Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 327 Star Soul World Internal Expansion! 2 Girls! Great Expedition! (1 More)

Chen Mo's strategy, on the surface, is not much different from other star soul powerhouses.

Well, at least from Luo Bing's point of view.

Chen Mo would never say that newcomers who are included in the system should be fed mushrooms!

After chatting with Luo Bing about the peaceful development plan within the Star Soul World, Chen Mo looked at the gains from the war development.

Tiberium ore, a small amount of manganese ore, and common minerals in millions of tons... Most of these resources come from the collection of gods, and a small part is the spoils of unmined planets and field soldiers.

In addition to hard currency... Chen Mo also seized all kinds of spiritual weapons, rune weapons and various strange equipment, adding up to hundreds of millions of pieces.

This is still valuable, many small parts are used as soldiers weapons, Chen Mo didn't count them directly, but were directly swallowed by the spreading creeps.

The reason why there are far more weapons seized than usual is due to the use of Requiem.

In short, from the perspective of general loot, you can earn a lot.

With the help of Ai Xi, these trophies of Chen Mo were sorted into categories, some were sold, some were put into inventory, and some were directly used for infection control or recycled as materials.

As the number of hands-off shopkeepers became more and more, Chen Mo handed over many of these things to Ai Xi, and he just checked the final data list.

Chen Mo now manages all kinds of affairs with ease, and has a lot of talented people under him.

All kinds of governors, as well as engineers, scholars, and Chen Mo even have extra reserves.

When you encounter something that requires manpower, you can use it directly!

A day full of rewards passed quickly, and the next day, Chen Mo woke up slowly in the tenderness of Oran.


Stretching, looking at the beauty in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

Afterwards, after eating breakfast, Chen Mo checked the location of the fort with a thought.

Even if he is resting, his war machine will not stop.

Now that it has reached the battle stage, the battle will not stop until the entire Temple of Heaven is swept away and the gods are forced to deal with it!

I believe that today's battle can bring more gains.

Because the area that Chen Mo is going to attack today includes 3 living planets, and one of them is even the home planet of a race called 'Werewolves'.

And Chen Mo's army, compared to yesterday, is also stronger, the 2 armies converge, there are gods, greenskins and the fortress together!

The pressure on the Temple of Heaven is directly doubled compared to yesterday.

At the same time, Chen Mo also received a message from Luo Bing.

2 girls were chosen by luck.

[Ding! Liluo applied to add you as a friend]

[Ding! Encore applies to add you as a friend!]

[Li Luo submits a text agreement and requests to join the sacred contract. The general content of the contract is: with you as the main body, establish an upgrade system for the same planet Oh~ I want to get this contract!)]


The contractor prepares himself

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help smiling when he saw the detailed contract description sent by Luo Bing.

To sell yourself, you have to prepare an agreement yourself, isn't that too enthusiastic?

But it did save Chen Mo a lot of trouble.

The content of this contract is similar to Luo Bing's, but with less power and more responsibilities, very good!

At the same time, Chen Mo also had an intuitive understanding of the saying that the master of the star soul is a master.

Although he has become the Lord of the Star Soul, Chen Mo doesn't have much contact with the inside of the Star Soul World. Even if he has contact, he is either a university student or a strong local tyrant, so he doesn't feel deeply.

At this moment, looking at the girl who is so longing for her, Chen Mo has a deep understanding of what it means to be a master in the world of astral soul.

Even if you want to pay the price, it depends on whether you have the value of being used!

After all, countless newcomers join the trial every year.

And those who can stand out and become star souls are a minority after all!

So after Chen Mo released the news in the support group, many people stayed up all night, fighting for this opportunity for themselves.

The two girls, cultivated and developed in their reincarnation pool, are both races that focus on manufacturing.

Just right for Chen Mo.

At the same time, if it is possible to infect and control this type of race, it will also provide opportunities for Chen Mo's 'metal', 'growth' and other offensive-oriented abilities to evolve!

After Chen Mo has checked the contract and signed it, the agreement will take effect!

For a moment, the two girls were so happy from ear to ear seeing the intermediate-level 'planet transformation' knowledge they had obtained.

As long as they continue to work hard, they have the opportunity to obtain the advanced level of knowledge, and at that time, they can also upgrade and transform high-level planets like Chen Mo did!

If you are lucky, you can even squeeze into the planet leaderboard!

Their potential has been greatly improved!

And these can't be bought with money outside!

Chen Mo's advanced planetary transformation knowledge is not circulated outside!

In addition, Chen Mo will also be responsible for building the portal for the two.

This requires a lot of resources.

Of course it will not be given in vain, it is considered a low-interest loan.

Chen Mo keeps earning some, and the two girls don't lose money, a win-win situation.

Almost a parent star requires about 5 billion resources.

For Chen Mo now, it is easy to take out so many resources at once.

After all, he is fully fired now, not to mention his own farming and harvest, just looting from the Temple of Heaven is tens of billions of dollars a day.

His large number of green-skinned engineers also need to gain experience and knowledge from meaningful large-scale projects. If they can find talented ones to become technical overlords, they will make a lot of money!

So the construction cost, Chen Mo even forfeited it.

This moved both girls to tears.

々`Thank you Mr. Chen Mo""~"


"I believe that in the Great Expedition, Chen Mo will be stronger than now, and the sisters will have a bright future! So everyone work hard, support Chen Mo more, and unite as one!"

Luo Bing listened to the two girls' flirting, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

But she was the one who found him, so I had to cough (good money is good) a few times to talk about the topic with positive energy.

"The Great Crusade..."

Chen Mo couldn't help whispering.

As a cosmic slave master, Star Soul World gained most of its reputation during the Great Crusade.

This is an endless battle of terror.

It is said to have lasted for over 4 millennia.

Many races are involved, and those who are entitled, are at least civilized.

Chen Mo had an opportunity before and chose to directly participate in it.

However, according to his own characteristics, Chen Mo chose to come to the Tianshen Temple theater to develop rapidly.

"If there is no accident, during the Great Crusade, I will see the terrifying gods of other universes, as well as evil gods, void monsters, and even the top 100 councilors.

Chen Mo touched the proof of conquest in his hand, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

The 99th Queen of Ice should be among them.

I don't know when the time comes, will I be directly included in her camp, or will I participate independently?

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