Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 333 Excuse Me, Is There Still A Lack Of Capable Secretary Here? Unexpected Guest! (1 More)

Holy Terra.

It was the first time we had so many visitors.

All the girls were very shocked.

Among them, there are many friends who still hold objections to whether to join the so-called 'sacred planet upgrade' system.

Although they themselves are quite determined, geniuses usually don't care about other people's opinions, but they are a little annoyed when they are talked about a lot by others.

And what I saw this time was enough to change anyone's mind!

Have relatives and friends question?

Just throw the pictures here in their faces!

See, this is my choice, my future!

Even if it's just a part, it's amazing.

Moreover, for most people, all development is still in its infancy.

Time, stand with Chen Mo, stand with them!

"Is this Chen Mo's home planet?"

"It's really incredible..."

"Is there any way, can I stay on this planet? I can also be a maid!"

"How long has it been? This planet even gave me the illusion of returning to the Star Soul world. Is this a permanent link with the Star Soul world? I want such knowledge even in my dreams!

"This planet is still undergoing transformation, I suspect that Chen Mo still has a better transformation method than advanced knowledge, and there is more than one..."

A girl who observed carefully said.

There was uncontrollable excitement in the voice.

After hearing the girl's words, many people began to observe 213 carefully and began to take pictures one after another.

Of course, all of this is with the consent of She An.

Luo Bing couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

She had this kind of country bumpkin behavior before, and even saw a group of such people at the relatives of a very wealthy family, but it was far less exaggerated than here! Thinking about the identities, backgrounds and talents of these girls, this As soon as he performed, I'm afraid only Chen Mo could do it.

"From the speed of Chen Mo's development, everyone can see..."

"The set of knowledge he has mastered is definitely very efficient and suitable for his own race. I even doubt that this originally belonged to the knowledge of mermaids or snake people."

"But how did the natives master such efficient and magical knowledge?"

"It stands to reason that at least a level 3 civilization has the ability to change the environment and landscape of the entire planet.

"However, if it is the knowledge of other civilizations, the Federation will never allow it to be used on such a large scale. Generally speaking, the members of the Inquisition Court have already arrived here, but the reality is that Chen Mo has not been stopped by anything..."

Luo Bing felt a little strange.

If you want to say that it is all knowledge created by Chen Mo out of nothing, that is absolutely impossible.

Even members of parliament can't do it.

This is not a question of genius.

In other words, this knowledge is quite safe, or in other words, the way Chen Mo uses it is extremely safe?

At least some high-level members of parliament, or scholars of the big library, think so.

Just as Luo Bing was distracting his thoughts, Chen Mo had already walked over.

For a while, the chattering crowd quieted down.

At this time, everyone no longer regards Chen Mo as a person of the same generation, but as a super genius, or a leader.

Involuntarily, everyone stood up straight, as if they were waiting for a review.

Seeing Chen Mo looking over, he couldn't help showing a beautiful smile on the corner of his mouth, and puffed up his chest.

Of course, there are also nervous ones, but no matter who they are, they will try their best to show their good side.

First impressions are very important!

"Welcome everyone to visit Holy Terra!"

Chen Mo said.

The voice was calm, but all the girls looked at her.

Without blinking an eye.

"I am Chen Mo, Master of Divine Terra.

"There are a few points to note, let me explain first:"

"First, everyone can take pictures and videos, but in the end these data must be reviewed to ensure that they will not expose important information about my planet before they can be shown to outsiders.

"Second, the scope of your activities is limited to within 10 kilometers around the portal and the manor. If you violate the rules, you will be expelled immediately."

In addition, I must emphasize:"

"Holy Terra was just a barren planet in the beginning. To grow to today, a lot of resources have been invested, and there are various coincidences. I can't guarantee that your main planet will have this level."

(dafc) But as long as you listen to me, join the system dominated by me, and the main planet reaches a high level, or even the garden world, I can guarantee it!

Join me, everything is possible, let us grow and upgrade together. "

Chen Mo got straight to the point when he came up.

No nonsense either.

Even, some of his words, or conditions, are quite harsh.

Not to mention the contract, which is stricter than many financial groups.

If the master of the general planet does this, the others will leave immediately.

But the reason why Chen Mo is like this is because he has confidence.

Besides, he also has this qualification.

You know, now his 'intermediate planetary transformation knowledge' needs hundreds of millions in the market!

This is only the intermediate level, and the advanced level is not sold at all.

For ordinary people who want to acquire knowledge in this area, generally speaking, they can only join a consortium, a powerful force, or rely on luck.

What is the population of Star Soul World every year, and how many people are eliminated?

There are very few people who can be valued!

A top talent like him, who also has a recognized strong development potential, can be said to be unique.

If you miss the opportunity to catch his express train, it will never be there.

In a word, if you are not satisfied, you can leave directly.

For others, it is hard to find a woman, but here Chen Mo, there is no shortage!

“Thank you His Excellency Chen Mo for giving us this opportunity!”

"Thank you, Mr. Chen Mo~"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, it was similar to what he had guessed. Although the conditions were a bit harsh, many girls still accepted it.

"Wow~ Can I take a photo with Mr. Chen Mo?"

"Let's take a picture together, Chen Mo stands in the middle every day!"

"Boss Chen Mo, are you still short of manpower? I can apply for a single secretary, and I am very capable!"

Next, is the question and answer session.

Girls, if you have any questions, you can ask Chen Mo.

On the side, listening to these inquiries, Lu Shui looked confused.

Everyone said she was shameless, look at this... Hey! This is not an application for recruitment!

There are also those who want to sell the planet to Chen Mo and just lie flat and become servants.

It's true...huh?

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Luo Bing saw that the portal fluctuated slightly, and another girl came out from it.

this is....??

Such a beautiful girl, she was shocked by her temperament alone.

She can guarantee that this is definitely not a girl from the support group, nor is it a newcomer, if there is, she will definitely be impressed!

Chen Mo chatted with the girls, but his eyes were also looking in the direction of the portal.

This transmission also came from the 38 theater, with his consent.

But the guests who came... surprised him.

I thought it would be that representative.

Unexpectedly, the other party was quite courageous. .

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