Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 331 Mother Star Vs Requiem! Consciousness Restructuring Machine! (2 More)

Chapter 331? Mother Planet VS Requiem! Consciousness Restructuring Machine! (2 more)

"Join the glorious evolution!"

A magnificent voice resounded through the entire planet of life.

All the defense networks of the planet trembled, and countless defenders of the Temple of Heaven were shocked.

But the next moment, the terrifying army covered the stars and crushed them directly.


The first living planet fell.

Seeing this scene, the Temple of Heaven became even more terrified, and simply gave up the defense of the second planet, and all gathered to the last planet.

It is also the mother star with the strongest defense.

There is the will of the planet as a strong backing here, and there are even teleportation waves on the planet.

Chen Mo's gravitational core is not omnipotent, relying on the will of the planet, they can still communicate with the outside world.

Even, there is a breath of gods appearing on the parent star.

The next moment, tens of millions of infected body troops that landed were directly reduced to ashes in the atmosphere.

The countless observation eyes looking at the planet also burned out of thin air.

The gods have appeared!

"My lord, relying on the mother planet, the werewolves and foreign aid have temporarily resisted our offensive. It is estimated that the opponent's resistance resources will be exhausted. We need... 30.."

A technical overlord quickly calculated through the biological mastermind, and then said: "It will take a day to consume with the other party, and push the infection into the interior of the planet step by step.

The war lord looked at Oran beside him.

Oran couldn't help but nodded, "This goal is indeed very suitable."

After being confirmed by several people, the space around the Fortress began to distort, and the entire Fortress was dragged by the space, slowly sliding forward.

Of course, this slowness is only relative to the speed of crossing. In fact, in the eyes of the Temple of Heaven, this 1% speed of light is already extremely terrifying.

You know, this is a battleship the size of an entire planet!

Without any warning, the speed reached 1% of the speed of light. If it hits directly, you don't need to do anything else, just one blow, and even the planet and the gods on it can be smashed into ashes!

Fortunately, the Bastion also stopped immediately without any inertia.

Everyone in the Temple of Heaven didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief,

On the Fortress, a black light curtain began to emerge, and at the same time, terrifying energy began to gather.

It seems that there is a huge black eye, looking at the planet!

When the eyes are in focus, it's time for everything to rest!

For a moment, the hairs of the creatures on the planet stood upside down.

Holy Terra, Chen Mo was a little excited, waiting for the lottery.

This time, he paid a big price.

It's just that he is a little heartbroken.

A whole parent star is used to collide with Requiem.

There are gods up there!

Presumably this time, Requiem won't be able to win easily, right?

If that is the case, the collision of the two forces will definitely be very intense!

"This time it must be a success!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but speak.

Asking others is better than asking yourself!

Make a wish to yourself, and your dreams will come true.

"Great divine will, we have made new progress in our research on the evil spirit reincarnation pool!

At this time, news came from a technological overlord.


Is this about double happiness?

Chen Mo couldn't help being overjoyed, "That's right, let's show your new research."

The reincarnation pool, the overlord of technology, these Chen Mo have been planning for a long time, and it is reasonable to have results now, but I didn't expect it to come so soon!

"Great divine will, with the help of several space evil spirits bred later, we have remodeled the evil spirit reincarnation pool and incorporated our understanding of consciousness transformation.

"This brand new technology will help us quickly reorganize our consciousness and mass-produce evil spirits!"

"Even, there is no need for a reincarnation pool at all!"

The technical overlord felt the gaze of the great divine will, and couldn't help being excited, and his voice became a little louder.

At the same time, he couldn't help clapping his hands.

The huge mushroom prepared on the side immediately launched a light-speed bombardment, hitting a bound Rat tribe aborigine. The next moment, the aborigine didn't howl, and his whole body was broken, but the strange thing was that his consciousness and the speed of light and flesh and blood The disintegrated energy combined and turned into an evil spirit.

The breeding process of the reincarnation pool has been greatly shortened!

Moreover, this process can be carried out directly on the surviving consciousness body forcibly!

"Nice technology."

Chen Mo raised his brows. This is faster and more violent than the evil spirit reincarnation pool. Even, the transformation itself is also a weapon.

"The great divine will, I call this high-energy light speed transformation light, as long as it is hit, it will be quickly disintegrated, and the consciousness will be distorted and reorganized!"

"Attack speed is the speed of light, almost impossible to defend!"

"Consume Tiberium ore, you can continue to attack!"

"Follow-up can continue to miniaturize."

"Even if it is an extraordinary race, as long as it has not reached the god level, it will not be able to resist the distortion of the transformed light."

"Forcibly reincarnate, join the glorious evolution!"

The technology overlord excitedly introduced his brand new consciousness transformation device.

"very nice!"

Chen Mo is not stingy with compliments.

This kind of device is far from the reincarnation pool at the beginning.

It is no longer aimed at creating races, but the attack power is indeed not weak.

Even, faintly, it tasted like a requiem.

Of course, the power is much worse, but if it continues to strengthen, it might be impossible to forcibly distort and transform the consciousness of the entire planet in an instant.

Even, to transform planetary consciousness?

Chen Mo kept this in mind, and next time he will find Lilia to see if there is any similar knowledge that he can buy and integrate into this device.

"What is the current maximum power and energy consumption of such a consciousness transformation device?"

The technical overlord said respectfully: "Currently, it can only be used on a single target. It takes 1 second for a transformation, and the energy consumed is about 1% of the energy of a piece of green Tiberium ore."

"The damage is irreversible."

"If they are continuously attacked, the consciousness of the gods will be weakened a lot."

"However, the biggest advantage of this weapon is that it can continuously irradiate and continuously transform the target's consciousness. Even if it is unsuccessful, it will bring great pain to the opponent. It is very targeted for powerful enemies or simple consciousness bodies. !"

Chen Mo nodded.

This weapon may be very lethal to evil gods or void creatures.

But the current killing range, with 807 power, is still too small.

He felt that Requiem could destroy the stars with a cannonball, but he felt that it would not be able to reach it for the time being, but he could instantly irradiate more than a dozen square kilometers, distort and transform tens of thousands to millions of gods, this level must be achieved!

"The power will increase."

"The energy consumption is too high."

"I need to be sure that if you can harm the gods, I will ask Oran to assign the gods to you to cooperate with the experiment!"

Chen Mo gave 3 suggestions.

"Besides, this weapon is called a restructuring machine."

Disperse the consciousness, and then immediately reorganize it, turning it into a pure energy life with chaotic consciousness, recharging his ghost cannon, or using it directly as a minion.

This, is——the recombination machine!

Chen Mo has a hunch that this weapon is not very useful at present, but it should be of great use in the follow-up Great Expedition.

Direct mass conversion of consciousness may cause a lot of damage to void creatures.


The technology overlord nodded excitedly.

"Great divine will, I have another idea, maybe we can build another huge battleship!"

"As a supplement to the Bastion!"

The technical overlord hesitated for a moment, and made a suggestion because of courage.

"This plan requires the Tiberium ore planet!"


Chen Mo was about to leave, but when he heard about the plan, he became interested immediately.

Speaking of it, if you want to go on a big expedition, you really need to have more battleships.

But the small battleship is useless to Chen Mo.

His Leviathan can grow up at any time, it doesn't make much sense.

But filled with countless infected, radioactive Tiberium ore planets....

Using this as the main body, make a battleship?

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