Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 328 Infiltration! Sneak Into! The Blind Spot Of The Gods' Sight! (2 More)

"That's when the real big scene will be officially fought for the entire Star Soul World.

"Of course, corresponding to it is a more generous reward."

"All MPs have emerged from this war."

"Occupy the end of one's own evolutionary path, gain the power of the world..."

Chen Mo couldn't help being excited. He has no one above him, and he has his own path, so the difficulty is much less than that of others.

I don't know if I can get a seat if I continue to get the attention of the world law?

But the problem is that there are already 100 MPs, which is considered full.

If you want to be in the top position, you must at least have more than one, which is difficult.

Chen Mo's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

"It seems that we have to continue to work hard."

"Grasp the devouring evolution, especially the 'parasitic' ability, or the two core abilities of 'growth' and 'swallowing', we must find a way to evolve to the extreme."

"If I reach that level, it is estimated that my strength will be at the peak of the third-level civilization, or even stronger. In that case, it will be enough to quickly gain benefits in the Great Crusade, get the attention of the world's laws, and gain some authority to dominate the Star Soul world.

When there is enough authority, it is considered as the upper level, and it can affect the development of the Star Soul world..."

For a while, Chen Mo thought a lot.

But the idea is good, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, 033 still has to focus on the present!

After a night of development and fighting, Chen Mo's strength has been improved a lot.

At the same time, there is a son of destiny who has also advanced to the level of gods.

What he uses is the knowledge of the sun god.

These Children of Destiny were originally the natives inside the Temple of Heaven, and they have a close relationship with the Temple of Heaven. It is not surprising that some of them can directly learn knowledge similar to gods.

This gave Chen Mo an extra god-level combat power.

These gods are very suitable as legion commanders, just for Chen Mo to lead a large number of legions to participate in the great expedition!

Therefore, it is also necessary to cultivate some gods with good strength.


"Gods are not something you can have if you want, and my resources can't support too many gods."

"Promoting to the gods requires too many resources. At the beginning, the queen of the snake-human race gathered together her own resources. It can be seen that this consumption requires the efforts of the entire race

"If it can directly grow a god, it will be awesome."

Chen Mo glanced at the angel reincarnation pool, the highest level he can conceive at present is level 9, and if it goes up, the consumption, even he can't stand it!

It doesn't feel like a good deal, it's better to wait for him to become stronger (daea), and directly designate a few angels as the leader, so as to quickly gain strength.

After communicating with Luo Bing and the two girls, Chen Mo turned his eyes and looked at the battle plan made by the war lords.

Within today, the legion will attack a living planet one after another.

According to the probability, that evolutionary environment will definitely appear!

At the same time, Chen Mo supported many spies from the infection spread by the snake people.

After a night of dark growth, a lot of results have been achieved.

At present, it seems that with the shrinking front of the Temple of Heaven, the interior is impenetrable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain information.

But for Chen Mo, the denser the population, the more racial contact, the faster his infiltration.

When the infiltration team in the Star Soul World was having difficulty obtaining information, Chen Mo escaped the sight and inspection of the gods through a large number of infections, and roughly understood the movement of the main battle race of the entire Temple of Heaven.

His eyes and ears are too many, and they increase every moment.

Although each ear and eye only knows the news, only a few words, or only observes certain phenomena, it is like a blind man feeling an elephant, unable to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

However, a large amount of this information has been collected, and Chen Mo has dedicated information analysts here.

The governor of his planet, the gods were not cultivated in vain.

With the help of biological masterminds, they can quickly pick out key information, analyze and combine them, and piece together a large amount of useful intelligence.

According to the analysis:

The powerhouses of the Temple of Heaven are gathering, and many gods are not on the parent planet.

"According to this speed..."

Chen Mo made an estimate. He predicted that there would be big moves in the Temple of Heaven in the next few days.

"And many races are secretly preparing to run away.

"Without the same parent star as a link, their alliance is too fragile."

"I don't know if they are planning to deliver food when they gather this time."

"As long as there is an action, I, a young bird, must be indispensable, and the things in the core area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven will soon appear.

"By the time...."

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile when he thought of what the two gods had brought him last time.

Only a few days!

As long as the Temple of Heaven can send it, he can easily afford to wait for this little time.

Even, he can cooperate.

But it's a pity that after I talked with Lady Luck last time, the other party still hasn't responded. I don't know what the other party thinks?

"I have to find a way to stimulate..."

"Maybe as long as these three planets are captured, or more damage is caused, the Temple of Heaven will speed up the plan."

Chen Mo pondered for a while before deciding to continue reckless.

It seems that the closer you go to the core area, the more nervous the God of Wisdom becomes.

As long as this wave is successful and attracts a large number of gods to besiege, he will directly activate the big move and counter-kill.

Immediately, the Temple of Heaven can be severely damaged, and a lot of benefits can be obtained.

Shendu is so rich during the plague, Chen Mo believes that the more powerful the god, the more he has the habit of carrying all his wealth with him, and the wealth that will "explode" will be enough to drown him

Make a profit!

"The question is ... how do you give them the confidence to attack?"

Chen Mo thought carefully.

Judging from the current situation, although the gods resisted, they still wanted to run away from the bottom of their hearts.

They are just not reconciled, and they want to continue to fight on the premise that their lives are not in danger.

If the gods really run away, then this star area will lose a lot of benefits for Chen Mo!

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly remembered that he might continue to instigate some gods and let them cooperate with him.

For example, the Li who contacted Li Po last time.

Seeing that he was powerful, Li Po had already come over to make amends and apologize.

Chen Mo has been letting the other party ignore him all the time, but now he can find an opportunity to let him pull the strings.

If you want to sell it once, you are still selling it, and it makes no difference if you sell it twice. The unknown god will not refuse.

And from the other party's daring to trade with Li Po, it shows that his own strength is not low,

Or... contact on the front?

In theater 2, the battle there is against the main battle race under the command of the high-level gods.

"If it can be done, Lady Luck won't be of much value..."

Chen Mo said deliberately.

Ordinary people will be shocked when they see Chen Mo's behavior, because:

The gods should not be looked at directly, and the strong among them should not be mentioned, otherwise it may cause disaster!

The next moment, Lady Luck seemed to notice something, and suddenly looked in Chen Mo's direction.

Someone mentioned her title just now.

However... this made her heart beat faster.

Vaguely a little uneasy. .

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