Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 334: Lady Luck! Challenge Your Weakness! (2 More)

"Who is this?"

Beside Luo Bing, a girl asked curiously.


Luo Bing hesitated, and replied honestly:

"I don't know either, it's not our newcomers, and even, it's not people from the Star Soul World."

The former is an affirmative answer, while the latter is speculation.

As for the girls thinking that they know a lot, they are obviously overthinking.

She knew a lot about Chen Mo, but it was just an iceberg on the sea, and she had no way of knowing how much there was below.

"Not... our people? Natives?"

Hearing Luo Bing's words, many girls around were surprised.

Can the natives be so arrogant? Not all have to crawl.

And after Luo Bing said this, everyone checked one after another, and found that the opponent's strength seemed to be very weak.

Yes, it's too weak, but... there's an indescribable feeling.

It was Luo Bing who suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Because she came many times, she immediately discovered that Oran, the snake-human queen, was staring at her, and her pupils were all wide open, with dangerous vertical pupils...

"It's strange. There don't seem to be many staff here, and no one cares about us. Even if the natives send it over, no one cares about it? Or is it that the automatic communication is similar to the terminal of the Star Soul World?"

Many people also had this strange feeling just like the first time Luo Bing.

All in all, very uncoordinated.

The observant girl even discovered that among the many snake girls, they didn't speak at all, but their cooperation was extremely tight.

In a trance, everyone has a feeling that these are robots.

But when these snake girls talked to them, they were extremely polite, and they didn't feel abnormal at all.

One side is mechanical, the other side is personality, giving people a very contradictory feeling.

"So...this is a system of its own, and it's different from ours. Boss Chen Mo doesn't need any maids, let alone workers from Star Soul World.

"If we are lucky enough to be included in the planetary upgrade system, we don't have to worry about being overly squeezed. It is clear that Chen Mo doesn't need us other than resources and status.

There is a girl who is good at analysis and speaks carefully.

The clear thinking made many people nod their heads.

Chen Mo heard it and suppressed a smile.

I have to say, when will he be the strongest and most invincible?

He has to be the girl's imaginary, omnipotent and extremely powerful!

"A magical planet, with a very special communication network, is another world hidden outside the world?"

"The Kingdom of God? Or the Void?"

The girl who was considered to be an aboriginal by everyone spoke.

Among the words, it is very admirable.

She walked forward generously, with slender thighs and a voluptuous figure, she walked in front of Luo Bing, setting off a burst of fresh fragrance.

"According to my analysis, if you join Chen Mo's camp, you should be able to gain great benefits. The control of the opponent's subordinates is extremely amazing, but this magical ability

It is not used on you. "

"Is it the contract you guys are talking about, or... there are such characters in the Star Soul world, and they are also taboo things?"

hear this.

Luo Bing narrowed his eyes slightly, while the expressions of the other girls changed, and they all became angry.

This guy dares to point fingers at Star Soul World?

And call Chen Mo by name!

"The rules of the Star Soul world are not something you natives can understand."

"What do you know, just know it yourself, don't force it in front of us, we don't want to hear it, and we don't want to know.

More girls opened their mouths cautiously.

She didn't want to be involved in anything.

"Star Soul World... Cosmic Slave Master, what a magical model, so even you guys don't know much about Chen Mo?"

The girl glanced at everyone, not nervous.

Luo Bing didn't open his mouth, but looked at Chen Mo. Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, but looked at him with interest, he also obediently shut his mouth and began to observe carefully.

It seems that this girl has an extraordinary background.

It's rare to see Chen Mo with such an interested expression.

"We don't need to know each other, we have a reliable basis for cooperation, and we are fundamentally different from you.

Chen Mo looked at the girl with a sneer.

The girl couldn't help giggling, and said: "Yeah, I guessed it too, your foundation of trust is inherent in civilization, and it has been imprinted into the law, so, you are very lucky, civilization is inherently better than We are advanced."

"So~ You, a genius in an advanced civilization, can you not have such great malice towards me, and have confidence in yourself!

And... I'm here with sincerity.

An offer you can't refuse~"

0 looking for flowers......

Chen Mo: "There is a little foundation of trust, but not much. The people in your Heavenly Temple are operating on a large scale, but I haven't received any feedback from you."

Yes, the visitor is Lady Luck!

The characteristics of consciousness fluctuations are exactly the same!

Appears to be an avatar?

Even so, courage is commendable.

But Chen Mo is also worthy of the other party, in the holy Terra, he holds the proof of conquest, and here is connected with the star soul world, even if the person who comes is a god, he has nothing to be afraid of.

On the side, the people listening to the conversation between the two were shocked.

Temple of Heaven!

Although the two spoke very vaguely, Chen Mo did not mention the specific name,

But combined with the outrageous rumors they had heard before, the name of the person who came was already on the verge of coming out.


Lady Luck!

For a while, everyone whispered.

Luo Bing's eyes widened.

Actually hooked up with the Temple of Heaven!

Still such a big traitor!

How did Chen Mo do it?

And if there is Lady Luck to help...wouldn't the follow-up battle be...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help getting excited.

This is indeed an impossible condition to refuse!

Should this be the case?

For a moment, those who wanted to understand couldn't help breathing faster.

Unexpectedly, they actually witnessed a huge internal transaction!

Seeing everyone looking at her and whispering to each other, Lady Luck remained calm.

She walked a few steps naturally, revealing her graceful figure.

However, Chen Mo said to everyone: "Continue with the question just now."

"You don't need to ask about coming to work with me. I'm not recruiting people for the time being."

He was ready to continue with the task at hand.

Pulling people into the pit is important!

As for Lady Luck's so-called irresistible offer?

Very good, Chen Mo also wants to challenge his weakness!

To be honest, whether she cooperates or not is not very important now.

It is good for him to destroy most of the gods, but if he waits a few more days, with the mushroom's powerful 'parasitic' ability, he can easily infiltrate most of the temple area.

At that time, all ordinary people will become his minions.

Only the temple of gods and gods is left, which is like a castle in the air, vulnerable to a single blow!.

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