Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 330 It's Better To Bark! Boiling! Attack Again! (1 More)

"I...I can't finish with you!"

The captain of the Gray Steel Spear was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

"Don't be too crazy! I, Lin Donglai, are not as good as Chen Mo, but I am in the Gray Steel Consortium. As big as the world is, my stage is as big as it is. Don't worry about it. Let's see it in a year!"

After Lin Dong finished talking, he didn't give Luo Bing another chance to talk about him, and immediately hung up the communication.

So as not to be choked by the other party again.


She was speechless directly, but she was also deeply moved. It was the first time she saw the real side of the head of the Gray Steel Spear, so... that's it?

Not to mention comparing with Chen Mo, there are many geniuses, far better than him!

"But not necessarily, after all, in his eyes, Chen Mo's pressure is probably extraordinary.

Luo Bing thought about it carefully, and felt that putting anyone in Lin Donglai's position would make it impossible to do better.

Even, the other party didn't even dare to offend himself.

Facing an opponent who surpasses himself too much, that's it.

Luo Bing shook her head, she didn't want to think about it, she had to keep working hard, but she didn't want to be like this Lin Donglai who was strong in the outside world and capable in the middle when faced with difficulties one day.


Just as Luo Bing was about to put away the terminal, Lin Donglai sent another video.

"Big sister, I was wrong, just now, I was a little impulsive.

"Maybe it's because of the villain mentality in my heart, I'm a little eye-catching and jealous, I'm really an idiot. y

"I beg you, my lord, don't count the faults of villains. You don't want to tell Mr. Chen Mo about this matter. We have some fights in private, to enliven the atmosphere, which is actually in line with the purpose of the Star Soul World.

Lin Donglai was all smiles at the moment.

Well, the Gray Steel Consortium sent him a message just now, be sure to establish a good relationship with Chen Mo!

If possible, it is best to let the other party maintain good cooperation with Gray Steel, so that Gray Steel can obtain some needed knowledge.

So, there is the above.

Luo Bing:.………

She just felt nauseated.

To be honest, this guy might as well keep barking like he was just now.

Luo Bing had a cold expression and hung up the video without saying a word.

"A mineral planet... plus 10 members, and a girl to be recommended."

Luo Bing whispered to himself.

This is her harvest from yesterday to now.

No matter in the development of the Heavenly God Temple or the Star Soul World, her speed is extremely fast.

Of course, it depends on Chen Mo's army.

Where the Legion passed by, there was no Temple of Heaven at all, so she also occupied a planet, which is not a planet of life, but mining can make a lot of money when the price of this mineral rises.

In short, Chen Mo's legion is really too strong, 3 living planets a day, I can't even think about it!

However, as the stay time continues to increase, the probability of legions gathering and attracting the siege of the Temple of Heaven is increasing.

Luo Bing felt that Chen Mo should order to rest today, build fortifications, and digest the spoils by the way.

As for the support team, because Chen Mo went from one victory to another, and the auction of more knowledge, many people were frightened, blinded, or glistening with envy.

This knowledge has accurately hit the weakness of many people.

The number of people who applied to join the 'Chen Mo Support Group' increased sharply again, and now Luo Bing even gave up checking all the profiles, and she couldn't pass the review by herself.

She plans to recruit several secretaries to work for herself.

And she is only responsible for the last step of review.

This can greatly improve efficiency, and at the same time several secretaries cross-review, and can also do their best to prevent possible outstanding talents from being missed.

These are all her achievements.

As a member of the Holy Terra system, it is of great benefit to her to do this well.

I believe Chen Mo can also see it.


"Great master, the legion has started again, and the scale is very large!"

Just when Luo Bingqing was harvesting, an archangel flew in, a little surprised, and said tiredly.


Luo Bing's eyes widened.

"Chen Mo's Legion?"

She confirmed with some disbelief.

When she got the angel's positive answer, she slapped her forehead, feeling so tired...

Just keeping up with Chen Mo's fighting rhythm makes her feel very tired.

But Chen Mo's legion is on the move again, so her angel legion will naturally have to keep up, to see if she can get some fighting opportunities, participate in the battle, and kill the soldiers of the Temple of Heaven, but she can get a record!

As for the army backed by Chen Mo, although it is in the most intense fighting area, it is extremely dangerous, and many people even rumored that it is very likely to be wiped out by the army.

But Luo Bing is confident.

She always felt that Chen Mo still had a backup, so she decided to take the risk and followed Chen Mo's army closely.

After a while, more details on the front line were sent back by the angel.

Looking at Chen Mo's attack target, Luo Bing was shocked.

Attack 3 living planets at the same time!

There is another one among them, even a powerful main battle race in the Temple of Heaven - the mother planet of the werewolves!

This race, not to mention its own gods, is also extremely capable of close combat, often tearing up battleships, and then setting off a bloodbath.

And because they are defending their home planet, they must be brave enough to die.

Carefully check the battle situation on the front line, Luo Bing switches between different images, only to see:

The gathered legion, like a billowing smoke that is constantly spreading, crosses the star gate and descends near the werewolf home planet. The volume occupied by the entire legion is actually larger than the planet!

This scene looked extremely shocking.

The huge mother star, armed to the teeth, is like a small glowing light bulb in front of the endless legion at this moment, and will be swallowed and crushed by the boundless darkness at any time.

"Desperate amount!"

"Finally we have to see if the Temple of Heaven still has cards!"

Luo Bing took a deep breath, and his face turned red.


As a genius, as the master of a planet who controls millions of angels, her competitive spirit is also very strong 0.7.

At this moment, I really want to end up in person and fight.

Witness this glorious battle!

But... all of this can only be feasted on, her strength is really weak here.

If it is affected by any party, there will be no scum left.

This made Luo Bing feel very sorry.

It was within a few minutes of Luo Bing carefully observing the arrangement of the army.

A large number of weird spheres have grown in the entire universe. There are countless huge eyes on the spheres, and sometimes tentacles stretch out and swing slightly, as if they are detecting something.

"It's a blockade!"

"The gravitational field is getting more stable!"

The gravitational core has grown!

The space is beginning to be blocked!

Strangely though, this blockade doesn't seem to be complete?.

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