Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 332 Tiberium Ore Star Warship! Wanjie Center! (3 More)

"My Tiberium ore planet, I dare not say it is unique, but looking at the entire planet ranking list, it belongs to the top mineral planet.

Chen Mo thought for a while, and said:

"If such a planet is only built as a weapon, it will be a loss, so I hope that the unique radiation infection of Tiberium ore can be used without affecting the mining.

"If the 'crystallization' caused by this radiation can be used, the power should be very good."

The technical overlord said quickly: "Great divine will, please rest assured, I have already had some ideas on this point, and I will definitely work hard to achieve results!"

Chen Mo nodded, he has always been more concerned about abilities like infection.

If the technological overlord can succeed, perhaps his mushrooms will also be able to gain some evolutionary opportunities from this unique 'crystallization' radiation infection.

"Don't be stingy with resources, what I need is a battleship with sustainable evolution and great power.

These studies and the transformation of the planet must require a lot of resources and knowledge that we don't have. You submit everything you need to Ashe, and I will let her find a way to get it done. "

The technology overlord was immediately excited, saying that it would produce some results within one month, and provide a complete transformation plan within three months.

For this time, Chen Mo is not very satisfied.

"Don't worry, your inspiration bursts out, maybe you will soon solve the technical problems and speed up the construction progress of the star-class warship.

Immediately, he gave a "blessing".

For a time, the technological overlord was extremely excited.

Affirmation from the divine will, it will work!

For a moment, his self-confidence exploded!

Chen Mo could clearly feel that when the blessing he announced spread out, a large number of green skins believed it very much, so...the strength of the 'I'm thinking' force field has increased.

"Chen Mo, there are 100 candidates for new recruits in the 38th theater, and they applied to visit Terra to prepare for the subsequent official signing of the agreement.

"I'll just take them around as I please."

"I will also give you a wave of publicity."

Chen Mo was preparing to watch the lottery draw, but the portal glowed with light, and many girls from Chen Mo's support team had already arrived at Luo Bing's planet.


Chen Mo was a little surprised when he heard this.

If he remembers correctly, the previous standard for Luo Bing was that he must be in the top 10,000 on the rookie list.

In other words, in just one day, did you gather so many suitable girls?

Is this the benefit of being famous?

It is really convenient to attract people!

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little emotional, it's no wonder those powerful consortiums are so keen on gaining fame.

It seems that if used well, things like reputation can give him a lot of help.

In particular, his fame was directly mentioned in the previous federal announcement, which brought real benefits!

For example, in the genius tribe before, when they recruited people, they all had to put up signs, and then they had to have common interests or enemies. In short, it was not that simple to recruit a group of people

As the rookie king, Chen Mo gained a lot of fame easily.

Now, as long as he continues to maintain, from one victory to another, he will not lack followers.

One word: win!

As long as this banner does not fall, stick to it for a period of time, his image, pay attention to every newcomer!

"What, earned it?"

Luo Bing asked knowingly, and said jokingly.

In order to select these extremely outstanding girls, she spent a lot of effort!

I found 5 secretaries alone.

Behind a simple one hundred people, there are hundreds of thousands of resumes!

"Let them come, I'll meet them."

Chen Mo thought for a while before speaking.

He is also very curious, what is the level of the brainless fans who are willing to follow him?

At the same time, with such a wave of operations, without any effort from him, his reputation can immediately increase, allowing others to see the fruits of evolution.

Holy Terra, the top planet benchmark, stands here, which can inspire many people!

Don't be afraid that no one will be moved!

In the high heaven, the portal shines.

Beautiful and powerful figures appeared one after another.

Apart from being beautiful, these girls are all different in other respects.

Temperament, appearance, and even clothing, etc., can see a very strong difference.

If it is a general cosmic race, it may be strange, are these a civilized person?

But people in the Star Soul world can tell at a glance that these are the masters of the planet, and the strongest among them have already condensed the Star Soul, acting on behalf of the planet's will, and have the authority of the world.

Each one has unlimited potential.

The girls got to know each other and chatted.

They got together because of the 'Chen Mo Support Group'.

Many people have never met each other in reality, and they are very excited to gather on the high-level heaven planet this time.

As soon as they arrived at the high-level paradise planet, everyone was shocked.

Because this planet is beautifully built and has a comfortable atmosphere! Beautiful angels, pure white palaces, and magnificent portals.

The area visible to the naked eye alone costs at least over hundreds of millions!

Not only that, but they also felt that there were strange energy fluctuations, constantly spreading out from a certain ore, and transforming the entire planet!

Not to mention, the continuous opening and closing of the portal represents an astonishing consumption behind it, as well as... a large amount of resources.

Behind this, what is circulating is strength and money!

Even though the girls are unique geniuses with broad horizons, they can't help expressing emotion.

Luo Bing was a little ashamed to hear the compliments from so many girls.

It's not that she doesn't like being praised.

It's just that, compared with the next scene, these are nothing worth mentioning.

But she didn't explain it either, she just opened the largest semi-permanent portal after the girls arrived.

The channel opened, and the other end was the holy Terra.

For a moment, the chirping sound disappeared.

All the girls were dumbfounded.

"々`Okay...a lot of portals."

"Are you sure this is not the Star Soul World, but Chen Mo's planet?"

"Hiss... just to maintain a dozen portals in continuous operation, the energy required is an astronomical figure."

Many girls stood stupidly at the portal, so that those behind had to squeeze in.

For a while, it actually caused a traffic jam.

It is also a spectacle.

"Oh my god... so many portals, is this going to build the Center of Myriad Realms?"

A girl has a whimsy.

It's really this planet, it's too dreamy, beautiful and unreal, so it seems very reasonable to talk about outrageous fantasies.

The mermaid shining with seductive light, the beautiful and mysterious snake girl, and even more divine spirit!

"Oh my god... look..."

A girl said excitedly.

A god appeared!

If it wasn't for them being the masters of the planet, they would definitely panic to death at this moment.

Even the native gods are extremely powerful top combat power!

Not to mention, the amazing charm of the snake-human queen, as well as her own queen attributes, cannot help but be respected.

"Then... look at that man's mouth!"

"It's Chen Mo!"

Someone was surprised and found that the gods had not come forward.

Just opened the door ahead of time, Hou was there, waiting for Chen Mo to come out.


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