Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 336 Fimilis! I Sell Myself! (2 More)

"Damn it?"

"He who returns from history!"

"Ancient God! It's the source!!"

Seeing this, Chen Mo's face changed slightly.

No, the source is not here.

Both Ashe and Oran have confirmed it.

There is only one explanation, this is the return of another god.

Now the puzzle is solved.

No wonder Lady Luck is so lucky, the question is, does it really have anything to do with luck?

The god of wisdom is not wise.

Lady Luck is not lucky.

The organization of the Temple of Heaven is really amazing.

He has been preventing the return of the ancient gods, and he has also continued to eliminate the hotbed of recovery that may be annexed through resonance.

Unexpectedly, the Temple of Heaven itself is a big breeding ground.

Under the eyelids of the gods, the goddess of luck played so well and climbed to a high position.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the lack of relevant knowledge of the gods in the Temple of Heaven.

They don't have enough precautions for such weird things.

Thinking about it, Lady Luck also showed off to herself before: "Nesser's core and consciousness disturbance."


Since he is an ancient god, he is absolutely familiar with the disturbance of consciousness, and even used this knowledge to come back from the dead.

In other words, was the seemingly ordinary chat in the previous 30s actually a temptation?

Chen Mo remembers that at the time he said that he was a bumpkin, it seems that the other party wanted to confirm whether he knew this knowledge or not!

Thinking about it now, I knew it clearly at the time, and evaluated it as common sense.

This point is the key to letting the opponent showdown!

The other party is really full of tricks!

After pondering for a moment, Chen Mo said: "You are very strong when you come back, but whether you have fully recovered or not, as long as I report the news, what awaits you is only destruction.

"And immediately!"

Lady Luck was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded helplessly. During the years when she withdrew from the stage of history and died, God knows what happened, and a freak like Star Soul World came.

The slave owners inside are too strong.

Not one, but every one of them is extremely terrifying!

And the best among them is standing in front of him now.

The other party is aware of the disturbance of consciousness, and has just subdued a large number of slave owners, which is too strong.

It is impossible not to be discovered by the other party.

So she also only has a showdown.

"Now, I have completely opened my heart to you, we have fully known each other, and you can be Cai Lisi with me.

The goddess of luck, Femiris, spoke.

Her calm tone, her long life, and her returning confidence made her charming figure even more attractive.

It has to be said that her appearance is very charming.

Compared with angels and snake people, they are not inferior, and even have more presence, like fiery roses, and it is impossible to ignore them.

Chen Mo looked at Femilis, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

He almost contacted the God of Light just now, thinking about how to fool the other party, who would have thought that Goddess of Luck came to her door without telling her, and even blew herself up?

This operation is really unexpected by ordinary people!

If it is said, no one will believe it.

This is really good luck!

Of course, good luck is also brought by strength, the stronger you are, the luckier you will be!

If he didn't have the strength he has now, I believe that Goddess of Luck would not talk to her at all.

Rather, it is very possible to choose other strong players, such as Li Po.

If you think about it this way, the current situation is what Chen Mo deserves, and he won it step by step.

"But having said that...there are quite a few goddesses who want to negotiate with me, and take advantage of me.

"The mermaid sisters, the snake-human queen, even Luo Bing, and that group just now..."

"Do you mean I look so easy to talk to?"

Chen Mo couldn't help being puzzled.

Of course, there are also many Destiny's Children who surrendered to him, but obviously none of the above impressed Chen Mo deeply.

Reining in his thoughts, Chen Mo looked at Fimilis and said, "Then let me introduce formally. My name is Chen Mo. I am an ordinary member of the Star Soul World. Welcome, the dead who has returned from history."

"In other have a lot of knowledge, and in the temple of the gods, there are also a large number of followers. Show me your body. What do you mean? Did you come all the way... because you want me sell myself?"

"Pfft! Sell yourself...

Fimilis couldn't help but rolled her eyes, this description is really appropriate.

The corpses in the core area belonged to her, so this wave of operations is just me selling myself.

But it won't work if you don't sell it.

Because Chen Mo's attack speed is really too fast,

And the more she understands, the less confident she is in the God of Wisdom.

This guy can't stand the attack at all.

Chen Mo has extra means, too powerful!

Not to mention the star soul world behind him, which is so powerful that it is suffocating, even in her heyday, it is impossible for her to compete.

In this case, wouldn't it be the best choice to join if you can't beat it?

However, how to join the enemy is a profound knowledge.

She worked so hard to come back from the resurrection, but not to serve tea and water for others!

And she is also sure that Chen Mo is very special.

Snake people and mermaids all joined each other one after another. Not to mention, the importance received by the other party in the Star Soul World is also extremely unusual.

"Since you are an ancient god, your background should be much more abundant than the native gods in the Temple of Heaven.

Should have a lot of knowledge, right?

To be honest, compared to the races you control now, I am more interested in knowledge, red Tiberium ore, radiation, crystallization, star warships and other knowledge, do you have it?

If there is, I can exchange it with you after the Temple of Heaven is disintegrated. "

"An intermediate knowledge can be exchanged for 100 pieces of Tiberium ore from me."

Chen Mo is too lazy to talk too much nonsense, since the other party has shown a tradable value, let's get straight to the point.

If you have anything to sell, bring it up!

"Tiberium ore mean the ore curse?"

It's just that it's dangerous to use this to make weapons!

Lady Luck was surprised.

Isn't the field Chen Mo is involved in blood and flesh infection?

All of a sudden, when it comes to ore, the span is too big.

At the same time, Chen Mo's suggestion reminded her of the most difficult time in the past.

And...the picture seen before death.

"Let me tell you the truth, I have very little knowledge in this area. We believe in God, so we don't study knowledge much.

Don't...don't look at me like that! I'm not illiterate!"

Femilis was immediately annoyed, and continued helplessly:

"But I know that the original owner of Nesser's core has a lot to do with the kind of knowledge you mentioned.

"They roam the universe and love to collect Tiberium ore."

"If you gather a large amount of Tiberium ore and use the technology on a large scale to a certain level, maybe 680 will attract them.

"Tiberium ore is the corpse of some kind of strange life, and it is rumored that the power of this ore can be used in large quantities to bring that strong man back.

Femilis spoke.

"Achieving a certain level of skill? Corpse, is the return of the ancient god?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but look serious.

This is not the first time he has heard this statement.

But from the scholars' own research in the big library, and hearing from an ancient outer god, they are completely two concepts.

Two completely different bodies of knowledge, both think so...

"Who did you hear that from?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I didn't listen to anyone, I snatched the Nesser core and found the information in it.

"But after I recovered, I found that the core of Enser had been taken away by the God of Wisdom.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Chen Mo understood immediately.

No wonder the situation in the Temple of Heaven is like this. Those gods are influenced by the core of Nesser, while the minority is influenced by the source and Fimilis.

"Then you must know Nesser's core knowledge, right? Or something like a back door?"

"We can make a deal and let me go through the back door."

Chen Mo said immediately.

In this case, he can let the God of Wisdom gather the gods and defeat them easily!

What's more...the other party worked so hard to use Neisser's core to create a trump card, maybe it can directly fall into his hands.

A chance for whoring!

Chen Mo was keenly aware of it.


Fimilis was furious.

There is no mistake!

It's only been a while, and four or five transactions have been mentioned!

Open your mouth and shut your mouth, is there nothing to talk about besides business?

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