Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 344 Star-Level Purification Battleship! See You, God Of Light! (1 More)

"It seems that being famous is not all good!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being speechless.

Of course, this is just a little trouble.

Compared with the benefits he obtained as a result, it is insignificant.


This situation is not impossible for him to take advantage of.

After the battle of the day before yesterday and yesterday, Chen Mo's army has eliminated at least tens of millions of elites of the Tianshen-Dian army.

And his own legion, with the continuous growth and incubation, has reached 30 giants.

On an average day, the number of legions expands by 100 million.

If there is a big war, it can skyrocket by 500-100 million in an instant.

"This situation makes the Temple of Heaven feel like an enemy to me."

"In turn, let everyone in the Star Soul World feel at ease to pick up trash."

"The more I attract the attention of the Heavenly God Temple, the less power in other areas can fight against the Star Soul World."

"In this case, I actually occupy less territory."

"From the originally estimated 80%, it has been directly reduced to less than 40%..."

Although the best planets, Chen Mo takes priority.

And only he has the right of first choice.

However, there are a lot of these remaining, and they add up to a large amount of wealth.

It would be too much of a disadvantage if they were all given up to others, and they didn't even bother to make any effort.

"Seeing that my side is attacking, they will attack, chicken thief..."

"It would be great if I could occupy most of the places, no one will grab me, and the Temple of Heaven should not keep targeting...

Chen Mo mulls over this possibility.

The property of the Temple of Heaven is very important to him.

After becoming a star god, this galaxy will become his base camp, which can provide him with continuous help.

If this galaxy is cut and I only occupy a part of it, Zhang San is on the left and Li Si is on the right, how can I manage the galaxy as a whole?

Can't do it at all.

Not to mention business operations, even defense takes a lot of effort.

And being divided, forcing him to build portals on every planet, it's all money.

Just like now, his planets are far apart, if they can finally gather together, arrange the planets according to their own ideas, and form a galaxy fortress...

All in all, these would require a roughly complete galaxy!

In the area of ​​Tianshen Temple, he is determined to be there.

Can't let regional people occupy too much space.

Even if it does not occupy the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven for the time being, it must occupy all the edges and maintain a large area.

Anyway, if the rest of the people go to the fatter places, they will be beaten to shame instead.

"Master~ We may let Lady Luck take action. We have information on our side, and we don't need to kill the Lord of Star Soul. Just teach them some lessons and tell them not to follow!"

Aside, Lan said.

The great master will talk to her about anything, and she will naturally find a way to solve problems.

From her point of view, apart from the master, the Star Soul World has nothing to do with her. If it were her, all the others would be killed.


Chen Mo shook his head.

He is now the biggest beneficiary of following the rules, and the rest are afraid to do anything to him due to the rules of the game specified by the Federation.

He turned himself now, the first broken rule.

Isn't this brain flooding?

The way the natives fight and kill is too simple and rude in the Star Soul World competition.

Moreover, this kind of act of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the interests of the Star Soul World is very dangerous.

Maybe the court of justice will come to the door tomorrow.

At that time, even the Queen of Ice would not talk to him anymore.

Li Po was so arrogant, he really wanted to overwhelm him, but he didn't dare to reveal the information to the Temple of Heaven, at most, he dared to gloat from the sidelines.

This is the rule of the Star Soul World.

You can watch the fire from the other side, but if you dare to unite with foreign enemies, you will be dealt with immediately.

In fact, this can be regarded as the cornerstone for the Star Soul World to be strong to the present.

Without this layer of guaranteed trust, all other cooperation and alliances are just floating clouds.

"Master, didn't you let someone study the Tiberium ore planet? You want to transform it into a second star-class warship. Isn't that warship using high radiation energy to distort and change flesh and blood?"

"If it can be combined with the current 'purification' ability, wouldn't we be able to create a purification spaceship! Wherever the light passes, all the gods will join in the glorious evolution!"

Oran used his brain again and said.

"Well, that's a good idea."

Chen Mo nodded.

The 'purification' that Oran said was actually a mutant cannon.

If you can combine parasitic and radiation energy, you can indeed achieve the effect that Oran said, and it is even more efficient than any previous weapons!

Like a requiem, a beam of light hit the planet, and then all the creatures on the planet were mutated and infected, and then replaced the neural network and connected to the divine will network!

After this wave of operations, the original process of Chen Mo's attack, occupation, and infection was greatly shortened, and all of them were concentrated in one torch.

One shot into the soul!

Of course, the planet has not yet been transformed.

The evolutionary ability of the mutant cannon to combine more radiation energy for infection has not yet appeared.

It is still a bit too far to say these now.


Shaking his head, Chen Mo stopped thinking about these things and came up with a pragmatic approach.

After thinking about it, he decided to launch an infection.

An infection that spread to the entire Temple of Heaven!

Yes, after evolving the 'parasitic' ability to the extreme and lighting up the technology tree of the path of energy infection, the infection ability of mushrooms is already extremely terrifying.

In close range, even if it is a god, if you are not careful, the flesh will be infected!

Of course, many gods are already in an energy state, and they can resist immunity to the usual flesh and blood infection.

After all, matter can affect virtuality, but consciousness can also interfere with reality!

Gods have the ability to interfere with reality.

It is very difficult to affect their consciousness through infection.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Mo's target is not the gods, but those creatures who are too ordinary.

Infecting them, with the current parasitic spores, is a dimensionality reduction blow.

As long as one spore falls on the planet, then this planet belongs to Chen Mo!

Hmm, that sounds easy enough.

But it is not easy to reach every planet.

After all, you can't expect a spore to fly to a planet by itself.

You have at least one battleship, the kind that can be folded.

And such a battleship may not be successful, because you need to be close to the planet, or close to the enemy, to infect.

But often, a ship is beaten to ashes as soon as it appears.

So at least a fleet is needed.

After a circle, it returned to Chen Mo's current army mode.

While Chen Mo was pondering this question, Mu Yao received news.

"The Veteran Star Soul powerhouse Li Potuo contacted me, saying that his eyeliner in the Temple of Heaven, the God of Light, wants to contact you."

"It's very urgent. But without your friend, you didn't reply to the private message!"


God of Light?

This is a powerful god with a great voice!

Speaking of which, he wanted to contact the other party before, but unexpectedly, the other party came to him in the end!

Hehe....Is this urgent?

If you are lucky, if you contacted before, maybe you will be benefited by the other party.

but now.....

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel happy, if the God of Light is willing to cooperate, mobilize personnel, and artificially spread the infection, it will be easy to do the above, and it will be invisible.

Perfectly bypassing the God of Wisdom and Lady Luck. .

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