Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 350 Predicted Their Prediction! Take Off In Place! (1 More)

In other words, Li Po worked so hard to recruit people.

Doomed to be busy!

If they are tangled up, prepare to attack now.

Then Chen Mo panicked.

Because no matter how many legions he has, there are places he can't occupy, and it's impossible for Li Po to lead him around.

Because every move of Chen Mo is planned with Lady Luck.

These steps can stabilize the Temple of Heaven.

It is also in line with the "prejudgment" made by the God of Wisdom in the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, there is nothing that can be done in the face of people like him who came up in chaos and chaos.


They want to follow their ass, waiting for themselves to act first.

Instead of actively opening up the situation.

Then never try to win.

Thinking about picking up garbage, the layout is so low, then the garbage can't be picked up!

Chen Mo also needn't worry at all.

On the contrary, Li Po's "203" and others' way of seeking stability is in line with Chen Mo's wishes.

I love such cooperative colleagues!

If all the Star Soul Masters cooperated so actively, the whole world would be much better.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel happy.

Some looked forward to their expressions after seeing their big moves when they were ready.

I heard that Li Po and others are still buying a lot of equipment and expanding the spaceship to prepare for this big battle.

This wave, I'm afraid I'm going to lose blood.

"In this wave, I will definitely be able to infect and control most of the Temple of Heaven silently."

"At that time, the federal rewards alone will be very good."

"Not to mention, most of the Heavenly Temples have laid the foundation for me. These massive races alone are enough to make me a star god in an instant.

"in addition....."

"Having so many planets, I can grow a large number of planet brains, and the more powerful computing power is enough to make the star world more real, like a real world!"

Chen Mo was planning, feeling a little excited.

After all, this wave is a big one.

He also took a little risk.

At the same time, it must be enough to go east on both sides of the Temple of Heaven and the World of Star Soul!

For any Star Soul Master, the bigger the territory, the better.

The larger the site, the more resources it can develop various industries, and it also means that there are more subordinates.

These are all sources of star soul power.

Star God's achievement of eternity begins here.

Not to mention the astral world, which needs the material of the real world as support.

It looks like a castle in the air, and it is created out of nothing, but in fact, to allow consciousness to exist, a planet-level neural network is indispensable!

This is also the basis of Chen Mo's invincibility and fearlessness of death.

If you work hard to cultivate a technical overlord, and the opponent's neck was twisted with a click last time, and his consciousness dissipated, the loss is not ordinary!

Therefore, none of that can be called an endless human return tactic.

Chen Mo here, the consciousness does not die, grow a flesh and blood body, and then go on, this is the real sea of ​​people!

As Chen Mo becomes stronger and stronger, his main planet will also be transformed into stronger and stronger by him.

Because this is the home planet of all his subordinates!

Holy Terra will eventually become extremely powerful under the blessing of billions of powerful gods.

The final form should be similar to the Star Soul World.

In fact, the essence of the Star Soul World is the gathering of countless powerful Star Soul Lords and Star Gods. Because of this, the star consciousness (world law) of the Star Soul World is extremely powerful.

This kind of power far exceeds that of ordinary planets, even evil gods.

And this method, using the holy Terra, is also established.

Of course, since Holy Terra also belongs to the Star Soul World, the stronger it is, the stronger the Star Soul World will be!

However, the more power share Chen Mo provided, the greater the proportion of Star Soul World's response to him.

This is the essence of the law of the world.

Conquer and contribute to the world, and the world will pay attention to you in return.

When there are enough reports, they will gather authority, and you will become an influential person in the Star Soul world.

Has anyone thought about replacing the laws of the Star Soul World and becoming the Supreme Star God?


Not a lot.

It's almost impossible.

There are too many strong people in the Star Soul world, and their power is extremely scattered.

There are as many as 100 seats for those who have authority.

That is, the top 100 MPs.

Of course, all this is still too far away from Chen Mo.

He doesn't think about that yet.

Just use this as a goal and do some layout beforehand.

His layout mainly has 3,

The first is to expand the influence in the Lord of Star Soul and let more people join his knowledge system.

The second is to continuously strengthen your own main planet and make Holy Terra even more holy!

Thirdly, this is what most people are doing. Through continuous battles and plundering, more planets and resources are brought under the control of the Star Soul World, thus gaining the attention of the world law... 0

If any of the three layouts makes progress, Chen Mo's status in the Star Soul World can be improved.

The higher the status, the more resources the federation will give.

Natural strength skyrocketed.

The strength soars, and more knowledge can be obtained!

This is a virtuous cycle.

Among these three layouts, the one that Chen Mo is currently carrying out the most smoothly is the third one.

Fast progress!

But there are too many strong people in the Star Soul world, and the resources gathered by the Star Gods are even more countless.

So in the end, Chen Mo's contribution is not counted by the hall.

And because of this, he must be whole big.

This battle of the Temple of Heaven is a difficult opportunity.

Originally, the federation gave tens of millions of people the opportunity to make contributions, but now Chen Mo has the opportunity to eat a large piece of it alone!

Close to swallowing!

Such resources, even the Star Gods, cannot obtain them for the Star Soul World in a short period of time.

Needless to say, as long as you get it, you will be delighted!

Chen Mo's name, I dare not say that it resounds throughout the entire Star Soul world, but at least in the circle of Star Soul masters, it is about to explode completely.

And this, in turn, helps the implementation of his first and second plans!

Just swallow the Temple of Heaven and borrow their territory like the human head, Chen Mo will take off in place!

"Eh... don't you need to worry?"

Seeing Chen Mo's expression is calm, even, his thoughts don't seem to be on this matter. 2.3

Liu Ru was a little confused.

No matter what, this kind of sneaky, follow-up behavior of sharing benefits is very annoying, right?

Besides, on the surface, Li Po still likes Chen Mo very much.

"Li Po must have found a backer, maybe it's the Gray Steel Consortium, maybe it's something else."

"Of course, it's understandable for him to do this. To be honest, I'm moved. The benefits are too great. I dare say that almost all the star soul experts invited by him will participate."

"After all, that's a profit of at least tens of billions."

Liu Ru said again.

Try to make Chen Mo pay attention.

Strong strength does not necessarily have an advantage.

Shoot the bird.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chen Mo is a thorn in Tianshen Temple's side.

If you want to take action, the first unlucky person must be Chen Mo.

If you follow behind, you are lucky, not only can you pick up garbage, but you may not be able to eat meat. .

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