Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 343 Infection Frenzy! Being Prostituted By The Lord Of Million Star Souls! (5 More)

Temple of Heaven.

The Palace of the God of Wisdom, where all the gods gather at this time.

Compared with before, the mental state of the gods is much better this time, and many of them even have a tendency to break through.

There are also a few unfamiliar faces.

If someone arrives at the core area of ​​the Tianshen Temple at this time, they will find that there are many warships here, and the overwhelming spiritual energy fluctuations will make people feel terrified just by looking at it.

Here, at this time, is already an extraordinary world.

The power of the gods oscillates between the orbits, constantly producing various wonders.

Apparently, their plans are set.

And it looks like a lot of confidence!

At this time, a person wearing golden dragon scales sitting next to the goddess of fortune spoke slowly, and the sound spread to the entire planet.

"Don't look at the battle lines!"

"We seem to have suffered a loss on the front line, but we are here to take back our fists and strike harder!"

"Some people say that the Temple of Heaven is afraid of those slave owners, some people say that our gods will give up their belief in their own creatures, and some people say that Chen Mo is already invincible and no one dares to do anything to him.

"But you are all wrong! As his old opponent, I am very responsible to say that the opponent is strong, but not invincible. As long as we are prepared, we can easily crush the opponent! 253" This time, Chen Mo will definitely lose !I'm going to eat him alive! Chow down on his bones one by one!"

"Slave owners are not easy to mess with, but who are we? We are gods!"


"Each one is the ultimate power in the world, powerful, unique, and even eternal! Above all living beings!"

"Let's all cheer up, no one can mess with us without paying anything. 7"

In an instant, with the roar of the Dragon God.

The eyes of all the gods in the entire Tianshen Temple exuded excitement.

They have endured Chen Mo for a long time. This time, they are led by the Dragon God, the Goddess of Luck, and supported by the equipment of the God of Wisdom.

This time I was well prepared.

Everyone is very confident!

In the face of shameless slave owners, as long as they hurt them and cramp their skin, they will know what it means not to dare to provoke the gods at will!

They are not natives who know nothing!

Strategies, tactics, and even powerful knowledge like Requiem, they all have it!

As the time goes.

Chen Mo is occupying more and more areas.

Led by the Bastion, against the dark sky, it resisted countless attacks, and the portal in it could send countless troops.

Not to mention, stretching out the substance-absorbing tentacles, of course making the planet boil and pregnant, bursting out countless mushrooms.

After occupying the star sector notified by the Grunts, the Bastion made a turnaround and headed to another star sector.

During this period, angels joined Zhan through the portal.

This makes the whole legion more complex.

At first glance, it was noisy, but under the control of the biological mastermind, the entire army was like a whole.

Chaos in parts, order in the whole!

In addition to the main force of the Bastion, Chen Mo also began to spread the infection in many areas of the Temple of Heaven that were not suppressed by the gods.

A terrifying "cursed plague" broke out in 13 star regions at the same time.

And these are all going on silently.

Not many people know about the Temple of Heaven.

As for the Heavenly God Temple battle zone in the Star Soul world, no one knows.

Chen Mo is sweeping all the way and is making great strides.

Infections invade planet after planet.

All souls, under the frenzy of infection, joined the glorious evolution.

There is no second choice.

Soon, another day passed.

In just one day, Chen Mo's light and dark armies occupied more than 5 living planets.

There are as many as 10 mineral planets!

The consciousness harvested by him to join the star realm is as many as 3 billion!

All kinds of equipment and ores are countless.

The snake clan elites dispatched by Chen Mo cooperate with this technological overlord, and also begin to collect knowledge of various planet (daai) races.

The Snake Clan was originally the power of the Temple of Heaven, and they were familiar with it.

And under the cooperation of Femiris, the goddess of luck, the locations Chen Mo attacked were all the weak points of the Temple of Heaven, and the resources were extremely rich!

That's right, thin skin and lots of stuffing!

The most fertile and weakest defensive places were all bitten by Chen Mo!

On the spot, these operations also put the Temple of Heaven in a hurry.

As a result, they had no choice but to speed up their actions. In the past few days, the God of Wisdom has hemorrhaged a lot and distributed a lot of resources to help the rest of the gods.

The purpose is to let them cooperate with the goddess of luck and the dragon god.

Form a stable team of gods that can kill with one blow!

So far, Chen Mo has 26 living planets.

Mineral planet more!

Therefore, he has given up naming these planets. On the attribute panel, they are all named after No. 1 and No. 2. Of course, the planet governors sent by each planet are still very happy to name the planets they manage.

"Divine", "Great", "Evolution", "Will"

And so on vocabulary, is everybody likes to use most.

For those who don't know, as soon as they see the names of these planets, two words will appear in their minds: loyalty!

It is different from the appearance that everyone in the Star Soul World sees.

Once these planets fall into Chen Mo's hands, no one else can take them back.

Because the spores have fallen on the planet, penetrating into every genetic chain.

Unless the entire planet is burned into glass balls.

And that is exactly what Chen Mo wants, he is waiting for the goddess of luck to lead the army of gods to come!

By the way, there is also the dragon god, let's solve it together!

And as time goes by, after the portal is built soon, Chen Mo can give the planet unlimited support at any time.

After a little delay, the Bastion will come!

It can be said that it is very safe, and every occupied planet will be a part of the holy Terra.

It's like the world of Star Soul, constantly annexing and occupying worlds one by one.

Chen Mo repeats this process in a smaller area.....

Now, the only question for Chen Mo to occupy the most places?


As he continued to force, he compressed the main army of the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heaven began to abandon many unimportant star sectors.

And these are all money.

It was picked up by the rest of the Star Soul World for nothing.

Although he took the fattest piece.

This feeling of charging ahead and others following to pick up trash....

The thought of being prostituted for nothing made me feel uncomfortable.

This point, Chen Mo did not expect at the beginning.

Looking back now, it's outrageous, at least millions of star soul masters are following for nothing!

PS: ask for flowers.

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