Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 353 Infection Is Spreading! The Way To Make Money: Picking Up Trash! (2 More)

"Congratulations, Master~ The evolutionary power of your subordinates has once again increased.

At this moment, Ashe came over.

She has a smile on her face, and the strength of the master makes her very happy!

This kind of power is simply astonishing, especially the Tiberium ore, which is inextricably linked with their mermaid clan.

I feel that I have also contributed to this powerful weapon.

At this point, she vaguely understands what is called, knowledge is power.

I also understand why the master keeps collecting various races and consumes a lot of energy to maintain the astral world.

Thinking about it, there will be more and more such achievements in the future.

"In the future, there will be more power like this, not just parasitic."

Chen Mo said.

Growth, engulfment, hallucinogenic, toxin, parasitic, nerve, metal, electricity, high energy, gravity, perception, brainwave, self-explosion, space

Chen Mo glanced at the ability of the mushroom race.

How many of them, like a 'parasitic' glance, can reach the pinnacle of evolution?

According to the deduction system, every ability is crucial and can evolve to be very powerful.

In other words, each item has this potential!

But now, just a 'parasite' is so awesome.

A super weapon was derived.

What would happen if everything evolved to the extreme?

640 Chen Mo can't imagine.

Because he wasn't that awesome.

But that didn't stop him from looking forward to it.

And you can imagine that compared to the god of plague, he is actually the same, the plague virus is already a god.

Queen of Ice, Master of Space...

These estimates are more or less the same.

If everything has reached the level of gods, plus the support from the authority of the Star Soul world, wouldn't it be...


At this moment, Chen Mo was full of motivation.

The worries from the Dimension Devourer have also calmed down a little.

As long as the strength continues to grow, it will be able to cope with the changing situation!

"Great divine will, the test was quite successful, this is the data!"

A technical overlord was so excited that he prostrated himself in front of Chen Mo and submitted the experimental data.

Chen Mo nodded, his eyes fell on the giant mutant cannon,

A summary of the data emerges:

【Variation Cannon】

【Status: Experimental model, slightly damaged】

[Origin]: Obtained through research in the battle of the Temple of Heaven, the creator, Chen Mo, the star soul powerhouse.

The powerful parasitic infection ability and what method can be used as a carrier. On this issue, we have made a breakthrough in melee combat. Starting from this weapon, the boundary between materialism and idealism began to blur, and we finally have a way to use matter to strongly interfere with consciousness.

[Description]: This strange radiation weapon can cause powerful damage to flesh and matter. But neither is lethal, but based on crystallization and infection, step-by-step

The most powerful point is that these attacks are basically unable to be effectively defended against, and even the defensive substance itself can be corroded and infected by this kind of radiation. It has to be said that the radiation of Tiberium ore is very effective for devices such as energy defense. very effective

Unusual, this time the description is very long.

Usually a little bit.

Chen Mo can also understand the mood of the technological overlord. If he encounters such a unique weapon, and it is made by himself, he should record it carefully.

No matter what, the evolution battleship completed based on the transformation of the 'mutation force field' will definitely shake the entire theater, or in other words, the entire group of Star Soul Masters.

Because it has been a long time, no new, so efficient weapon has been born.

Everyone is almost Requiem, making some micro-innovations.

Such brand-new knowledge and brand-new weapons, invented by a star-soul expert, will definitely shock everyone.

Generally speaking, to develop this kind of advanced knowledge, one needs at least the Star God Realm.

And it's not an ordinary star god, at least it has to be a star god who has received the attention of the laws of the world!

But Chen Mo once again created a miracle.

At that time, all Star Soul Masters, no matter they are veterans or not, will be eclipsed in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's fame will reach a whole new level.

It also happened to be the first wave of advertisements for him to enter the Star God Realm!

At that time, combined with Liu Ru's publicity, I believe the effect will be quite good.

Afterwards, Chen Mo let the mutant cannon test fire a few more times.

After 3 times, the entire mutant cannon itself (daff) has been crystallized.

Completely scrapped.

But it doesn't matter, the technology is here and can be improved!

At that time, the entire Tiberium ore planet will not only be a major mining town, but also a powerful weapon.

Ore planets and superweapons?

Most people have no way of imagining how these two things are connected.

But here in Chen Mo, it is perfect use!

Not long after, Chen Mo checked the weapons manufacturing situation.

After supervising the speed again, he turned his gaze and looked at an area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

Here, the covert landing of the spacecraft, the infection spreads on the crew.

But they are all at the microscopic level of genes. From the perspective of idealist civilization, they are no different from curses, and it is difficult to prevent them.

Just relying on purification, the parasites cannot be removed now.

The spaceship was ordered to go to a jackal home planet to receive a batch of resources.

This mother star has no gods.

In other words, the probability of infection being discovered is very low.

Similar spaceships have been issued legion mobilization orders from the core area of ​​Tiantian Temple.

Some are orders from the God of Wisdom, and some are from the God of Light and the Goddess of Luck.

As high-level gods, they all have the right to intervene in the alliance command room to a certain extent.

Of course, the supreme power is in the hands of the God of Wisdom, because he is the representative chosen by the gods.

However, the God of Light and the Goddess of Luck have been in business for many years, and it is easy to mobilize some insignificant troops.

Even, there is no need to issue orders directly.

Quietly, the infection has begun.

And it's extremely fast.

Chen Mo has a little perception, he has now spread to almost 20% of the edge planets of the Temple of Heaven.

When the gods are aware of it, it is estimated that there will be at least 50%.

By then, they probably will be in a hurry.

But it doesn't matter, just to urge them.

At this time, the theater channel was extremely lively.

Because someone discovered that Chen Mo's movements actually slowed down.

This caused many people to complain.

"Hey! Boss Chen Mo, keep going, I'm too busy picking up trash!"

"I finally understand the true meaning of making a fortune, which is to follow Chen Mo and pick up the leaks."

"Hey, I have already occupied a mining planet, a wave of fat!"

"Is this also called a wave of fat? I put all the money I earned into it, and recruit soldiers to buy it. This time, I will be the king of garbage behind Chen Mo!"

"Me too!"

"Brothers, it's strange, it seems that not only Chen Mo, but many big bosses are silent now, are they secretly getting rich!"

There was a lot of discussion.

There is speculation whether Chen Mo is in trouble.

There are also speculations as to whether the other big shots are making big moves.

What's more, I feel good, I feel that following Chen Mo, I got a big deal.

However, they did not stop in time, but continued to increase investment.

They are all ready to make a big wave.

Because there are still many high-value planets in the Temple of Heaven, and Chen Mo alone can never occupy them all.

Just watch Chen Mo attack and they have a chance. .

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