Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 342 Shark? This Is So Fast Becoming An Evil God! Chen Banbi! (4 More)

"I got in touch with Mr. Chen Mo, excited and excited~"

"I would like to call it the Little Star Soul World!"

"Holy Terra, holy light, holy will, holy knowledge, I went there, and I feel that my soul has been purified~"

“Must-see for newcomers, Chen Mo’s planet~”

Posts appeared in the newcomer area one by one.

In these posts, Chen Mo's planet is extremely beautiful.

And his legion, is totally a demon, an angel.

Garden World Class!

There are all kinds of beautiful creatures on the surface, powerful transformation energy, the portal that is already in constant operation, and the channel that is permanently connected to the world of Star Soul.

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

"Fuck! You have to watch Chen Mo to make a living!"

"Shhh~ Boss Chen Mo showed such a handsome face earlier, I'll follow right away~"

"Oh my god, let's forget about the hundreds of millions of legions sweeping the Heavenly God Temple. Is this wave planning to sweep and conquer the entire group of newcomers and goddesses alone?"

"It's not impossible!"

"Chen Mo is a role model for my generation, too strong!"

"Fuck, how many of the top 1,000 girls have entered Chen Mo's planetary upgrade system?"

"Many of the top 100 belong to consortiums, that is to say, Chen Mo has already wiped out all ordinary geniuses."

"Ordinary? Do you really think that the thousandth place is worse than the hundredth place? Get rid of the financial support behind them, and you will find that the one thousandth place might be stronger!"

"It can only be said that Mr. Chen Mo is too attractive!"

"The queens of the snake-human tribe have to rely on them, and it is impossible for them not to be strong."

"I received news that the Gray Steel Spear seems to be disbanding, and only one of the people in it has been selected by the Gray Steel Consortium and is ready to recruit."

"I'm sorry, this is too miserable. In the past, this was the most interesting alliance. The invitation of Gray Steel is what many people dream of."

"Uh, you don't have all the information! The only one who was selected, watched Chen Mo's video, and regretted it on the spot, and would rather pay a large amount of default funds than hang out with Chen Mo!

"Haha, the Gray Steel Consortium is going to die~"

"Bullshit, it's just that the tribe of geniuses supported by a few local tyrants is still there, how can a giant like Gray Steel not be able to do it? They just don't bother to fight with Chen Mo.

They can take any resources and beat Chen Mo!"

"Indeed, there are only a few geniuses in the area, and people really don't necessarily like it. This is just to save face for Chen Mo.

"Tsk tsk~ Chen Mo's face is really great!"

Chen Mo is being discussed on the War Zone Channel, the Newcomer Zone, and even in many small circles.

If it was before, it was just various leaderboards, various rumors, and various battlefield videos.

Now, it's the main planet who directly slaps his face.

True luxury, a lot of wealth!

It can be said that Chen Mo has become popular at this time.

Many star gods even noticed Chen Mo and started asking others about it.

And the one who gets the most inquiries is Chen Mo's recognized partner and only friend.

For a while, Luo Bing's communication channels were blown up, and they couldn't be used normally at all.

The number of people applying to join the 'Chen Mo Supporting Group' also skyrocketed again.

Many Star Soul Lords were moved and started calling.

They have condensed their star souls and are much stronger than ordinary rookies, but they have been unable to make further progress due to their average talent or background.

Seeing that Chen Mo has a channel here, they are all moved.

Even though they knew that Chen Mo might not accept them, many people couldn't bear it and sent out their profiles.

After all, the above did not say that only newcomers are required!

"The Lords of the Silent Star Soul are here..."

Luo Bing looked at the resume that the secretary worked overtime to sort out, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

No one would really want this kind of person except to participate in the Great Expedition.

The consortium and the star gods only accept geniuses, who would waste resources on these very ordinary people?

"But save your resume for now."

She hesitated for a moment, but still ordered.

Ask Chen Mo, then make a decision!

The theater channel, the discussion about Chen Mo, is still going on.

"The Temple of Heaven is definitely going to make a big move!"

"Indeed, the other party gave up too many planets, and I picked up one for nothing, feeling a little uneasy in my heart.

"Hmph, it's nothing more than trying to lure the enemy to go deep. Our Star Soul World is so big, I'm afraid it won't be able to bear it~"

"Tell everyone a trick. If you want to know the next move of Tianshen Temple, just stare at Chen Mo."

"As long as Chen Mo's starship is okay [we'll be absolutely fine."

"It's really Chen Mo, who attacked more than half of us, just attacking us, it's useless at all."

"Hey~ Chen Mo is finally here for nothing, Shu Tan~"

"Talk about the more than 100 gods in the Temple of Heaven, and many of them we haven't seen before. It is said that there are also mysterious weapons. With such terrifying strength, Chen Mo is not afraid by himself?"

"I see that Chen Mo's battle line is very long. After occupying a planet, he will immediately drop one. Is there really no need to defend?"

"What's even more outrageous is, haven't you noticed that the planet occupied by Mr. Chen Mo started construction immediately! This is still a war zone, why don't you hurry up like this.

People who don't know think that they are rushing to pick up money. If so many resources are invested in it, if the gods of the Tianshen Temple run over it, it will all be in vain.

"Don't force me, you guys say that every time, I'll just say one thing, if Mr. Chen Mo doesn't have self-confidence, how dare he do this?"

"々`There must be traitors inside the Temple of Heaven, and the level is not low, every time they are delivering food to Chen Mo boss!"

"Let's not talk about the Temple of God, this year's newcomers, in this war zone, there are not many good people, they are all money-losing boys!"

When it comes to delivering food, it's very annoying!

All of a sudden, this complaint resonated with many people.

Especially a large number of newcomers.

They watched Chen Mo grow up step by step, so Wang Yifeng, Huang Jie and others were pulled out and whipped the corpse again.

"Wouldn't it be these idiots who could raise such a big shark?"

"Shark, this is amazing!"

Everyone complained wildly.

At the same time, they are also fortunate that Chen Mo's current strength has no direct relationship with them and does not affect their interests.

On the contrary, those consortiums who sent Chen Mo up, as well as the children of local tyrants, deserved the headache!

The large amount of profits that Chen Mo is getting now were originally divided among the top 100 consortium geniuses.

But now, it is almost monopolized by Mo!

Someone (good job) has done statistics, this year's newcomer trading area, the total shipments have created history.

Reached a staggering trillion levels.

An increase of almost 30% over last year. this year's rookie, the first in average level in history, the strongest?


If Chen Mo's score is excluded, the data will be very ugly, and it will directly drop to the lowest in the history!

50% lower than last year, almost cut in half!

That is to say, this year Chen Mo, with his own strength, has increased the sales volume of the entire newcomer area by 30%.

But, on the other hand, he alone not only ate the increase, but also ate 50% of the part that originally belonged to everyone!

This is an extremely terrifying value.

Anyone who knows this detailed data will be dumbfounded.

Against Chen Mo?

That's really not as good as others when everyone stacks up!

In terms of trading volume alone, they account for half of the newcomer trading platform!

It's really half the world. .

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