Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 324 Dragon God:? ? ? Lady Luck's Choice! (1 More)

"Coincidentally, the topic now also discusses our most difficult enemy, Chen Mo.

The God of Wisdom glanced at the Dragon God and said.

"The offensive of the slave owners is extremely terrifying. Anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see that the opponent's real masters of suppressing the world have not been dispatched. Those who are fighting us are their backbone.

"But it's not like we have no chance of winning. As long as we buy a little more time, the power of our gods is enough to make the opponent fearful, so ~ retreat."

"Hmph! The sun god, and the plague god, all fell, don't you-do you need to say something?"

The gods of the Jin clan spoke calmly.

He was covered in armor, his entire body was enveloped in it, and the inside was dark.

"In war, it's not normal for people to die. It's not true that some people think that gods can stay out of it, right?"

The light words of the God of Wisdom made the golden man very angry.

The God of Plague is an important ally with him, and he is also a grasshopper on the same rope with him on the issue of the snake-human race. Now the snake-human race has surrendered to the slave owner, and the other gods have their own plans, but he is the only one who is the most determined main combat faction.

He knew very well that between himself and the snake-human queen, only one could live.

"Then what do you want to do? Chen Mo's strength has obviously reached the level of being able to fight against at least two mid-level gods, and even, I suspect that his monster fortress has additional abilities

Lady Luck spoke and asked the God of the Golden Man.

"Gather all the strength, we have so many gods, as long as we attack together, what kind of star-level fortress will be instantly reduced to powder!"

The golden man spoke confidently.

Many gods also nodded secretly.

"Then hurry up. It's hard for me to believe that the weak chicken slave owner who fought against me at the beginning has grown to this point now."

"If the Star Soul world is full of freaks like this, then it's only reasonable for us to pack up our home planet as soon as possible and run away as soon as possible."

For a time, many gods looked at each other in blank dismay.

The turmoil caused by the Dragon God has returned to calm.

As for the Dragon God himself, he was in a daze.

Wait...what the hell are these guys talking about?

They have a bunch of gods, discussing in a serious manner, how to deal with Chen Mo?

Isn't this... the ant he wants to deal with?

What's going on?

For a moment, he, who was emotionally irritable, forcibly endured it, and decided to keep a low profile and keep a separate person.

"This method is good, you can try it."

Lady Luck voted for this plan that many gods approve of.

For a moment, everyone looked at the God of Wisdom, only he did not make a decision.


The God of Wisdom hesitated for a moment, but agreed. Anyway, the gods had gathered a large amount of resources, and his plan had already started, so the problem was not too big.

It is also good to be able to stop Chen Mo from advancing and avoid some losses.

"Then it's decided, I will go to meet that Chen Mo in person!"

"The problem of not being able to tear apart the space, I have a solution, please rest assured."

Lady Luck spoke.

For a moment, the gods were excited, and with the blessing of the goddess of luck, the probability of winning this battle increased a lot.

Even if there is an accident, as long as the goddess of luck makes a move, everyone can escape at any time.

However, there are also quite a few gods, who were somewhat skeptical, but did not speak.

Soon, the meeting ended, the gods dispersed, and the goddess of luck tore apart the space and went to the vicinity of the 38th theater.

Holy Terra, Chen Mo's consciousness moved, and he ordered another portal base.

He has occupied another living planet in the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, and if all goes well, the portal will be placed there.

At the same time, through diet, food, water sources, and various substances embedded with mushroom genes, they are quietly spreading on the 10 planets in the star-soul world.

"It's a wonderful method."

"It is almost impossible to be defended by normal means, except for prophecy, fate, or even more mysterious spiritualism forces, otherwise, I would not be discovered.

"I don't know if Lady Luck has noticed my tricks?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking carefully.

But he thinks, so what if he is discovered?

With this method, the opponent cannot eradicate it!

It's such a rascal, like a gangrene.

"Master~ the angels are ready!"

At this time, Oran walked in.

She is not very emotional, because the God of Plague is alive and working with her, enemy!

Chen Mo naturally saw this, but he didn't say anything.

…0 for flowers……

Olan has his own ideas, which proves the excellence of his management style.

A sense of full freedom, absolute loyalty.

The two seemingly contradictory things are combined together.

As for Oran's knot, Chen Mo will let her go to Jinren to find her own place.

Of course, the God of Plague is also under her command.


Chen Mo looked at the group of angels walking in and nodded with satisfaction.

These naked angels are extremely beautiful, noble and holy.

There is no difference from the angels in Luo Bing.

If you have to say it, it is the bottom gene, which is slightly different.

Essentially, mushrooms.


Their breeding method is not a normal angel reincarnation pool, but controlled by infection.

Chen Mo is gradually analyzing the knowledge in it to see if he can find opportunities for evolution.

Even if not, it is a very good choice to let the technology overlord classify and file.

Any powerful civilization has far more than one technology tree!

These angels will be more positive as Chen Mo, a signature race, responsible for foreign affairs, and dealing with some high-energy minerals.

Angels have great advantages in dealing with high-energy minerals and managing some specific planets.

All the races and strengths of Chen Mo are built on the basis of the continuous spread and devouring evolution of the mushroom group.

at this time,

The war lord on the fortress sent a message.

The Bastion has arrived in a new star system, where there is a living planet with many creatures, fierce resistance, and the planet's will is extremely strong.

Great as a target for Requiem!

The attack of Requiem can not only bring a whole planet to Chen Mo, but not damage wealth.

It can even create special conditions for Chen Mo by instantly destroying a large amount of consciousness.

This condition is the key to the 80% evolution probability.

What would extreme 'parasitic' look like?

Chen Mo couldn't help but move.

Of course, this is like a lottery, if the Requiem attack goes on, Chen Mo is gambling.

Gambling can trigger that condition.

Once successful, he can immediately start the ultimate parasitic evolution. .

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