Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 329 Pushing Me So Hard, Believe It Or Not, I Lick Chen Mo? (3 More)

Just doing what he said, Chen Mo turned on his watch and immediately contacted Li Po.

After getting the contact information, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to act immediately.

Instead, I looked at the War Zone channel again.

There are at least a million people in the Temple of Heaven in this area, and there are even more newcomers, so some of their sporadic information may be very useful.

"It's awesome, the war is still going on, Mr. Chen Mo has already started selling equipment."

On the theater channel, one wave has not been settled, and another wave has arisen.

Chen Mo found that he has completely led the trend.

Under Li Po's various apologies, kneeling and licking, his movements, even the Star Soul Lords who have always been disliked, began to discuss various things.

Even more enthusiastic than the newcomers.

Some people even speculated that in the next battle, the Temple of Heaven will make arrangements according to his actions.

It is almost impossible to stop the offensive of Star Soul World without defeating Chen Mo.

Therefore, no matter whether you want Chen Mo to be good or bad, everyone is paying close attention to Chen Mo.

"With all due respect, the equipment of other races is basically rubbish, knowledge is the best regardless of race."

"Master Chen Mo has advanced knowledge for sale here!"

"Admiration~ I have been the Lord of the Star Soul for so many years, and I haven't acquired a few high-level knowledge, let alone sell it."

"The knowledge Chen Mo sold this time is unique to the Star Soul World, so it must have come from the attention of the Federation [the Federation pays too much attention to Chen Mo, right? It's a bit too unfair.

"Unfair? Not giving you such silly attention is really the greatest fairness!"

"Indeed, don't even look at how many lives were annihilated by Mr. Chen Mo yesterday."

"According to my statistics, Mr. Chen Mo is frantically devouring the territory of the Temple of Heaven at a rate of 3-4 living planets a day. As for what the Temple of Heaven is doing? I don't know, anyway, they probably are the same as me Stupid."

"Haha, I heard that the 38th theater has already followed Chen Mo's lead?"

"Let's not talk about it, the entire Tianshen Temple battle zone, the record of the head boss, I'm afraid it will be affected.

"Salted fish like me are not afraid at all, and may even be able to squeeze into Chen Mo's system!"

"I heard that Mr. Chen Mo has also started to sell high-level 'planet transformation'. I have already submitted the application. When will it be my turn?"

"Damn it? The dragon god is coming! Why the hell, is it me who attacked???"

Suddenly, someone shouted, very puzzled.

"The Dragon God came from the direction of the Temple of Heaven, so it's not possible to cooperate with the gods, maybe this girl can overthrow Chen Mo, after all, it's the life in the universe that is stronger than the gods."

"Where is the fool, drag it away quickly."

Chen Mo looked around and felt that there was not much useful information, and he was basically eating his own melons.

"However, the Dragon God can bear it. He hasn't come to attack me yet. I thought he was going to rush to my fortress, but he ended up bullying others.

"What's the situation? Although he is timid, it doesn't seem like he dares to do this?"

Chen Mo couldn't help feeling puzzled.

At this moment, in theater 38, Luo Bing watched the planet he managed flourishing, with a smile on his face.

Apart from Chen Mo, she is already the strongest planet master in this area.

Not only that, but also many people took refuge in her.

As for the annoyance of the Genius Tribe poaching corners not long ago, it disappeared immediately.

Not only did my troubles disappear, but unexpectedly, I had more fun.

Several talented beauties from the Genius Tribe and the Gray Steel Spear were originally their signs to attract people, but now they all quit publicly, and then submitted an application to her to join the group.

Chen Mo's support team is hard to find.

However, while this gave Luo Bing a long face, it also brought some small troubles.

"Luo Bing, what do you mean? How dare you dig my people?!"

"Our Gray Steel Consortium is not something you can offend, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't accept those two green teas!

They are just trying to catch Chen Mo's popularity, and besides, you, as the most powerful newcomer beauty in this year, have such a big reputation and high strength, it's fine for you to rely on Chen Mo yourself, but you still have to keep dragging others into the water, disgusting!

From now on, you will be the stupidest star soul master in the star soul world, and you will be a minion for tigers!

I and the Gray Steel Consortium will not sit idly by!"

Luo Bing looked at the private chat message and couldn't help but be speechless.

"I didn't say to accept those people, and you kept your mouth shut, it's the Gray Steel Consortium. Are you sure that the disgusting person is not yourself?"

The leader of the Gray Steel Spear suddenly became speechless, as if he had been stepped on the tail, he jumped and said, "Comparing Chen Mo with the Gray Steel Consortium? Does he deserve it? Does he deserve it? How many does he deserve? Anyway, They publicly withdrew from the Gray Steel Spear, they slapped me in the face, slapped me in the face, they slapped the Gray Steel Consortium in the face, do you dare to say that your harem group is not behind this?"


Hearing this, Luo Bing couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"I know better than you how many people can enter the Gray Steel Spear in the end, do you dare to publish the data?

You want others to do white work for you, and finally become your own stepping stone.

Let me tell you, it is impossible for this year's Gray Steel Spear to take the first place in the Battle of the Temple of Heaven.

"Or, you can also compete with me."

Luo Bing didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the fight, wanting to slap this man in the face.

" are relying on Chen Mo!"

The head of Gray Steel Spear is also a genius, otherwise it would be impossible for Gray Steel to entrust him with important tasks.

But let him directly compare the record with Luo Bing, how dare he?

Luo Bing is clearly bullying others!

Everyone in the theater knows that Chen Mo is now recruiting people, and the main person in charge is Luo Bing.

The resources she can use, even if it is only a small part of Chen Mo's, he can't handle it!

Because of Gray Steel, I will not compete with Chen Mo for him!

Yes, the reality is so cruel.

Besides, since the last time the Star Soul World Projection was summoned, everyone has been spreading that Chen Mo has a certificate of conquest, which is a reward that can only be issued by councilors!

This means that Chen Mo may be able to reach Tianting directly.

Councilor, that is the person who stands at the top of the Star Soul world.

Get their attention...

The head of Gray Steel Spear didn't even dare to think about it.

"You... What are you so proud of? Believe it or not, I disbanded the Gray Steel Spear directly, and then joined Chen Mo instead?"

"When the time comes, I will come in, and I will be appreciated directly and crush you!"

Seeing Luo Bing sneer at him with a cold look.

The head of the Gray Steel Spear was about to explode, so he simply said that.

"just you?"

Luo Bing pretended to be serious, looked him up and down, and then sneered.

"You learn to be proficient in transgendering', maybe you can try it, don't worry, I will definitely pass the preliminary examination for you, and let Chen Mo see your determination~"

Everyone knows that the 'Chen Mo Support Group' only recruits girls, and they must have good abilities and ethnic characteristics.

On the market, there is no advanced 'planet transformation' knowledge for sale. .

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