Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 337 Two-Pronged Approach! Cooperation, Sign The Agreement! (3 More)

"By the way, we do not cooperate with the Temple of Heaven.

"With my current strength, this point cannot be violated."

"So you have no choice but to run away or surrender."

Chen Mo reminded again.


A face of black lines.

Look, most people dare to deal with her like this, and they will blow the opponent's head off on the spot!

But Chen Mo, she has nothing to do with him.

In the face of facts, all sophistry is powerless.

"Don't worry, if I want to run, you can't catch me. This universe is cold and dark, and there are killings everywhere, but there is one advantage, that is, it is big enough."

Femilis said confidently.

She is not the same as the rest of the Heavenly God Temple, she does not have a home planet, and after being resurrected again, she no longer has this weakness, and if she wants to run away, she has the least burden.

But just as she said, this universe is dark and cold, especially for someone like her who has been around for many years and even died once, and understands the power of gods better, that's all.

Eternity....what an unattainable dream.

But here with Chen Mo, she really sees hope.

The development of the opponent is too fast.

Any deity whose heart is tired and wants to lie flat will notice Chen Mo!

Besides, she has also contributed to the Temple of Heaven, and everyone can sell it, so why can't this person be her?

Just get enough Tiberium ore and get Nesser core back!

As for why the gods tried their best to maintain the Temple of Heaven, in fact, she could also understand that a group of gods gathered together is better than one. Although they pull each other, their strength is really much stronger.

But here, the God of Wisdom should be an exception. He has always been committed to researching and cracking Nesser's core. This time, can it be said that...he has really made progress?

Wouldn't she want to pay the gods as a price like her?

After weighing again and again, Femiris left Holy Terra after reaching a preliminary agreement with Chen Mo.

Next, she will look at the situation and give Chen Mo certain intelligence and action cooperation.

But Chen Mo also has to correspond, according to her plan, destroy the designated planet, until it is pressed every step of the way, so that the God of Wisdom can arrange Neisser's core according to her vision.

While the portal was shining, Femiris, the goddess of luck, left.

Luo Bing and many newcomers have noticed this.

At this time, after discussion, they have clearly analyzed that this is the goddess of luck.

Is there such a powerful person around here?

Apart from the Temple of Heaven, there are no other Buddhist temples.

Of course, everyone would naturally not suspect that Chen Mo was in collusion with Tianshen Temple, this is impossible, no one would be so stupid.

Then contact Chen Mo planet, so many races who are loyal to him.

It is natural for people to think:

"This undeniable offer, wouldn't it be her beautiful figure``?"

"She crawled at the feet of Mr. Chen Mo, which is the basic operation."

Far away, upon hearing this, Fimilis, who had just stepped through the portal, staggered suddenly.

Damn, these people are really confident!

Hmph~ Prostrate at Chen Mo's feet?

It's like she's out of her mind.

Femilis' eyes flickered.

Holy Terra, everyone didn't talk much about that suspicious goddess.

After a few casual words, he turned back to the content of the agreement.

It's really because the knowledge that Chen Mo is willing to sell is really too precious.

While the prices are still amazing, there are no discounts.

But being able to buy it is a huge discount in itself.

It is equivalent to having a goal,

A life with ambition is enough to make anyone a struggler.

Besides, there is no need to struggle, just sign an agreement!

Ye Fei looked at Luo Bing who was flushed and excited, and said with a smile:

"How? How many people are willing to sign the agreement?"

All, they were very willing to do so, and now they might not be able to drive them away!"

Luo Bing said excitedly: "I believe that after a while, when their experiences spread, the whole newcomer channel will go crazy."

"It's just... if this is the case, will the big steel consortium and other big forces be dissatisfied?"

Shui took a deep breath, recovered his emotions, and analyzed carefully.

After all, every time Chen Mo recruits a person, it is equivalent to digging out a genius who should have joined the rest of the forces.

At first, Luo Bing felt nothing.

But looking at the excited girls, there are a whole hundred of them!

Take it all in one go!

Things got a little bigger.

To continue to develop, just thinking about it, she felt a little frightened.

"Dissatisfaction? Maybe there will be, but it's definitely not as serious as you think. I don't do this every year, and I don't want it from anyone. You should check it carefully and review it carefully.

Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo will not do things too extreme in matters inside the Star Soul World.

Besides, it is indeed unnecessary, the other party he develops in the future is no longer a rookie!

Now, just let other people see his potential first, are they counting on this group of newcomers to give him continuous support?

Wealthy old people and veteran star soul powerhouses are the fattest targets at the moment.

But Luo Bing was so frightened, so he could understand it.

After all, for such a big rookie, he bought one.

It has never appeared in the history of Star Soul World.

There is a feeling that a big force is rising.

"々` is also oh..."

Luo Bing scratched his head.

At this time, she also realized that she was simply too petty, and she was just making small troubles before, but once she came to Chen Mo, came into contact with such a big platform, and made big things "I feel a little at a loss.

It seems that my mentality is not right, I still need to exercise!

Luo Bing couldn't help but clenched his fist.

She vowed to herself that she must seize this opportunity to become bigger and stronger, and to spread Chen Mo's reputation!

This can be regarded as worthy of Chen Mo's trust in himself.

Of course, as the actual person in charge of this matter, her benefits and fame will continue to come!

clap clap!

Chen Mo clapped his hands for everyone to look at.

"Since everyone is optimistic about the agreement, they should also know their own position."

"Included in my system, my portal will be built on every planet of yours, and my knowledge has the right to sell first."

"Think bigger than the future, your development, or the market, (Zhao Lizhao) is mine."

"It's a very stringent condition."

"If anyone violates the contract, then the Star Soul World Law will punish him, deprive him of the identity of the Star Soul Lord, and all property and knowledge will automatically belong to me."

"If there is no problem, sign it all. I will immediately arrange resource allocation and prepare to build the portal."

Chen Mo spoke calmly.

Everyone listened carefully.

It is impossible to take his benefits without paying the price.

But Chen Mo is not interested in these newcomers themselves.

Rather they conceived the knowledge of the race, and... were influenced by themselves.

Continue to influence more and more people, and use the hidden and mature mushroom fertilization.

I don't know... Does this method of invading the world work in the Star Soul world?

Of course, Chen Mo is very clear that there is an essential difference in this invasion.

He called it, expanding influence, gaining the attention of the laws of the world, gaining some authority...

Very reasonable and compliant. .

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