Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 345 Envious Of The Jealous And Hateful God Of Light! The Next Time We Meet, It Will Be Star

"Is your Excellency Chen Mo, the star soul powerhouse? I am the God of Light from the Temple of Heaven!"

After talking politely to Li Po and asking him to set up a communication network, Chen Mo ignored him.

Instead, he immediately contacted the God of Light.

The God of Light looked impatient.

If it weren't for the light curtain, maybe the other party would have to show off the strength of their high-level gods.

But even if you just look at the scenery, you can see the splendor of the palace where he is.

Huge energy fluctuations continuously gushed out from a sun-like device, and then spread to the entire world.

"Master, this is planet transformation technology, which is somewhat similar to Neisser's core technology.


Lanmo remained silent, but his voice was transmitted to Chen Mo's brain master through the consciousness network.


Chen Mo speculated: "Didn't the artifacts of the Sun God have similar characteristics last time? Maybe "350" and the God of Wisdom belonged to the same faction at the beginning, or they were the first batch. He got rich by digging the grave of the goddess of fortune."

Talking to Oran in his heart, Chen Mo answered the Sun God again:

"it's me."

The voice fell and fell into a brief silence.

The God of Light looked at Chen Mo in shock. The other party was in a beautiful manor, but it was completely different from Li Po's aggressive aura and extremely luxurious palace.

But the woman standing next to the other party, it can be said that the force is completely higher than Li Po.

Snake Queen!

Look at this... Could it be that the other party has become a confidant?

How is it possible, such a short time.

Could it be that the other party is short of manpower?

That's not right, the opponent's army is more than hundreds of millions?

Damn it, if I found out earlier, maybe I would be the one standing aside, why would there be so many troubles now.

Various thoughts flashed through Guangming God's mind.

For a god like him who has milk and is a mother, the status of the snake-human queen Oran is what he wants most. Backed by a talented slave owner, although there will be some sharing in the future, it is definitely better than being in the Temple of Heaven up!

More importantly, he could see the flickering light, a trace of hatred, and the slightly raised chin in the eyes of the snake-human queen.

All foreshadows, free will.

The other party has a mind of his own.

And Chen Mo treats her very well, and can even express her own thoughts at this moment.

envy, jealousy, hate….

The God of Light looked greedy, but he could only continue to speak expressionlessly:

"Great strong man, I have also had some transactions with Li Po in your camp. I think he has already told you, right?"

"There is a new basis for cooperation between us."

"I, the God of Light, is inspired by Godhead, and I am trustworthy!"

"I've actually looked forward to this conversation, looking straight ahead.

After finishing speaking, the God of Light looked at Chen Mo.

The other party just popped out two words, and he was a little confused.

According to Li Po, he should be very popular.

In fact, since the day before yesterday, he has been actively trying to find a way to contact Chen Mo.

But I don't know why, my luck is always bad, and I passed the opponent's minions several times, without success.


a few days?

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly.

He hurriedly asked why, and immediately learned that it was because of various reasons that he was always unable to be contacted.

Bad luck!

For a moment, a person, Lady Luck, immediately appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

It seems that the other party has not thought of this,

Not only thought of it, but also made protection.

Affecting the probability of things happening is really a terrifying ability.

This ability also interferes with reality, but it is somewhat different from Chen Mo's.

Somewhat similar to causal weapons.

What the other party does not want to happen is always difficult to happen.

But eventually it happened.

This is thanks to myself. I thought of this matter. If I don't take the initiative to find the God of Light, there is a high probability that the other party will never be able to contact me.

It can actually be seen from this that the best way to deal with Lady Luck is to take the initiative.


Sitting in the office, Muyao, the mother star of the Star Soul World, felt a burst of emotion.

Unknowingly, even the veteran star soul powerhouses have asked to come to Chen Mo?

More importantly, you can't ask for it!

I still found the Gray Steel Consortium first, Fang Fang, and then found her here.

She wouldn't have introduced it if she hadn't considered the massive cooperation with the Gray Steel Consortium.

How strong is Chen Mo now?

She was a little curious and asked Li Po.


Li Po was taken aback.

The beauty asked him, and he was curious too!

Besides, isn't the other party Chen Mo's confidant?

At least better than yourself, right?

He is a little this beauty showing off, or testing him for Chen Mo. 0

But after thinking about the process of Chen Mo's rise, he felt that he could understand it.

After all, the opponent's speed is too fast!

Muyao's question is so strong, it means that at this moment, the answer may be different in the next minute.

"Very strong, I'm definitely not as good as Chen Mo. In fact, the God of Light who really sought cooperation just now is a high-level god, and his civilization is as high as level 3. I'm not sure I can beat him."

"Even such a strong man will fall under Chen Mo's command... In short, you will probably know in a few days, Chen Mo has another dog!"

Li Po said with some envy.

The God of Light, it's not that he doesn't want to be under his command, as long as he advances to Star God and subdues one or two gods, it won't affect the purity of Star Soul. With a god under his command, the compulsion is much higher!

But Chen Mo can do it now!

The previous snake-human queen has already proved that the opponent has this strength.

It's just that he has been unable to figure out one thing, how to ensure absolute loyalty?

very curious!

"But having said that, Ms. Muyao is also extremely outstanding, otherwise how could she be valued by Chen Mo and become a close partner?"

"I also have a lot of acquaintances in Xiahai City. If Miss Muyao needs help, you can contact me at any time. For Chen Mo, I hope you can give me some kind words."

"Hehe, in a few days, Chen Mo will be promoted to Star Soul Powerhouse, and I will also call you Your Excellency Mu Yao!"

"Then you are busy first, and I won't bother you."

Li Po made a good joke, then hung up the communication after 2.9, and was busy grabbing the territory.

Now is the time for Chen Mo to attract firepower. Although he can't grab good ones, he can get a lot of rubbish ones, so it's not a problem!

And what kind of thing the God of Light is, he knows very well that the other party dares to sell anything, and his brain is not as good as that of Lady Luck.

He estimated that the situation of the war would change sooner.

At that time, it must be the time for Chen Mo to make a big attack.

And he has to quickly contact his hands and prepare to act!

At that time, if you can't compete for the first place, you can be the second!

After hearing Li Po's words, Mu Yao was shocked.

I haven't understood for a few days, Chen Mo is so powerful?

But... the next time you contact me, you will already be a Star Soul powerhouse?

This is a bit exaggerated.

This Li Po is also a person who likes to exaggerate. .

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