Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 352 Variation Force Field! Fully Autonomous Superweapon! (1 More)

"The great divine will, this mutant cannon, will definitely contribute to the glorious evolutionary cause and disintegrate all provocative consciousness!"

The technical overlord patted his chest, promising to arrive with a bang.


Chen Mo nodded, waved his hand lightly, and he gave the order to start the test.

Next, there is no need for him to command. Under the dispatch of the technical overlord, the entire mutant cannon is busy.

The energy of the fake Neisser core burst out, causing electric currents to emerge around the entire mutation cannon.

The electric current is like a small snake, flowing around, and then disappearing.

Before the cannon was fired, the powerful radiation had already produced a terrifying ionization phenomenon.

After the calculation of the technical overlord, now this mutant cannon has gathered the ability of parasitic mushrooms. With just one shot, it can quickly crystallize the matter within 10 kilometers of the hit area, and the flesh and blood matter and consciousness will be quickly destroyed. Infect.

In this way, it can be shot down and transformed into the operation of one's own people in a unified way!

Of course, you can also choose the ability obtained from the evil spirit reincarnation pool, launch a reorganization beam, harvest and reorganize all consciousnesses, and turn them into terrifying evil spirits.

So far, the fortress battleship made by Chen Mo's Tiberium ore planet has not yet been formed.

But already in possession of two fearsome weapons.

The first is the 'consciousness restructuring machine' that uses the knowledge of the evil spirit reincarnation pool.

The second type is the 'mutation cannon' that uses the radiation and energy infection capabilities of Tiberium ore

The two abilities are different, but both can attack consciousness!

The first is to directly distort consciousness and turn it into a weapon.

The second is to harvest infected flesh and blood in batches, so as to infect and control creatures.

Next, Chen Mo just needs to wait for the final result!

I saw the mutant cannon turning rapidly, aiming at a battleship of the Temple of Heaven.

This battleship was captured by Chen Mo through hard work.

Has a complete defense.

But at this moment, they also know that they have become test subjects and are struggling desperately.

Even, the entire battleship is accelerating towards the stars.

They now have the chance to tear through space and escape before falling into the stars.

Chen Mo didn't stop him, the ordinary creatures he had watched before would not be able to escape his sight in this lifetime.

next moment,

The mutant cannon fired.

The entire creep was shining brightly, and suddenly, the radiation around the creep was emptied.

Even the Tiberium ore that spread wantonly on the ground dimmed slightly.

Radiation is emitted directly.

speed of light!

The next moment, the entire battleship was hit by the speed of light.

It's like being swept by a neutron star pulse.


In the next moment, electric current flickered in the entire battleship, and some unlucky crew members of the Temple of Heaven were directly turned into coke by the high-voltage current caused by radiation.

But most of the area, is still intact.

However, the next moment, the terrible crystallization phenomenon began to happen.

The entire battleship creaked, and scarlet crystals spread and grew from everywhere.

As the crystals grow, boom!

The first crew member exploded, the genes in his body had been recombined, the first one was infected, and then blasted out the sky full of parasitic spores.

One minute after the battleship was hit, the infection spread to the entire interior of the battleship.

Two minutes after the battleship was hit, the frenzy of infection had already overflowed the battleship.

Four minutes after the battleship was hit, the entire battleship could no longer see its original appearance. From the appearance, it looked like "ten deformed clumps full of sarcoma and spewing spores.

Put away the record.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

As long as it spreads to the entire Tiberium ore planet according to the standard of this mutation cannon, and the power of the radiation extracted is increased by another 100 million times, then the power will be... hiss!!

Chen Mo made a little calculation and was stunned.

Wait! This is still firing in points.

If this radiation spreads out in a the domain of the gods.

Then the area of ​​this radiation mutation field will reach... 9 billion kilometers!

Almost the range of a medium-sized star system.

That is to say, a star, the radiated light, can affect the range.

"Damn it, this power~~!

I was stunned and shocked in my heart.

With this weapon, what electromagnetic guns and laser cannons are needed?

At this time, his eyes fell on the giant mutant gun, and he was very excited. Even looking at this mutant gun like a turtle, he felt mighty and handsome.

Among all his weapons, this one is the most outrageous and the one he is most proud of.

Because the core ability comes from race.

And the knowledge basically comes from the accumulation along the way, as well as the research of the green leather engineers.

It is the most basic Tiberium ore planet, which is also made by Chen Mo himself!

The emergence of this mutant cannon is a long-term accumulation, harvested brick by brick!

It can be said that it is almost completely independent intellectual property rights.

If it is said that every god has a natal artifact, then the mutant cannon can be regarded as the artifact when Chen Mo became a star god!

At this moment, in Chen Mo's mind, Mutant Cannon is more powerful than Requiem!

So proud!

And if such a weapon is integrated into a piece of knowledge and promoted...

Imagine the current status of Requiem, in a sense, this is a symbol of the Star Soul world!

If you can achieve the benchmark Requiem.

No, it's not even necessary, even if it only has one percent of his status, it will cause Chen Mo's status in the Star Soul World to undergo an earth-shaking change.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, the cost of this weapon is ridiculously high.

Not to mention rookies, even many Star Soul Masters can't afford it.

Moreover, the principle is also very scary.

This involves his cards.

Of course, devouring evolution will never stop. The current hole card will be the backward weapon in the future, and it can be displayed!

With the support of two weapons of mass destruction, Chen Mo is even more looking forward to the follow-up full-body "evolution battleship"!

(Is that okay) "々`It's really not easy, I have developed for so long, and finally have my own unique super weapon.

"This kind of knowledge about emitting mutated energy to infect the target area can be collectively called a mutated force field.

Chen Mo concluded.

And classify this knowledge into advanced materialism knowledge.

Of course, if someone heard this, they would definitely roll their eyes.

It has been developed for so long, listen to this, is it human?

If you are full of money, you will not eat much!

"With this weapon, when the time comes, ordinary enemies, as long as the warships approaching, directly mutate, without any doubt, continue to evolve, and when others see my battleships, mushrooms will start to appear all over their bodies.

Chen Mo is very confident about this.

This is his practice of his original idea, starting to interfere with consciousness from matter.

And at one point, it has achieved the ultimate.

Of course, this is just the extreme of a point, and the technology tree cannot continue to go up!.

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