Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 347 Comrades? Give You A Ticket For A Dimensional Warship! (4 More)

"if not?"

"Do you know how it feels when ten Level 4 civilizations join forces and can't last ten million years?"

"Our people have been scattered and fled to different universes. Your world is fighting on its own. You can't even find a single person who can unite the entire civilization of the universe.

"Or, do you think the Star Soul World is very strong?"

Now that the words have been spoken, Lady Luck is not polite, and said directly, that's it? Vulnerable!

"It's impossible to retreat without a fight."

"Star Soul World will never agree."

Chen Mo said.

And he felt that things were not that simple, he would not think that what Lady Luck said was true just because of a coincidence of a number.

Even if it is true, the other party may have concealed key information.

You must know that for the same thing, only part of it is said, and the whole thing is procrastinated, and the feeling may be completely different.

Besides, is it possible for ordinary people to escape from the universe?

Even Lady Luck herself has to rely on the infinite energy of Nesser's core to open the channel.

Chen Mo has nowhere to run.

"I know you won't agree."

The goddess of luck said: "This universe is much stronger than ours, and there are more fourth-level civilizations, but none of you have reached the peak level, and you are even more hostile to each other. Even if you sense danger, you can't unite. Just like the current Temple of Heaven.

Everyone is thinking, if it doesn't work, they will break up. "

"Those who have a way out will not care about a fish soup that is about to dry up.

Imagine the great gods in your star-soul world, they have evolved wings long ago, they flapped their wings, flew to the next fish pond, and then waited for the devourer of dimensions to come, being driven away..."

"But every time, you can live a good time for tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, can't you?"

"Dimensional wars are far more cruel than you imagined. I can guarantee that you new civilizations will be absolutely terrified.

"It's not like it is now, eager to try, calling other civilizations indigenous, and still playing the game of buying and selling knowledge.

Chen Mo: "...


Chen Mo couldn't refute this time.

Fortunately, the Star Soul World is already a model of civilization, and it can be called a model of unity.

But if you put this unity on the scale between civilization and civilization, then you can't look at it.

It's just a mess of sand.

Everyone agrees that the universe is dark and cold, and so is the fact. The reality is forcing everyone, so there is no time to pay attention to unity.

Is it normal for big fish to eat small fish?

Moreover, since the rise of the Star Soul World, it has never encountered a single defeat.

Everyone feels that the star soul world is invincible.

In this case, cooperation?

Don't be ridiculous, Chen Mo is different, and there are racial characteristics in it.

The rest of the people didn't have such an idea at all.

Everyone regards the extermination of other races as the first choice.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, but just listen to what Lady Luck says, no one will think it's a big deal.

Isn't it just another powerful civilization?

Also the Dimension Devourer, they are also cosmic locusts themselves!

How do you know who is better if you don't try?

"What do you mean by telling me this? I'm not the helm of civilization. It's not up to me, a small person, to decide where this big ship will go."

Chen Mo doesn't intend to get entangled in the issue of strength.

This void PK is meaningless.

Lady Luck just wanted to win him over so that he could get Nesser's core.

"Nothing interesting, I just told you not to embarrass me anymore. I finally resurrected and regained some strength. After hundreds of years, we might all have to be a boat to run away

At that time, even if it is a comrade-in-arms.

There's no need to do things absolutely, right?

If you raise your hand high now, it is considered as investing in me in advance. "

"At that time, there will be a ticket for you on the dimensional warship."

Lady Luck put away her serious look, smiled and said.

Well....It turns out that Nesser's core is the engine of the dimensional battleship.

Chen Mo couldn't help muttering in his heart.

But there is no evidence to say, what happened hundreds of years later, is it selling boat tickets here now?

Nesser got the core, he can also build a dimensional battleship himself, as long as the .

As soon as Chen Mo had the idea of ​​infection and control of Goddess of Luck, he saw the other party's bright eyes, staring at him.

"Ahem...a boat ticket, it's too long for you to cash it out, so let's get something real"

Chen Mo said.

"The truth is, I will cooperate with you without the God of Light in this operation. Don't be so anxious. We have to confirm that the God of Wisdom has already entered the set."

"What do you say, my comrade in arms?"

"Don't talk about the relationship, you and I are not comrades-in-arms.

Chen Mo frowned.



"I'm on your body... I feel it..."

As she said that, Lady Luck approached, and the tip of her nose moved to Chen Mo's side, twitching slightly~

"々`A familiar smell, a breath that does not belong to this world.


Chen Mo smiled on his face, but felt a pity in his heart. He didn't know the location of the goddess of luck, or he would kill her directly.

Sure enough, none of these ancient gods was easy to mess with.

The source is dead but not stiff, this goddess of luck almost saw through her biggest secret.

But now, Chen Mo's foundation in the Star Soul world is already quite strong. Don't make a big deal about the time traveler or something, and it is impossible to be hammered by the stone.

After all, he was recognized by the laws of the Star Soul World.

"It seems that you have some means to see through fate or the future, so let me ask you, what is the specific time when the Dimension Devourer will arrive?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and asked again.

At the same time, he looked at his property panel.

The above time, with a slight jump, actually returned to the time of 991.

Ascending for 1 year, could it be said that...the civilization of Wen (Li's) in this universe has started to act?

Femiris, Goddess of Luck: "Time is constantly changing, and I can't make an accurate judgment. I can only tell you that this time should be between 900 and 1000 years, but it may suddenly take a turn for the worse. It depends on our time." The heads of the universe, how do you deal with it?"

"With our current strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to get in touch with these."

"But whenever my luck keeps getting worse, I know that those devourers are coming to an end.

"I haven't had much luck lately."

"However, you seem to be a very suitable candidate to fight against the 'Dimension Devourer'. If everyone in the universe chooses you as the child of destiny, you will become the destiny of the entire universe...

Speaking of this, Fimilis herself laughed.

This is obviously impossible.

In fact, although Chen Mo is an extremely terrifying genius, it is extremely difficult to get mixed up with the main god of the Star Soul World, let alone have influence in the entire universe. .

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