Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 351 Time Is Running Out! Evolve The Battleship! (2 More)

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements.

"Just cooperate with me."

It is inconvenient for Chen Mo to explain more, because Liu Ru is not his person after all.

The agreement between the two is still very loose.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense about some things.

This battle....... I must also win.

If it doesn't develop like this, the follow-up will be very difficult.

Chen Mo thought about the Dimension Devourer again.

He has a hint on the attribute panel, and what Goddess of Luck said, there is a high probability that it is true.

If that was the case, and ended up running away, then the current efforts would be meaningless.

Because he knows very well that the time when the Devourer of Dimensions arrives has a high probability of not changing evenly. Maybe when he wakes up tomorrow, there are only 800 years left.

It is not impossible to reduce a hundred years in one day.

After all, it has been reduced by 90 years at one time!

Therefore, this matter is actually quite urgent.

That's why he dared to promise Lady Luck a hundred years,

By that time, if he hadn't researched the Neisser core for 30 years, the probability was already low.

With the strength of the Star Soul World, Chen Mo believes that escaping will not be a problem.

But... in every war, someone has to pay the price.

Could he himself be one of the costs?

If you are assigned to the Rear Legion, count on the ticket from Lady Luck?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling worried.

But at the same time, fighting spirit was ignited.

You can't lie down straight away, can you?

We must seize every opportunity and become stronger quickly!

Chen Mo prefers to take his fate into his own hands!

"The first step is to control the entire Heavenly Temple area!"

"Then raise all the minions under your command to level 9, or even the depth of gods!"

"Then, it is to expand the influence, at least to be able to influence the situation in the Star Soul world, so that the preparations for the war can start ahead of time, and lean in the direction that is beneficial to you!

"If I can reach this point, with the ability of my race to devour evolution infinitely, I still have a chance to integrate the Star Soul World..."

Chen Mo thought of this and stopped abruptly.

It is quite dangerous to continue this idea.

Any member of parliament may perceive that there are unfavorable ideas for him.

It is quite dangerous to keep thinking about this kind of thing in your head.

"Okay, I will cooperate well."

"This can be regarded as your first battle when you emerge."

Liu Ru said.

Not knowing what was going on, she felt a little excited.

Although I know it is impossible, I still hope that Chen Mo can succeed.

There is a feeling of personally participating and creating a miracle.

Perhaps the genius who was blunted back then has not disappeared, and now he is ready to move again.

It feels like doing something big!

Of course, if Chen Mo's seemingly grand plan fails at the first step, and he still kneels in such a ridiculous and arrogant place, then the follow-up cooperation will be relatively uncertain.

Don't say it's a question of whether she wants it or not, even if it's Chen Mo himself, I'm too embarrassed to bring it up again.

From Liu Ru's point of view, Chen Mo's current wave is obviously a sure win, but now he is letting Li Po prepare?

Not arrogance, but absolute self-confidence!

Wait and see!

Chen Mo chatted with Liu Ru for a while, the specific cooperation details.

Then Liu Ru left.

Before leaving, she also said that she would go for a walk on the beach and visit Chen Mo's planet.

But looking at this planet full of star-soul world atmosphere, she couldn't help but have a doubt in her mind, is this kind of treatment really something that only a talented person can have?

You know, there are so many people in the Star Soul World, and the star gods are even more powerful, geniuses or not, in their eyes, it shouldn't be very important, right?

Chen Mo...... When exactly did he fall in love with that person?

You know, that's the Queen of Ice, a newly promoted powerful Star God.

If only I could win the favor of the other party, that would be great!

Shaking his head, if he doesn't think about it anymore.

Thinking too much will only increase the pain out of thin air.

"Great divine will, those who join your camp are getting stronger and stronger."

Seeing that the guests had already left, Oran couldn't help but speak.

The opponent is very strong.

If it weren't for the master's favor, she was afraid that she would not be an opponent.

At the same time, Oran also foresees that there will be more and more people like this in the future.

I also want to act as the face of the master, as one of the main combat forces, it must be stronger!

"Master~ I want to try to sprint to a stronger realm."

She took the initiative to speak.

Ai Xi is responsible for finding the source, so she has to contribute. Cultivation is what she is best at!

For his own people to be so motivated, Chen Mo naturally nodded in relief.

He can provide resources continuously.

Coupled with the idealist knowledge acquired by the sun god and the plague god, the snake-human queen can use it and go a step further!

"I will let Ashe cooperate with you to sort out a complete set of promotion methods that can be used by the snake people. I hope you can all be stronger."

"You will definitely advance!"

Chen Mo made a wish directly.

He had a hunch that Oran's promotion this time would break the record of the Temple of Heaven and become the fastest person to advance to the middle god.

Who doesn't want their right-hand man to be powerful and beautiful?

If you have something, you can leave it to them!

It's ok, you can...

All in all, very nice!

260 "In addition to the snake-human race and the collective upgrade of the mermaid race, my evolution battleship should also have results."

"If there is no accident, this battleship will have a very powerful ability in parasitic infection. It is fundamentally different from the current Fortress. At that time, one of the two will be responsible for fighting and the other will be responsible for infection harvesting."

The reason why Chen Mo thinks so is because he himself and the green skins have become stronger. Recently, he has harvested too much consciousness, and his ability to make wishes come true has been strengthened unprecedentedly.

Afterwards, Chen Mo took a closer look at the research progress of the technological overlord, and came to the same conclusion.

Turning his gaze, Chen Mo's gaze landed on the Tiberium ore planet.

At this time, there is already a sea of ​​people here.

Countless engineers and snake-humans are transforming and constructing this planet despite the powerful radiation mutation.

There are many gravitational cores that have also grown into place.

Tiberium ore will continue to drain the planet. It is foreseeable that in order to maintain the size of this battleship, it will need to continuously devour other planets in the future.

At this time, this star-level fortress named "Evolution Battleship" has already built test weapons.

A super-large 'mutation cannon' has been prepared.

This weapon will use energy irradiation to directly infect the creatures of another planet!.

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