Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 346: The Secret Of Time! The Disaster Of The Universe, The Devourer Of Dimensions! (3 More)

"Mighty Lord of the Star Soul, I am loyal to you, can I really gain the protection of the Star Soul World?"

After some chatting.

The God of Light couldn't hold back at first.

Chen Mo showed him his own strength, and even more so, the strength of the Star Soul World.

Of course, he does not need to show these, as a god, he has eyes.

What's more frightening is that he knew the harm of consciousness disturbance.

Not only disturbing ordinary people below demigods, but also giving birth to ancient gods!

"It's unbelievable... Wouldn't it be that one day in the future, the entire universe will dance with demons?"

The God of Light was a little confused, and everyone was frightened.

Lady Luck turned out to be an ancient god!

But he clearly remembered... The distant memories were gradually connected together. Sure enough, the goddess of luck was gradually changing, ever since she gained that power.

A god, before them, was gradually replaced by erosion.

He couldn't help feeling the creeps.

"The Star Soul World is extremely powerful, as long as I don't perish, you will never die."

"I think you can know this by looking at the state of the snake-human queen Alan."

"Of course, God 30 Spirits, that's the end of evolution, you have your own ideas, wandering, doubts and surrender, or confrontation, all are free.

Chen Mo said.

Obviously, the God of Light has been shaken after he showed the star realm.

He pays almost nothing but loyalty.

It's understandable that some people can't accept this.

But for some people, it doesn't matter, once they accept it, it will be boundless happiness.

Besides, not everyone has a home planet.

The home star of the God of Light is very huge, and it is very difficult to escape.

Chen Mo discussed with the God of Light, gave the other party a guarantee to accept the other party's race, and then drew up a "personnel transfer" plan to spread the infection, and then terminated the communication.

The communication has just ended,

The doppelganger of Lady Luck has come to visit again.

The other party's face is very bad.

"you do not believe me?"

She spoke directly.

The heaving chest, and the smell of sweat, mixed and drifted away.

I have to say that although the other party left in a hurry, she deserves to be a true goddess.

This gesture, on the contrary, made the snake girls around them all addicted.

I want to post~

"Of course I believe you, but can't I have other plans?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

Chen Mo asked back.

At the same time, I was secretly surprised that this goddess of luck really had a few tricks, and she had a feeling immediately after her luck was broken.

Does she have unique knowledge about destiny?

Or is it a detection device like the law of causality?


Lady Luck was at a loss for words.

"The Temple of Heaven can't be destroyed too quickly, at least the original core of Nesser must be cracked by the God of Wisdom!

He has been studying for hundreds of years. If he can't, I can't believe that who else can. "

"I need this device to awaken the former power and open a new cosmic channel!"

"This is very important, it is related to the safety of the entire universe!"


Chen Mo was taken aback.

He thought that Lady Luck would try to persuade him in various ways, but he never expected this reason.

"Sorry, I'm past the second year of middle school to save the world."

Chen Mo said.

What kind of reason is this, is it too cliché?

But I feel that Lady Luck is not so mentally handicapped, and would make up such a weird reason.

"To tell you the truth, I am not from this universe."

"I come from another multidimensional universe. My race is called 'Kota', which is a top level 4 civilization. You can also call us Protoss!"

"Our multidimensional universe [has been attacked by some horrible life forms.

"Forget it, you don't understand even if I tell you."

"In short, I have extracted a lot of memories from the past consciousness fluctuations, and these memories are enough for me to have a full understanding of the present, this poor world of bubbles."

"The monsters that destroy the universe one by one are coming soon."

"I predict that it will only take about 900 years.

"The ending was pessimistic."

At this moment, Goddess Luck's breathing had calmed down. Only then did he realize that he seemed to be too excited and was too close to Chen Mo. The breath he exhaled sprayed on Chen Mo's face. She couldn't help but coughed dryly and stepped back. two steps.

*900 years...that time is still long, don't worry!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled and said.

But after thinking of a close value, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.


How long has the [Time] on the property panel been?

It seems to be 990!

Chen Mo glanced at it, and his whole heart went cold.

Looking at it now, the number there has suddenly changed to 900!

I don't know when it suddenly decreased by 90.

It is exactly the same as the value that Lady Luck said!

What the hell?!

This time, Chen Mo's face really changed.

Even Lady Luck could see it clearly.

"How is it? Your Star Soul world is also a very powerful world. At this moment, you should be vaguely aware of it?"

"Our Star Soul World has its own background, and I will find someone to verify what you said."

Chen Mo's face darkened.

At the same time, he asked: "Is there any more information about the race that destroyed the universe?"

"All I know is that they come from a heat-dead universe on the verge of 043's destruction, where everything expands to its limit, constantly collapses into white dwarfs, and then black holes, which are almost extinguished."

"However, it is precisely because of this hell-like environment that this terrible race was created."

"They devour everything, space, time, and even the dimension itself. Everything is turned into their energy for further expansion..."

"Anyway, pretty scary."

"When the time comes, there is only one way to go to destroy this world. Before that, we must accumulate enough materials and leave before they arrive."

Lady Luck spoke, with fear flashing in her eyes.

It seems that he has forgotten that he is a god.

Looks like a shivering rabbit.


"Continuously collect resources and restore strength, are you running away for the next time?"

Chen Mo couldn't help frowning.

In that case, you might as well be dead!

It's also too boring.

At the same time, Chen Mo was also somewhat certain that this matter might have something to do with him.

If you want to know the [Time] on the attribute panel, and what you have traveled through, you must face this so-called 'dimension devourer'

PS: Continue to the last chapter of the previous book, when the stars shine.

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