledge, after unified and integrated, it is a complete system!

As long as he can find a way to absorb it into his planetary system, he can form a planetary upgrade system that is different from other councilors or star soul powerhouses.

If he continues to sell, his influence will be further expanded, not just limited to the current small number of brain fans.

Devouring evolution and constantly integrating other knowledge is Chen Mo's great advantage over other planetary masters.

For example, the angel reincarnation pool, which is obviously a unique creation of the angel race, but after Chen Mo's infection is controlled, it can be integrated into his system. If it goes further, devouring evolution, it can be further integrated.

Especially after his 'parasitic' ability grows, this advantage will become more obvious.

"My race can already infiltrate into the reincarnation pool of the masters of other planets and integrate into the genes..."

Chen Mo thought silently in his mind.

But he hasn't planned to do so yet.

It will only be tested slightly with the players who are included in his system.

On one-third of an acre of land, Chen Mo has no right to say anything if he does this.

But what's more, it's not something that he can get his hands on with his current strength.

Just at this time,

Chen Mo's mind moved, and he suddenly noticed that there were a lot of consciousnesses connected to his consciousness network, and in the star world, stars were shining.

His consciousness started a new round of skyrocketing.

"々`That's right, starting to occupy a new planet again!"

The ability of the Bastion to attack cities and lands is really powerful!

At the same time, Chen Mo also noticed that there are two sources of these newly incorporated consciousnesses:

One is the angel reincarnation pool, with the efforts of the angels sent by Luo Bing, a large number of angels have begun to be produced.

The other one came from a parent star somewhere in the Temple of Heaven.

Yes, some of the retreating so-called "veterans" were irritated, or when they were sleeping, the genes in their bodies slowly changed, mycelium was born, and part of their nervous system was slowly replaced.

Of course, they will not be aware of this change.

All transformations are so natural!

"The angel race is also coming."

Chen Mo turned his gaze to the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

What Chen Mo doesn't know is that at this moment, in both worlds, he (Wang's Zhao) is starting to become famous.

Needless to say, the Temple of Heaven is terrified!

Just a player known as a novice genius can instantly kill their two important combat powers!

You know, the sun god is known for his attack power, and the plague god is best at dealing with flesh and blood.

However, that's it, both of them lost.

They led the legion, and none escaped.

Even, when the God of Wisdom wanted to support him later, he also found that the space seemed to be solidified, and there was a powerful force at the other end, which stabilized the space, making it impossible to tear the space apart!

The channel of Star Soul World War Zone is even more boiling.

Because the picture of Chen Mo suppressing the gods of the two heavenly temples has spread.

Of course, more shocking than this, also followed.

Chen Mo's actions in the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven were finally discovered.

And the person who found out, by coincidence,

It is Li Po, the veteran star soul powerhouse!.

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