Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 323 We Promise Not To Use Chen Mo First! The Dragon God Is Coming! (3 More)

"My vanguard has already contacted Chen Mo."

"The opponent is very strong."

"Better than me."

Li Po spoke the truth.

A video was even released, showing that the defense line of the Temple of Heaven was vulnerable to the army with the Fortress as its core.

Even, with the operation of the portal base, a large number of troops were directly transmitted to the surface of the planet!

Within 100,000 kilometers, Chen Mo's troops can teleport at will!

Line of defense?


All of a sudden, the theater channel, which was already boiling, exploded directly.

"It's numb."

"Big Brother Chen Mo still has any tricks, just use them.

"Can the Temple of Heaven win? We can use the ultimate weapon——Chen Mo!"

"Hiss, is there anything that this star-level war fortress can't help with?"

"I suspect that this war fortress can already challenge the gods head-on!"

"There is no doubt, Chen Mo is on the other side, but he has dispatched four gods, and here is a big attack, but the strongest combat force is only a dozen children of destiny.

"War Fortress is comparable to the Four Gods, even stronger!"

"It's all right now, even Li Po, a veteran powerhouse, can only watch from a distance, why are we still opening the portal to go to 170?"

"You can't even pick up the trash!"

" the battle situation will go now depends on the army of Chen Mo!"

"There are still many gods in the Temple of Heaven, if you attack him together, you will die."

"With such a huge planetary fortress, teleportation must be extremely difficult. Every time you have to prepare for at least tens of minutes, once you are surrounded, you can only fight to the death. I think Chen Mo's wave is too risky!"

"Aren't you stupid? Now that we are attacking in an all-round way, how can it be possible for the Temple of Heaven to overwhelm all its forces and fight Chen Mo?"

"Fuck? In other words, didn't we share Chen Mo's firepower and gave him the capital to be arrogant?"

"You can say that, but I dare say that if we all evacuate, Chen Mo will not dare to go deep alone."

"Damn! Who will back down when it comes to grabbing territory now? Chen Mo is clearly prostitution us!"

"Wrong, the current situation was formed under the guidance of Chen Mo. We and the Temple of Heaven were both guided by him, changing the war plan!"

"Chen Mo is so awesome—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————.

A lot of people praised Chen Mo one after another. After all, the current situation was not caused by Chen Mo's guidance, so what happened?

All of a sudden, everyone felt that Chen Mo's ability to play big chess, man!

With the spread of the 'Chen Mo support group', Chen Mo is going to be called a military god.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't see all this, otherwise he would have to laugh and cry.

It's a coincidence, does anyone believe it?

He has no idea of ​​leading the war between the two sides at all, because in his mind, even if it is the entire Temple of Heaven, he is worthy!

The escape ability of the Bastion is far beyond everyone's imagination!

However, this point was not expected by many star soul powerhouses.

Therefore, their speculation seems completely reasonable.

Compared to the War Zone channel, which is like a pot of boiling water.

Inside the Genius Tribe, it fell silent again.

The morale that was so hard to raise before, disappeared under Chen Mo's record.

No one mentioned anything about being together with Chen Mo, collective strength, etc.

"It's unbelievable.... Chen Mo's fighting power alone is higher than all of us put together.

"Don't say that, make us look like trash."

"Well, compared to Chen Mo, we are almost trash.

"Just change the name to 'Waste Tribe'."

Some people were frustrated and simply laughed at themselves.

Some people began to let go of their arrogance and envied Chen Mo.

"Oh my god~ Killing two gods, the wealth on them alone is enough to make them rich."

"How do you know it's killing? I think it's more like a job."

"Caught alive? Doesn't that mean that the gods under Chen Mo's hands are almost double digits?"

"Chen Mo's legion is too scary. Is the technological evolution route really as strong as (daah)? Doesn't it mean that this is the route that the Star Soul World has long since abandoned?"

"I don't understand, I only know that the two gods have artifacts and all kinds of knowledge, Chen Mo has made a fortune."

"I'm so speechless. Is the Temple of Heaven playing us? Looking back, it looks like two gods are going to give away heads. Did they plan it out?"

"There are demons in the trial court, and the god of wisdom has no wisdom [this is not normal~"

Class on the door, check the water meter!"

"Ahem! You can die if you don't talk about the world of Star Soul? Whoever mentions the trial court again, get out of this group!"

"Get out, get out, a group of insects, with you, still want to become a star god? Useless things!"

For a time, internal strife broke out within the genius tribe.

Some people were displeased with the timid style of some people in the group and quit directly.

Originally, there were many people joining and growing genius tribe, but now not only no one joins, but also the number of people has decreased!

In fact, not only the Genius Tribe, but also the other two very hot alliances, with Chen Mo messing up the situation and stirring up the situation with one person, they are almost dead.

Many people have found that these alliances are just like that. If you really want to eat meat, you have to watch Chen Mo's movements!

Coupled with the constant support from the 'Chen Mo support group', for a while, the most popular alliance turned into this, the so-called support group that only recruits girls!

Luo Bing originally thought that if the bad reputation of the harem group spread, it would be difficult to follow up.

The result.... Chen Mo is really amazing!

At this moment, she looked at a lot of profiles for applying to join the group, and could only say with emotion.

This day can be regarded as the coolest day for the consortium and the various genius forces.

Who can accept that the talented girl who is still sought after by everyone in the group today turned up and appeared in the "Chen Mo Support Group" What's even more frustrating is that she is still running and shouting for Chen Mo at the top of her lungs!

Temple of Heaven, an emergency meeting of the gods.

Hundreds of gods gather here.

Among the strong ones, just breathing is enough to shake the stars.

However, the faces of many gods are not good-looking at the moment.

Some of them, even flew into a rage.

Some openly accused the God of Wisdom.

As for the goddess of luck sitting in the second highest seat, her eyes were closed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Of course, in addition to the gods, surprisingly, there is also one who is disliked by many gods, and there is also a projection.

The huge dragon head almost occupies half of the sky.

It's Dragon God!

At this time, it has traveled through many galaxies and arrived at the front line of the Temple of Heaven.

"I'm here for one purpose."

"Chen - Mo!"

It opened its mouth, and the sound shocked the audience.

Many gods who were arguing endlessly looked at Dragon God after hearing this.

The eyes of everyone are a little strange.

Someone suppressed a smile.

Even the goddess of luck, who had been closing her eyes to meditate, opened her eyes with a strange expression.

Is the network delay a bit high?.

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