Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 326 The Fifth Seat, Lord Of Destruction! Great Layout Plan! (3 More)

"This reward is so generous.

Chen Mo couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.

Generally speaking, one of them is the ultimate reward.

This time I will not mention the two, but more importantly, these two knowledges are all idealistic knowledge unique to the Star Soul world.

Very precious.

So far, Chen Mo has obtained only two advanced knowledge about the creation of the Star Soul world.

One is the knowledge of building 'Dark Sky Curtain', and the other is the knowledge of building 'Requiem'.

These two are signature skills, very powerful.

Star soul masters who want to kill all directions will usually do their best to obtain these two pieces of knowledge.

And the cost of getting together the building materials is extremely high.

Chen Mo is now able to obtain knowledge and complete the construction, which is already very amazing.

But what's even more amazing is that there's even more powerful knowledge now!

knowledge is power.

This is something that everyone in the Star Soul world knows.

Not to mention that the Star Soul World is unique, but the advanced knowledge collected is also very powerful. For example, Chen Mo obtained the establishment of the "Magic Judgment" last time, which is the knowledge of Ms. Magic Net.

This knowledge is currently the trump card of the Chen Mo Bastion.

Chen Mo looked at the first advanced knowledge:

30 [Star Soul Mastery]

【Advanced idealism knowledge】

[Knowledge Owner: 5th Seat, Lord of Destruction]

[Description: Through the knowledge of the Star Soul world, a powerful annihilation energy can be constructed, which can annihilate most substances, and is an extremely terrifying weapon. 】

【Required materials: no special requirements】

[Special Reminder 1: This knowledge requires strong consciousness, and the corresponding knowledge of 'Star Soul Proficiency' and 'Material Disintegration'. 】

【Special Reminder 2: This attack can be stored, the more fully prepared, the greater the power!】

"A very powerful weapon. This annihilation of energy seems a bit like antimatter."

"This kind of weapon is a devastating blow to flesh and blood machines."

"Moreover, this weapon can continuously accumulate power, theoretically, there is basically no upper limit to its power.

"However... annihilation of matter, this is really not a good attack method for me."

Chen Mo's advantage is recycling materials and consciousness.

Using Requiem, he was very heartbroken.

If it wasn't for the evolution condition, he wouldn't use it.

To annihilate the enemy's flesh and blood, wouldn't it mean that the more you fight, the more you lose?

Chen Mo thought about it and decided to put this knowledge up for auction.

Even if the knowledge is downgraded, I believe many Star Soul Lords will like it.

At the same time, Chen Mo also realized that he is not without weaknesses.

At least at this stage, he cannot break away from matter.

If the enemy is strong and clears the field, and keeps fighting him with weapons like annihilating energy, then he will also suffer losses.

Fortunately, this knowledge is unique to the Star Soul world.

Moreover, Chen Mo has an extremely strong rear, as long as he does not cut off the connection between the Star Soul World, the Bastion and the Holy Terra, he can continuously obtain resources from other places.

Advanced knowledge, ordinary star soul masters, can't afford it.

However, the star soul powerhouse and many star gods are interested in this.

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling as he watched the ever-increasing bids.

He doesn't like the little money the planet masters have now, and there is really no money to be made, especially in the area where he is, many people have been injured by him, and there is no money.

But the Star Soul world is really too big, and the rest of the Star Soul powerhouses, financial groups, and star gods have plenty of money.

With this money, Chen Mo can definitely find a way to earn too much money!

Especially those consortiums, one by one, gathered a large number of talents, plundered crazily every day, and then used the knowledge of the plunder to keep recruiting people.

The rich have no place to spend.

Chen Mo wanted to make a fortune from the consortium a long time ago.

But Naihe has never had any good things that they are bound to get.

Can't make a high price.

This time, there is barely a chance to let the consortium "sponsor" him a wave.

"That's right, there are already star gods and consortia bidding, and I think there will be good profits."

"It's worth looking forward to."

Chen Mo chuckled, then looked at the remaining knowledge.

[Intermediate idealism knowledge - mastery of space]

[Intermediate Materialism Knowledge - Zhanjian Dao]

[Advanced idealism knowledge - building a portal]


Create a Portal!

This is a good thing!

Chen Mo was just a rewarded portal base before, and then spent a lot of money to build a semi-permanent portal, which gained a lot of benefits.

Wouldn't it be against the sky to be able to make it yourself now?

I just grew a portal directly on the planet, so I can go wherever I want?

But soon,

Chen Mo was disappointed.

Taking a closer look, this manufacturing technology is easily disturbed, and it is completely different from the permanent portal base.

It is also impossible to build a permanent transmission channel to introduce the breath of the star soul world.

This kind of portal is really useless except for visiting and transporting some supplies.

"However, if you think about it carefully, the current level is completely enough, just enough for me to start the expansion of the Star Soul World.

"As long as this portal is extended to those who are included in my planetary upgrade system, that's enough."

"Transport materials between each other, exchange what is needed, and build a huge space network with my holy Terra as the core."

"Hmm....choose 2 first and test it out."

"Look at the specific effect."

Chen Mo thought so, contacted Luo Bing, and asked the other party to select two girls from the "Chen Mo Support Group", and then sell advanced knowledge "planet transformation"

Incorporate them into your own planetary upgrade system, wait until the time is almost there, and then open the portal.

"You are now out of the stage where you can create resources and wealth by relying solely on yourself."

After Luo Bing agreed to the matter, he said enviously.

In 920, Chen Mo is no longer a worker, but an evil capitalist.

In essence, there is not much difference between him and those councilors, Star Gods.

The only thing, he's small and just getting started.

"So next, my plan is very simple. I will continue to attack the Temple of Heaven, collect useful knowledge, enrich my system, and then bring in more newcomers.

"Of course, these newcomers must be good enough, or in other words, they can afford enough money. In this regard, I ask you to check."

"Based on the knowledge of 'planet terraforming', I will continue to expand and introduce more systems of knowledge one after another. This knowledge will be very useful and help everyone develop well, even without relying on financial groups."

"In this way, even if I continue to monopolize the resources of the Temple of Heaven, they will not be completely deprived of benefits."

"Join me and increase your chances of becoming a Star Soul powerhouse. Apart from building portals and exchanging information, I will not make any additional intervention.

Chen Mo said.

In theory, free delivery is easier to promote.

But firstly, the big library doesn't allow it, and secondly, wouldn't it be obvious to others that he has additional purposes.

"The strategy is not perfect, but the pattern is big enough, I like it."

Luo Bing said happily.

She did not hide it at all, expressing that she was very interested in this plan.

Who doesn't want the boat they are on to become bigger and bigger, and even become a world?

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